Ever since Sblargh's Austin 3:16 Moment, I sit up and take notice whenever he posts. Unless it's more than 100 words.
When and what was this moment?More like a Vince Russo moment
Ever since Sblargh's Austin 3:16 Moment, I sit up and take notice whenever he posts. Unless it's more than 100 words.
The Future Of Seth "Tyler Black" Rollins
Man, people upload the most random, mundane shit to youtube.
The Future Of Seth "Tyler Black" Rollins
Man, people upload the most random, mundane shit to youtube.
I found a channel a few months ago that was just filming various washing machines on different settings.
Just a bunch of hour + videos of washing machines doing their thing with no commentary or anything.
I didnt even know we had washing machine enthusiasts
I found a channel a few months ago that was just various washing machines on different settings.
Just a bunch of hour + videos of washing machines doing their thing with no commentary or anything.
I didnt even know we had washing machine enthusiasts
Wow, that was brief. How many drafts did you go through to edit this post down?Who are you again?
Would I be far off base to assume that you subscribe to The Wrestling Observer?
If properly formatted with indentations and line spacing? I can usually make it about two paragraphs before my eyes glaze over.You have a higher tolerance than me, friend. 25 words is my Sblargh threshold.
Are you calling me a sucker?I don't know, how many Japanese Bean Breaths are there?
just finished max payne 3. even with this cast on!
fuckin great game and always will be. my goty when it was out.
1000x better when you pretend stro is max. down to the beard and bald head and occasional aviators max wears in the game.
i wonder how sblargh thought of the portrayal of his people though.
im actually interested in this washing machine channel now
Would I be far off base to assume that you subscribe to The Wrestling Observer?
I'll respond to this in the spirit of thread positivity.
MP3 is easily one of my favorite shooters ever. Right after RE4 and Vanquish.
The story was absolute dogshit, but Max's monologues and constant self-loathing was amazing. The actual shooting is just sublime, best use of Euphoria physics. Was very disappointed with how incredibly lackluster shooting was in GTAV coming after this.
Beat the game about 4 times in the span of a year. Didn't do that for many games in my life.
I would've gotten the platinum for it, but New York Minute is just some dumb shit, and multiplayer is too much of a grind to be worth it. Still a great game though!
I am a Duncan mark. Can I subscribe to The Duncan Observer Newsletter?
What's that?
Wesker, Duncan, and I are the Triforce of Daniel Bryan fans in this thread.
I am a Duncan mark. Can I subscribe to The Duncan Observer Newsletter?
I'm thinking about opening a tumblr
Here's a two-part YouTube vid of a train trip from Bergen to Oslo, total running time - 7 hours and 14 minutes:
How many souls have you crushed tonight?It's almost 2 AM here, I have to be in class in eight hours yet I'm still awake watching washing machines, train rides, and discussing the merits of the Sination with you guys. I'm still not sure when I've first hit rock bottom, friends.
It's almost 2 AM here, I have to be in class in eight hours yet I'm still awake watching washing machines, train rides, and discussing the merits of the Sination with you guys. I'm still not sure when I've first hit rock bottom, friends.
Here's a two-part YouTube vid of a train trip from Bergen to Oslo, total running time - 7 hours and 14 minutes:
oldierunner2 months ago
Take it easey, take a fine trip by train and all is well!
It's almost 2 AM here, I have to be in class in eight hours yet I'm still awake watching washing machines, train rides, and discussing the merits of the Sination with you guys. I'm still not sure when I've first hit rock bottom, friends.
It's almost 2 AM here, I have to be in class in eight hours yet I'm still awake watching washing machines, train rides, and discussing the merits of the Sination with you guys. I'm still not sure when I've first hit rock bottom, friends.
you ain't reppin deh "avi cuhluhz" tho.
better yes that shit, titus.
How the hell did you come across this one
it's official
i made you this until i realized it's too late.
edit: i'll take it.