So I post new videos of promos or matches I like every day. I post 'fave five looks,' and get no sold. I post some underrated promos that I enjoy and get no sold. I try to talk about wrestlers who don't get discussed much on here, and I get no sold. The only time I don't get no sold is when I post a strong opinion. I let people post what they want to post and don't shit in them for it as their opinion because it's their opinion and they're entitled to it. I may mock it, but I don't tell them they're 'bringing this community down' or some melodramatic bullshit like that.
How about YOU fuck off. How about you contribute something worthwhile to this thread instead of fucking generic praise that goes nowhere? How bout you learn to fucking start an engaging conversation? How bout you don't tell people what they can or can not fucking post and how about we stop prescribing to this idea that people are fucking 'gimmick posters' because they don't have a posting style that goes with the wrestling gaf agenda?
Would you like to fucking hand out flyers about what we can and can not post?
Holy shit fuck waking up to that. So disrespectful. I'll argue all day with Ithil, but at least he treats my opinion as something other than a 'gimmick.'
There's a lot of places you can go where people don't tell you what you can or can not post. There's youtube comments, reddit, 4chan, gamefaqs, comment sections and so on. Take a pick.
I'm not talking about opinions, I'm talking about not discussing opinions, about just saying people are idiots for enjoying something and that's the end.
You list everything you do while getting ignored and come tell me to learn to start an engaging conversation?
I was disrespectful, people here lose my respect when they clearly give none. That one long disrespectful post I did was what you people do to whoever likes the stuff you don't 10 times a day. I guess it's less nice when you're the target. At least I gave you the decency of trying to explain my point. I wish I was lucky enough to have that.