I know man. I really hate how she moves her arms back so he can grab them.Wow... This gif. is really uncomfortable to watch.
I know man. I really hate how she moves her arms back so he can grab them.Wow... This gif. is really uncomfortable to watch.
Daddario had both the girls and guys swooning when we saw San Andreas. It's also the third movie Rock's shared the screen with Carla Gugino.
Did Kevin Owens lose some weight?
He pretty much did that in my favorite Kofi Kingston match
Ref should have counted a pin since his shoulders were on the mat.
Wow... This gif. is really uncomfortable to watch.
submission only match.
Well then.....
that was.....something.
Though, clearly they never show her body so obviously that means she will come back to the arena in the middle of a James Storm match to get even.
I saw San Andreas last night and enjoyed it for the dumb action movie it was. I have no regrets. Although both my wife and I were distracted by Alexandra Daddario's breasts. They never stopped jiggling.
Bono-chan is always watching.
This is hilarious. After Mickie James death on impact someone is posting her upcoming appearances in the third person.
So does James Storm have her phone and is plugging her upcoming dates knowing that she can't make them. What a heel.
Also has anyone kicked out of Big Shows KO punch yet? Why the fuck does he get a super protected finisher?
Yeah she has that strange attraction to her, not entirely sure on her acting ability (not that San Andreas is a fair basis to judge acting on), but she was nice to watch. The movie was fine and the set pieces were decent - though I was expecting something BIGGER. Not entirely sure what though. It had the right amount of cheese/cheer ratio. Suck it, movie snobs.
I think it's time for a return of those 1000 year old demons
Who do you think is causing the earthquakes....?
Here's the list of people known to be at the NXT try-outs this weekend;
- Johnny Gargano (current SMASH Wrestling Champion, former DGUSA Champion, former AIW Absolute Champion)
- Biff Busick (former CZW World Heavyweight Champion)
- Drew Gulak (former CZW World Heavyweight Champion)
- Chuck Taylor (former CHIKARA tag champion, former IWA-MS Heavyweight Champion)
- Jimmy Preston (New England indie wrestler)
- Taeler Hendrix (former TNA Knockout, former OVW Women's Champion)
- Athena (current ACW American Joshi Champion, former AIW Women's Champion, former ACW TV Champion)
- Jessicka Havok (former TNA Knockouts Champion, former WSU Champion, fomer AIW Women's Champion)
- Gisele Shaw (graduate of the Lance Storm Wrestling Academy)
- Andrea (formerly Rossie Lottalove from TNA, she's lost a ton of weight)
- Matt Riddle (former UFC & Bellator fighter)
- Dianna Dahlgren (IFBB Pro Bikini Competitor)
- Nikki Galladay (from TV's Bad Girls Club)
They ought to sign about half of those.
Fucking lol at Gulak getting a tryout, he's not gonna do shit
Taeler Hendrix is really awful. If she gets a developmental over Athena
well, I wouldn't be surprised
I wonder if Kofi realizes how fucking lucky he is?
Triple H
...big show...
ESPECIALLY with Biff there - it's like, "oh hey, here's a dude who's just like you, but pretty much superior in every way". Also, WWE. It's time. Please take Gargano away.
I wanna see Brock vs Ziggler. Dolph's selling would be amazing.
Biff isn't just superior, Drew's got the largest 'big fish in small pond' syndrome I've ever seen. He needs to either stamp that shit out immediately or just accept it.
I kinda wondered why Drew hasn't really done shit in indie wrestling outside of CZW, dude has the tools to do well in somewhere like ROH.
I kinda wondered why Drew hasn't really done shit in indie wrestling outside of CZW, dude has the tools to do well in somewhere like ROH.
Chuckie T ain't getting no contract with that wimpy body of his
Best hit up Neville for some 'supplements'
- Nikki Galladay (from TV's Bad Girls Club)
Kofi is gonna get completely squashed though...
Chuck Taylor is the perfect example of an NXT lifer if there ever was one.
Here's the list of people known to be at the NXT try-outs this weekend;
- Johnny Gargano (current SMASH Wrestling Champion, former DGUSA Champion, former AIW Absolute Champion)
- Biff Busick (former CZW World Heavyweight Champion)
- Drew Gulak (former CZW World Heavyweight Champion)
- Chuck Taylor (former CHIKARA tag champion, former IWA-MS Heavyweight Champion)
- Jimmy Preston (New England indie wrestler)
- Taeler Hendrix (former TNA Knockout, former OVW Women's Champion)
- Athena (current ACW American Joshi Champion, former AIW Women's Champion, former ACW TV Champion)
- Jessicka Havok (former TNA Knockouts Champion, former WSU Champion, fomer AIW Women's Champion)
- Gisele Shaw (graduate of the Lance Storm Wrestling Academy)
- Andrea (formerly Rossie Lottalove from TNA, she's lost a ton of weight)
- Matt Riddle (former UFC & Bellator fighter)
- Dianna Dahlgren (IFBB Pro Bikini Competitor)
- Nikki Galladay (from TV's Bad Girls Club)
Here's the list of people known to be at the NXT try-outs this weekend;
[*]Chuck Taylor (former CHIKARA tag champion, former IWA-MS Heavyweight Champion)
I'm really surprised WWE hasn't tried to pursue Miyahara. He's taller than KENTA, younger than KENTA, and can work more match variety than KENTA.
Trips probably don't torrent AJPW yet though so he don't know about him
Sadly yes.Is Tyson hurt?