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June Wrasslin' |OT-2| Money In The Bank, None In The Stock

Bryan has to either get beat up by Kane or just barely overcome him every week. Reigns gets to beat his ass and stand tall weekly. That is the difference in WWE booking A top guy vs. booking THE top guy.
Raw had horrible things in bunches mixed with some awesome things

But fuck it I love schadenfreude, so A+ 5


Honestly the only things I found good about Raw were McMandow, Swagger, Ziggler getting an angle, and maybe the Wyatts rushing Y2J.

Everything else felt like Vince was trying to time travel back to a few years ago.


Come on guys don't be the people that are hating on marks. They paid to be there. Let them have fun. This is awesome chants are fine by me.


It was the best RAW.

Best RAW

Come on guys don't be the people that are hating on marks. They paid to be there. Let them have fun. This is awesome chants are fine by me.

NO! People on the internet mean more money...according to people on the internet!


more money than God
Bryan has to either get beat up by Kane or just barely overcome him every week. Reigns gets to beat his ass and stand tall weekly. That is the difference in WWE booking A top guy vs. booking THE top guy.
That's because the WWE can't keep a character straight for too long. Demon Kane was a MONSTER for Bryan to overcome, so they built Kane up. Now, however, there is no Bryan, so there's no reason to build Kane up.


I swear lately every time Cena is champion, his program always has the least amount of heat than everything else on the card.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Come on guys don't be the people that are hating on marks. They paid to be there. Let them have fun. This is awesome chants are fine by me.

Agreed. Never understood why people hate on other people having fun.

I really enjoyed this RAW. Some enjoyable matches, really nice returns and story setups.


Seriously, doing the pre and post game shows from the studios is the worst thing to come from the cost-cutting measures caused by the colossal failure that is the Network.


Reigns really is just a beta version of Batista in 2005 but without the swagger. Even the same dude is going to make him a star.

Seth/Ambrose continues to shape up really well and Bray/Jericho should be great. They're basically the fueds with potential at the moment.

Main event is still hopeless though. Either Brock or Batista need to come back and take the title. Just something different. It was a stupid move making Batista job for three matches against the Shield or even getting him involved with all that crap. He should have been fueding with Bryan and they should've put the jobber Kane with the Authority like he is.

What's the point in booking Kane so strong at Extreme Rules when he's getting up after being killed worse than Undertaker, and then a month later, he's once again a jobber?

Main event has been terrible since Wrestlemania. WWE really has no concept of consistency any more.


Supposedly, the rule is the champ has to be able to compete for the cash-in to count.

Right...and yet the COO of the company is standing right there and telling him to make the count. It's a poorly thought out work that goes against what winning the case is supposed to stand for.

Also, is Ambrose fucking retarded or just not interested in the world title? Why not like Rollins win it and then feud with him over the belt?

The title is literally meaningless in this day and age, and really only represents your time slot on the card. Why not let those two battle it out until Summerslam and have Cena continue to bury the Wyatts or some shit?


Jericho vs Bray
Ambrose vs Rollins
Reigns vs HHH
Cena vs Brock

+AJ is back and champ again, this Swagger/Rusev feud could be decent, and Cesaro and Ziggler still exist. Oh, and Stardust.

Hopefully they aren't ending the Wyatts/Usos program yet, because I actually like both teams and would like to see Harper and Rowan with the belts.

And while I'm being wide eyed and pathetically hopeful maybe Sandow will win the IC championship and turn things around for his character? Probably not.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
No. The Spear sucks when not done by Goldberg (or even Rhyno), and is usually used to cover up an inability to actually wrestle.

I thought Big Show's was ok. One of the few moves I thought he did ok. Mostly because he did a barrel roll afterwards, and his wasn't as comical as Roman's.
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