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June Wrasslin' |OT-2| Money In The Bank, None In The Stock


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WWE 2K @WWEgames
Tonight is the Night: Tune in to Monday Night #RAW where @StephMcMahon will reveal the cover Superstar for #WWE2K15. pic.twitter.com/TL5osBt7vl


tiem for bork to scream at my playstation logo.

you a bitch if you didn't reverse the 2k14 cover

you a bitch if you bought 2k14

If it's not Sting I'll be mad. He better show up on Raw too. He could be classified a WWE champion since the belts are fused now!

Blue Volt

Stephanie will unveil it as Triple H and Daniel Bryan will come out and say "hey guys its actually me lol".

I still wanted that John Laurinaitis to be used in some capacity.


Terry Funk is 70 years old today. Seems like as good a time as any to post a bunch of Funkin' awesome matches;

AJPW 06.11.1976 - Terry Funk vs Jumbo Tsuruta: http://youtu.be/ObnHNfMQR-0

AJPW 11.09.1982 - Terry Funk vs Stan Hansen: http://youtu.be/H9ZZaeyRGgA

AJPW 12.08.1984 - Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody vs. Dory Funk Jr. & Terry Funk: http://youtu.be/KpwvApRdfaU

And no Terry Funk post would be complete without some goddamn amazing promos, behold;

Terry Funk Tells Us A Story: http://youtu.be/Qkw3xaxdjGc

Terry Funk's Beautiful Dream: http://youtu.be/EkLtItxkbXQ

Terry Funk's Most Insane Promo Ever!: http://youtu.be/nSRyY4IM8y4
How about WWE 2KANE(in)15?!
I think the DEMON Kane would be the perfect candidate to grace a cover representing this recent stretch of WWE history, the game's special edition gimmick is multiple eras of superior Kanes to select.
Comes with a poorly constructed mask and plastic container to display it in ala the authority backstage office, then they can raise the price to like £70 since adding complete tat to your game seemingly justifies such prices.
Actually Stephanie makes me think it's probably Bryan. They could explain it in story like they did with Punk in 2012 with Big Johnny. But who knows.


It should be Bryan.

It's a little weird to show the cover without us having seen any gameplay. Hopefully there's a trailer of some sorts.


What if there is Demon Kane mode, where you go around setting things on fire and dragging people into holes? Or hang out in hell and do odd jobs for the Devil?
No Way Out 2002

Well that was fun!

NWO's opening little promo was interesting, and it seemed to go right over the crowd's head in terms of the subtle little 'We're heels, but we're pretending to be good guys' thing they did. Absolutely sick of the "WHAT?!" chants when it's not directly linked to Stone Cold who plays off them in the right way. McMahon does too, in fairness.

Hall mentions 'getting to drink with the boys' which gets a huge reaction and a snide comment from Lawler, which made me laugh. Jerk Lawler was OK.

Crowd went totally ape for Hogan, he seemed legit shook by it. It was easy to forget he hadn't been in the WWE for nearly a decade at this point. Overall this entire opening speech was pretty surreal and not really what you 'expect' from the NWO. I'm not sure if this was the point or not, as it even ended with Hogan saying 'God Bless America' - Foreshadowing Mr. America!
I want to believe this was working the crowd, but done in such a way that it was obvious... to the point that it made you think it can't be THAT obvious. I don't know, I don't really remember it that well from the first time watching it.

There was a crappy Tag Team Turmoil match, which made me wonder 2 things: How long did WWE milk the entire 2 Cool Dancing Duo angle and they never ever had anything for A-Train/Prince Albert/Giant Bernard to do. Ever. As he's currently Scotty 2 Hotty's latest dancing partner.

Lance Storm is awesome.

2002 and people love Tazz. It's scary.

Edge & William Regal was a fun feud, but the crowd never really seemed into it other than the ladies who absolutely love Edge. Like big time. I think I'd hate him big style if I was to watch all of this live and first time again, he's so 'in your face babyface' it hurts.

What I do like about WWF up until ~2002 is that the top of the card changed a lot and everyone had a few months at the top. Once their turn was over they dropped down to the uppper midcard, and let someone else have their go. They didn't overshadow the people above them during that time either. Everything flowed into each other.
The Undertaker and The Rock don't take the shine away from Austin v Jericho. Yet, you think about the 'Main Event' scene now and it doesn't feel that way at all.

However, having said that like I said the other day I'm just not feeling Jericho's run as Undisputed Champion. It's missing 'something'. I just feel like he should have played up his luck to win the titles due to outside interference in some way. Even in this PPV the NWO attack Austin to stop him from winning the titles and keep them on Jericho.
Nah, that should be Cena - he wanders around backstage and you have to do a QTE chase sequence to avoid getting sucked into a feud with him. Would work for Kane as well, I guess.

Can you reach Vince's office before Cena gets to you?

If you win you get a racist gimmick.
Vince Russo @pyroballyhoo
Is that really the big reveal on Raw tonight? Who's on the cover of the freakin's game?!!! Can't miss that guys!!! Ouy-vay!!!

2k15 on a pole match: first person to grab the game from the pole gets to be on the cover.

Vince Russo @pyroballyhoo
I don't know what I'm more excited about--who's on the cover of the RAW game, or when the FREAKIN' McRIB is making a comeback!!!

this is news to me though.....
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