Bryan beat him cleaner than anyone and he's never got that back. So I'd say that one.
That wasn't a feud, that was a match.
Bryan beat him cleaner than anyone and he's never got that back. So I'd say that one.
It doesn't work that way.
I love that everyone is saying cena will get fed to lesnar.
Cena doesnt lose, he didnt lose to brock when they went at mitb in chicago, why would brock magically win at summerslam?
The plan was for Cesaro to turn face and fight Brock Lesnar and Heyman at WM31.
John only lost pseudo-clean to Bryan because they're future brother-in-laws. And Orton still screwed D.Brine afterwards so nobody cared.Yes, I mean, John Cena has never lost clean at Summerslam. That has never happened. And no, being shoot injured doesn't count.
Bork is losing to Bryan, the question is when.
If they can get Rock for Mania he'll drop it at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble. If they can't then they'll push it to Mania.
When was the last time fans threw trash into the ring?
Lesnar doesn't sell PPVs? Uhm... Okay.You seem to forget bootista is under contract and has a movie in august. Lesnar won't win anything, he has no reason to. Lesnar doesn't sell PPVs. Brock v rock at wm is more likely then cena v brock
Marks not seeing the big picture like usual.
They won't. They're hooked. They need to rewatch those 1990s Attitude Era RAWs some more.I hope to god everyone actually has the conviction to cancel, because I really need WWE's subscription numbers to fall below 300k.
Why should a legitimate former UFC champ job to a guy who can't even the drop the belt in the ring, like a real man?
The plan was for Cesaro to turn face and fight Brock Lesnar and Heyman at WM31.
I hope to god everyone actually has the conviction to cancel, because I really need WWE's subscription numbers to fall below 300k.
Tried? I just broke my 6 month commitment. The WWE can't do anything about it.
Was Ambrose good in the first MitB match?
That wasn't a feud, that was a match.
Back when wrestling was real, not this cartoony kids shit like WWE.
RIP in peace Rollins Da GOAT!
LOL, alright, you got me.You don't think putting the straps on Cena, with his massive crossover appeal, will have any effect at all? What's the Wall Street Journal saying?
Lesnar doesn't sell PPVs? Uhm... Okay.
The event was great even with Cena winning. Brock will crush Cena at summerslam and ask week be fine with this finish. The crowd didn't dunno all over the finish line I expected. It was like they popped, but there were more cheers than boos surprisingly.
Maybe just because it wasn't a win for Orton and the authority.
Best live event I've been to. After the horrendous survivor series I saw in Boston a few years back that felt deserved. The briefcase match was the best and the finish made sense. A good up and comer has the case and massive heel heat. That works for me.
I hope to god everyone actually has the conviction to cancel, because I really need WWE's subscription numbers to fall below 300k.
do you actually want this service to fail? i don't know man that's kinda stretching it.
i haven't watched in ages but Cesaro CANNOT walk around without a manager. his mic skills are abysmal.
His pre-match promo earlier in the PPV was pure gold. Ambrose is going to own this singles gimmick and elevate himself despite losing almost every singles match he's in.Ambrose was really good, crowd was ridiculously hot for him
They aren't going to sue him for it.
They stopped accepting my paypal and I simply get emails about I haven't paid them in a while.
By cancelling the credit card you used? Enjoy bill collectors hounding you and your credit score going to crap.
So when a champion faces a challenger and the match has weeks of buildup, that's not a feud? Okay. Feuds don't have to go on for months.
lmao @ this thread's salt. ready for the "I'm not salty tho" lies too. eat your cake.
You seem to forget bootista is under contract and has a movie in august. Lesnar won't win anything, he has no reason to. Lesnar doesn't sell PPVs. Brock v rock at wm is more likely then cena v brock
Marks not seeing the big picture like usual.
By cancelling the credit card you used? Enjoy bill collectors hounding you and your credit score going to crap.
They had exactly one promo together. The feud leading up to the match was Bryan vs Vince.
Fuck this company. They have no fucking clue what the people want anymore even if they are fucking SCREAMING at them. To me, this is WORSE than the end of Royal Rumble.
Fuck this company. They have no fucking clue what the people want anymore even if they are fucking SCREAMING at them. To me, this is WORSE than the end of Royal Rumble.
The service already is failing! I just need it to go from "oh fuck, this might have been a bad bet" to "well, that sank our company" levels.
but dude, you really want the consumer to spend 60 a month besides 10 + the product's bulk library?
Fuck this company. They have no fucking clue what the people want anymore even if they are fucking SCREAMING at them. To me, this is WORSE than the end of Royal Rumble.
Don't try to bring logic at him. It won't work.
I hope to god everyone actually has the conviction to cancel, because I really need WWE's subscription numbers to fall below 300k.
and I don't believe that DB is getting a push when he gets back.
and I don't believe that DB is getting a push when he gets back.