Professor Beef
That extra burger was probably worth it
I'm still in shock. Batista, of all people, is in better shape than Hero is.
That extra burger was probably worth it
What other boards that are so much deeper and cooler? DVDVR?
On a side note, how did you feel about Paul Ryan?
honestly, tanahashi needs to stop being a sina and give it to him.
yuuuuupI really would like to dive into other feds, but dat lack of money
DVDVR's alright, but with most of the 80's stuff being lost after the crash, I usually read ProWrestlingOnly. Only place you get people arguing that John Cena and Negro Navarro are the top 2 workers of 2010.
He's an Ayn Rand-loving hypocritical asshole. Next question?
Duncan stop trying to make Shibata happen. It's not going to happen.
All those subscribers will re up for summer slam most likely. But whatever.
I enjoy the product.i enjoy the talent. Cena is far from my favorite but he's been the main face for ten years because he's been the main draw for that long. He still draws and sells merchandise and all the people who boo him specifically when there are lots of other people in a match, out when he on the ring apron in a tag match are keeping him relevant.
I like some faces and heels. I love the effort ask the guys put in to put on a good show.
We hate on Randy but the guy took his licks tonight for our kicks.
What are your opinions on socialism and HBO Go?
I'm more concerned about who's going to get injured during the G1 and put the booking all to hell.
He's one of the most over faces in the entire company. Is this like when people say Naito's not over when his merch is always top 5 sellers?
G1 is pretty crappy this year, unless I'm surprised, honestly. A bunch of matches we've already seen with a similar roster, Shelton Benjamin is still there for SOME reason(can we just get rid of gaijins if they're not in the fucking bullet club? I mean get rid of them too but what's even the purpose of Davey Boy Jr, Shelton, and Lance?), and only a few realistic winners.
I think Tanahashi will win. I honestly do. I'd like Shibata or Anderson, but I think Tanahashi will be the most realistic 'surprise.'
Duncan stop trying to make Shibata happen. It's not going to happen.
Jesus Christ.
Duncan stop trying to make Shibata happen. It's not going to happen.
He got that Gucci Mane trap belly
that bitch I might be line still kills me
How can anyone defend Chris Hero. Dude is lazy as fuck. HE COULD'VE BEEN A STAR.
Social democracy is alright, actual socialism, like libertarianism or most other -ism's wouldn't work outside a 100-person society.
HBO Go is cool, I guess? But, people thinking HBO can stay solvent by just charging everybody $25 for HBO Go regardless of whether or not they have a cable subscription don't understand how current day economics for cable channels work.
You guys really think Styles is gonna have the belt until WK?
Bo's in no better shape than Chris was in NXT. Yet he's given multiple chances, was pushed as the leader of that brand despite being useless at the time, and will never be anywhere near as good as Chris is in the ring. Why should he give a fuck?
The dude was fucking obese in his early career so I'm not sure why he'd start giving a fuck once he put his life into wrestling and was let go whilst worse people (with equally bad physiques) were left on.
You guys really think Styles is gonna have the belt until WK?
Wait what? Hero was never obese. You serious?
Social democracy is alright, actual socialism, like libertarianism or most other -ism's wouldn't work outside a 100-person society.
HBO Go is cool, I guess? But, people thinking HBO can stay solvent by just charging everybody $25 for HBO Go regardless of whether or not they have a cable subscription don't understand how current day economics for cable channels work.
Wait what? Hero was never obese. You serious?
Wait what? Hero was never obese. You serious?
Cena's popularity is at the expense of everyone else. The only guys who have come out looking better after feuding with him are probably Edge and CM Punk (and maybe Daniel Bryan, but they've only had 1 or 2 matches). Rub after rub has been wasted on Cena, and the result is that he's sucked up ALL the merchandise sales.
The fact that he draws and sells merchandise isn't the problem. It's that he sucks up all the drawing power and all the merchandise sales because he always ends up burying everyone else.
Remember a few years ago how Rey Mysterio won the title on RAW, then Cena beat him later in the evening? (Think it was after punk beat him in chicago and left with the title). And then they shook hands? It's basically sending a signal to all the little kids that love mysterio, hey, when mysterio's gone, Cena's your guy. Don't go to Kofi. Don't go to Cody. Don't go to these other guys on this diverse roster we have. Join the Cenation.
They have consolidated all the drawing power of the late 90s and early-mid 2000s into one person, Cena.
I think there's two possibilities.
Styles holds it 'til WK and drops it to Nakamura.
Or, Okada wins it back at some point, leading to Nakamura vs. Okada at the Dome.
Either way, I'm 75% sure Nakamura is main eventing the Dome against Okada.
He really ought to, but it's...not...I dunno man. I just dunno. I think so.
He was a tub of shit in IWA:MS
Bo's in no better shape than Chris was in NXT. Yet he's given multiple chances, was pushed as the leader of that brand despite being useless at the time, and will never be anywhere near as good as Chris is in the ring. Why should he give a fuck?
The dude was fucking obese in his early career so I'm not sure why he'd start giving a fuck once he put his life into wrestling and was let go whilst worse people (with equally bad physiques) were left on.
Did anyone really not expect this to happen? Cena has not had his gold in too long of a period. They needed to re-fill his pool of salty tears so it was bound to happen.
I too would love to see Okada vs Nakamura at the Dome but Okada has to win the title before the end of the year but then where does that put Styles? And Bullet Club. Will be interesting to see what happens.
Bo Dallas is supposed to be a unliked heel because of how unliked he's been for ages. That's why he still has a job.
Cena's popularity is at the expense of everyone else. The only guys who have come out looking better after feuding with him are probably Edge and CM Punk (and maybe Daniel Bryan, but they've only had 1 or 2 matches). Rub after rub has been wasted on Cena, and the result is that he's sucked up ALL the merchandise sales.
The fact that he draws and sells merchandise isn't the problem. It's that he sucks up all the drawing power and all the merchandise sales because he always ends up burying everyone else.
Remember a few years ago how Rey Mysterio won the title on RAW, then Cena beat him later in the evening? (Think it was after punk beat him in chicago and left with the title). And then they shook hands? It's basically sending a signal to all the little kids that love mysterio, hey, when mysterio's gone, Cena's your guy. Don't go to Kofi. Don't go to Cody. Don't go to these other guys on this diverse roster we have. Join the Cenation.
They have consolidated all the drawing power of the late 90s and early-mid 2000s into one person, Cena.
You guys really think Styles is gonna have the belt until WK?
Cena had the WWE championship from April 2013 through August (Summerslam).
Then two months later he was back on top (in late october through mid december), this time as the World Heavyweight champion.
Then he feuded with the Wyatts.
And now he's champion again.
He's one of the most over faces in the entire company. Is this like when people say Naito's not over when his merch is always top 5 sellers?
G1 is pretty crappy this year, unless I'm surprised, honestly. A bunch of matches we've already seen with a similar roster, Shelton Benjamin is still there for SOME reason(can we just get rid of gaijins if they're not in the fucking bullet club? I mean get rid of them too but what's even the purpose of Davey Boy Jr, Shelton, and Lance?), and only a few realistic winners.
I think Tanahashi will win. I honestly do. I'd like Shibata or Anderson, but I think Tanahashi will be the most realistic 'surprise.'
Mid-00's, Hero was pretty fat. Maybe not morbidly obese by medical terms, but in wrestling terms, guy did not look like a legit guy at all, but a backyarder.
Bullet Club's about to disintegrate. They'll get all the gold but AJ will lose at a critical juncture, or they'll ALL lose in one night, or something. It'll be big and quick, the way it oughtta be.
This is BS two second fantasy booking, but Styles can face Tanahashi since Styles is the "leader of the Bullet Club and ole' Hiroshi is the "leader" of the New Japan Army.
There is no point in getting mad over it anymore. It will and probably is soon going to come crashing down on them for doubling down on one person like that. I just laugh this shit off because of how flawed thinking it is.
I find it funny friends.
Bullet Club's about to disintegrate. They'll get all the gold but AJ will lose at a critical juncture, or they'll ALL lose in one night, or something. It'll be big and quick, the way it oughtta be.