I'm always down for a heel turn, but it made little sense for him to team up with McMahon. I know that from Austin's standpoint he was willing to do whatever it took to get the title, but it made little sense for McMahon to want to join him, and even less sense for HHH to join them (and play second fiddle to a guy he just beat in a brutal match).
Man, you know what would be fun? Having Cena do the voice acting for the player character in a balls-out action game. Some Gears of War or Wolfenstein kind of game or a Platinum thing.
Where does this put us on the Kofi clock?
Here's the list of people known to be at the NXT try-outs this weekend;
- Johnny Gargano (current SMASH Wrestling Champion, former DGUSA Champion, former AIW Absolute Champion)
- Biff Busick (former CZW World Heavyweight Champion)
- Drew Gulak (former CZW World Heavyweight Champion)
- Chuck Taylor (former CHIKARA tag champion, former IWA-MS Heavyweight Champion)
- Jimmy Preston (New England indie wrestler)
- Taeler Hendrix (former TNA Knockout, former OVW Women's Champion)
- Athena (current ACW American Joshi Champion, former AIW Women's Champion, former ACW TV Champion)
- Jessicka Havok (former TNA Knockouts Champion, former WSU Champion, fomer AIW Women's Champion)
- Gisele Shaw (graduate of the Lance Storm Wrestling Academy)
- Andrea (formerly Rossie Lottalove from TNA, she's lost a ton of weight)
- Matt Riddle (former UFC & Bellator fighter)
- Dianna Dahlgren (IFBB Pro Bikini Competitor)
- Nikki Galladay (from TV's Bad Girls Club)
Here is Meltzer's ratings for Elimination Chamber:
Cena vs Owens the sequel has a lot to live up too.
Is it wrong that I want Ryback to come to the ring holding the belt in his teeth?
I'm happy that Austin and Vince both seem to agree that in hindsight it was a really bad move.
Guys, I watched Pitch Perfect for the first time ever today. I...really liked it. Had some issues, but was way more intelligent and entertaining than it had any right to be.
Guys, I watched Pitch Perfect for the first time ever today. I...really liked it. Had some issues, but was way more intelligent and entertaining than it had any right to be.
I'm thinking that Lance Storm's student will get signed. His academy students have had a decent chance to get into NXT. (Emma, Breeze, and someone else who didn't go too far in FCW/NXT, I think)
...well, 2/3 ain't badSylvester Lefort is also a Storm graduate.
The G1 doesn't start until July 20th.
If you don't watch Hannibal: watch Hannibal, friends. Holy shit <3
She is training with The Brian Kendrick and will most likely have a NXT stint.What happened with Eva Marie?
She is training with The Brian Kendrick and will most likely have a NXT stint.
I don't think the NXT audience appreciated her Instagram training propaganda.What happened with Eva Marie?
I saw Eva on Late Night last night, she was cute. Seth Meyers is unfunny af though.
Love the lifting belt
No one from BJW is in this years G1
Guys we need a Brock countdown.
Serp, I finally caught in some CWfH and it's totally changed. A weak heel group worse than the Authority has all the titles. Got a nice tag team that can do some damage. Marquez got his sons helping him and might recuit Luchas on that show.
It's Vermin. My bad for not naming them. There was suppose to be a fans bring weapons match featuring Othello vs one of Stu Stone's guy either this week or next week. Your right on the midcarders, kinda meh but some are funny to watch them wrestle.some solid Lucha dudes would do them good, because tbh a lot of the regular featured midcarders are pretty mediocre. I haven't watched since a few months ago, i think, when PPray had a match against Thatcher & Gulak. also, you talking about the Vermin or did another group pop up when i wasn't looking?
It's Vermin. My bad for not naming them. There was suppose to be a fans bring weapons match featuring Othello vs one of Stu Stone's guy either this week or next week. Your right on the midcarders, kinda meh but some are funny to watch them wrestle.
Yuma got his push. He's champ now. Kevin Masterson has to defend his TV title every week until he loses. I also need to catchup on the shows.oh man, that could be really fun or really bad, but still fun. I back them on their Patreon bc it's only $2 a month, so like why not. I'm gonna pick up on it again after i get caught up on NXT, though. Vermin is eh but i think they're sorta watchable? from when i last watched, YUMA was getting a big singles push and he was doing aight
Del Rey's moving up to work with the main roster Divas - also, Robby Brookside is apparently the trainer that deserves far more credit than he's getting for his work with the NXT women's wrestlers.
Lapsed Fan podcast did a review of Canadian Stampede 97, and its pretty much a 4 hour (!!) dedication to Real Ass Stone Cold. They understand Austin changed from 97 to 98, into more of a caricature of his original character.
Real Ass Stone Cold was a god damn treasure.
Just resubbed to NJPWorld and holy shit...I missed a lot in three weeks.