"I'm interviewing Sting Thursday night for a future Ross Report Podcast."
12 years in the company though, that is a long ass time to just cut someone outta nowhere.
Roman Reigns sodium levels on this thread are dangerously high, and homeboy hasn't even had a title match since the tag belt days.
After Reigns beats CM Punk's 434-day title reign following two consecutive WrestleMania singles victories, I wonder if there's a possibility D.Brine wins the title again. I suppose it's likely. He is still young. I wonder who takes the belt away from Reigns post-WrestleMania 32.
That will be title reign number 16 for big John. Only one away from breaking Flair's record.
Homeboy hasn't had a legit singles match since those days either.
Hernandez said:On why he is no longer with TNA Wrestling with his contract expiring in May:
Maybe you can tell me. I'll be very honest with you. The last time I was on TNA was November when I had that Feast or Fired match and believe it or not, that is the last time I've spoken to anyone in the office. And I'm not even joking. I would send those 365 videos to (Jeremy) Borash every now and then I would get Bob Ryder approval for my indy dates and that's it. I did not hear anything from anybody since I saw them in Orlando in November.
On how strange that was:
To be honest, I knew I was still a part of the roster and my check came every month. Periodically I would check the Impact website to see if I was still on there. (laughs) It was definitely a head scratcher right there. Not an email. text, phone call nothing. In fact, my contract was up May 12th but I thought it was up May 14th. So I woke up May 12th and my timeline was flooded on Twitter that my contract had expired. I looked at my contract and I looked on the (TNA) website and they pulled me off the website, they already unfollowed me on Twitter. (laughs) It was like bizarro world brother.
On how difficult it was for him after returning to TNA Wrestling after working in Mexico for nine months and being promised a singles push but instead being paired with Anarquia in Mexican America:
It was very difficult for me because you were blatantly lied to. This wasn't no miscommunication. I don't go down to Mexico for nine months of my life and it's a miscommunication that I'm coming back to a tag deal. When I left, I was a tag champion with Matt Morgan. So, there's no miscommunication there at all about 'oh, you're going to do down there and come back as a tag'. There was no miscommunication, at least on my part. So, of course, there was a lot of animosity on what was going down.
Rollins and Ambrose still exist breh, it's OK. No need to be salty.
The TNA in Japan announcement is so weird. I have no idea if it will work or not. Korakuen is the right sized venue for them and I guess the novelty might be worth it but even then what kind of show will take place there? Will it be their usual PPV shenanigans or will they adapt to the audience? Doesn't help that they are working with Wrestle-1 who have had horrible attendance at their last few Korakuen shows.
The TNA in Japan announcement is so weird. I have no idea if it will work or not. Korakuen is the right sized venue for them and I guess the novelty might be worth it but even then what kind of show will take place there? Will it be their usual PPV shenanigans or will they adapt to the audience? Doesn't help that they are working with Wrestle-1 who have had horrible attendance at their last few Korakuen shows.
12 years in the company though, that is a long ass time to just cut someone outta nowhere.
The TNA in Japan announcement is so weird. I have no idea if it will work or not. Korakuen is the right sized venue for them and I guess the novelty might be worth it but even then what kind of show will take place there? Will it be their usual PPV shenanigans or will they adapt to the audience? Doesn't help that they are working with Wrestle-1 who have had horrible attendance at their last few Korakuen shows.
GFW doesn't even exist yet and they got the better Japan deal with New Japan. I'm ready for this promotion to debut.
TNA did work new japan. Many moons ago
Roman Reigns is a fun dude to watch and while I may not have much faith in his singles work he can still be a lot of fun. No salt here.
Roman Reigns is a fun dude to watch and while I may not have much faith in his singles work he can still be a lot of fun. No salt here.
I'm not watching wrestling for the eye candy.
I'm not watching wrestling for the eye candy.
Roman Reigns is a fun dude to watch and while I may not have much faith in his singles work he can still be a lot of fun. No salt here.
Reigns is Ryu. Fireball , dragon punch , hurricane kick
pretty much. He might not have a large catalog of moves but he's still pretty fun to watch
Yeah, they even had Tanahashi vs AJ Styles:
Then Vince Russo showed up and the booking of Okada there basically killed that relationship and made Vince Russo hated in Japan. Laughed when Wrestle-1 wouldn't do a deal unless TNA proved Russo was no longer writing the show.
Wrestling would suck if everyone looked like they wrestled for IWA DS. Part of the allure is these big jacked up dudes throwing each other around like comic book characters.
In general, I think wrestlers should be pretty muscled up and in shape, enough that they look like they could fuck you up and go to a triathalon after. That's the general look. But because that is the general look, it makes guys who look like Dick Murdoch, or smaller guys like Bryan stick out and be more unique. I don't want a whole promotion with guys that are all the same size as Daniel Bryan. I don't want a whole promotion with guys that look like Dick Murdoch. You need that blend of looks, which was something WWE had in the Golden and Attitude Eras, but were sorely missing for most of the last 10 years until pretty recently.
Episode 5 of "Flammable D's unpopular opinions"TNA hired Val Venus . Anything is possible with that company
Reigns is Ryu. Fireball , dragon punch , hurricane kick
That's why CM Punk got a ton of flack. Not a swole up dude, athletic looking dude, or scary giant fat guy.
But props for him for being a Skinny fat Ass and making it work.
So Hunico is gone as well?
Bork better beat the shit out of Cena at SS
Which is awesome and highly entertaining. Some posters here enjoyed it, too, until they saw him as a threat to their other favorites.