What does Bray do now?
According to advertising for Battleground, he's facing
What does Bray do now?
Best thing tonight was the debut of Axel's new wardrobe.
Hit the nail on the head.Some of us don't have time for that.
As much as we bitch, it's honestly not that big of a deal for us. We watch RAW sometimes, and try to keep up with the PPV's, hoping something will happen to draw us back. We watch the WWE because it's easy. It's on our TV. We don't have to learn another language, and search online to see what's going on. It's also hard for us to connect with the characters with a language barrier, and that's a major part of why we watch.
What does Bray do now?
So whats the best way for me to start watching New Japan Pro Wrestling? I have some more free time now that I don't have classes to worry about. I'm reading up on this G1 tournament I've heard so much about and it sounds cool.
Hopefully you guys will make time for Japanese culture and watch some Puro Resu.
According to advertising for Battleground, he's facing.Sheamus
So whats the best way for me to start watching New Japan Pro Wrestling? I have some more free time now that I don't have classes to worry about. I'm reading up on this G1 tournament I've heard so much about and it sounds cool.
According to advertising for Battleground, he's facing.Sheamus
What does Bray do now?
Will there every come a point where the remaining people who watch WWE and attend theie events finally say:
I've had enough of this same ol' crap! So fuck this whole thing!
They stop watching/going and the WWE never recovers financially from the loss of their fanbase?
It'd be nice if there were subtitles in japanese matches. It's like I'm trying to watch raw anime episodes otherwise.
It'd be nice if there were subtitles in japanese matches. It's like I'm trying to watch raw anime episodes otherwise.
I'd say jump right in. That's what I did. This guide will help.
aw yiss. Time to start reading. Thanks!
He lost clean to Batista at Summerslam 2008. Totally, 100% clean. Do you do any research before you get huffy and puffy?
You don't like dealing with smarks on the Internet, but have been directly interacting with them like so for over a decade? You're not good at this 'walking away' thing.
Follow your own advice and leave a thread you don't like then.
That's a lame tramp stamp joke on your part sunnyHonestly, this year's G1, I feel Lance Archer is going to have a LOT of time in the sun.
This is pretty much where im at as well. I'm not trying to spin this into "the attitude era was way better" argument but thats when i was thoroughly engaged in the product and i just got back into it right after a lil over a year now; right after the wrestlemania where cena beat rock and for the past year any "top tier" players/feuds/title shots have been amongst the same 4 or 5 dudes. Orton, cena, triple h, bryan and like whatever dude has a big enough push at the moment that can spice things up going into a ppv (i.e. roman reigns, bray wyatt)Okay, so I have to ask now... Whose fault is this? Who takes the blame for John Cena being the center of the WWE Universe? I remember during the days before Cena when there was so much talent, you could enjoy an entire RAW, depending on the booking. Now there are so many snoozefests on Monday night now, it makes no sense as to why the show is 3 hours long now. So is the new talent to blame? Are they not interesting enough to keep the crowd hyped before the main event? Are their gimmicks not properly tailored to the actual people themselves, to where they seem like actors constantly trying out for the role instead being that persona? Is it the business side of things? Are the people who run the company not adjusting with the times and mindsets of wrestling fans today?
I mean, I genuinely do not understand how everything returns to this dude. He's like Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior, combined. I just want to get why he's the way he is. I don't want to hate anybody in this profession unless they genuinely deserve it. And my anger towards Cena doesn't seem to have a legitimate foundation. If I'm going to hate this cat, I'd at least like to hate him for the right reasons.
Somebody help me out, here.
This thread is good sometimes, but sometimes, especially when there are "bad" booking decisions, it looks like a newsgroup thread from 1997, only people back then actually had valid complains about Hogan screwing things uo.
Look at A-Ry eyeing up J-Stew.
A lot of future Young Buck fans in the making.
Join the PWG/NJPW/Shine master race.
Honestly, this year's G1, I feel Lance Archer is going to have a LOT of time in the sun.
I'd probably like Raw more if i didn't understand what the commentary was sayingIt'd be nice if there were subtitles in japanese matches. It's like I'm trying to watch raw anime episodes otherwise.
So then he does share some of the blame? I'm just trying to make sure the hate for him is warranted. If he's doing shit behind the scenes/in the ring to make others look bad, then that would be enough for me.Bret Hart went out of his way to put Stone Cold over.
John Cena went out of his way to NOT put Wade over.
Not to mention a,pll wrestling commentary is garbage . New Japan commentary is awesome because they get hype for stuff and not pushing twitter every 5 seconds
So then he does share some of the blame? I'm just trying to make sure the hate for him is warranted. If he's doing shit behind the scenes/in the ring to make others look bad, then that would be enough for me.
Nakamura winning the G1 this year. You can take that to the bank.
Best thing tonight was the debut of Axel's new wardrobe.
Nakamura winning the G1 this year. You can take that to the bank.
I get distracted by the commentary, especially when I can't understand it. I can mute it, of course, but I hate watching things on mute.What do you need the commentary to tell you exactly?
Jesus Christ.
So then he does share some of the blame? I'm just trying to make sure the hate for him is warranted. If he's doing shit behind the scenes/in the ring to make others look bad, then that would be enough for me.
He already won NJPW Cup this year. He's not John Cena.
Dude did a clean job to Fale. That's be like Cena doing a clean job to Rusev. I don't see any reason to have him drop the IC belt if not to send him after the IWGP title. What better way to do that than winning the G1?
I was making fun of somebody who said there was no chance Cena would job to Brock clean at Summerslam.
Actually, I spend most of my wrestling time over on other boards, that actually have a whole lot deeper conversation about booking and such, that doesn't devolve to "Cena never puts anyone over" or "Ziggler should beat everybody!!!!!111!"
This thread is good sometimes, but sometimes, especially when there are "bad" booking decisions, it looks like a newsgroup thread from 1997, only people back then actually had valid complains about Hogan screwing things uo.
Like I said, this thread is enjoyable most of the time. But every so often, you forget you're the minority, just like gaming side does when say, Watch_Dogs sells millions of copies despite Downgradegate.
Jesus Christ.
G1 is supposed to put someone over who's not been a main eventer, or a 'serious' one, out as a main eventer. As a guy who's gonna be in the mixup soon. Nakamura doesn't need that. It's why Tanahashi didn't win since 2007. It's what kickstarted Okada's career. It would be like John Cena winning KOTR or the Royal Rumble. You can do it, but it serves no purpose, and I like to think NJPW isn't that stupid.
G1 is supposed to put someone over who's not been a main eventer, or a 'serious' one, out as a main eventer. As a guy who's gonna be in the mixup soon. Nakamura doesn't need that. It's why Tanahashi didn't win since 2007. It's what kickstarted Okada's career. It would be like John Cena winning KOTR or the Royal Rumble. You can do it, but it serves no purpose, and I like to think NJPW isn't that stupid.
Jesus Christ.