Rewatching bits and pieces of the 2010 MitB PPV is an funny experience in some respects, opens with a ladder match where arguably Big Show and Kane are the most entertaining participants, the other is won by Miz at a point where he seems actually credible.
Meanwhile the main event is pretty much consistent with the modern day, Cena loses a cage match he should've won on multiple occasions due to excessive Nexus interference (boy it's like ER all over again), then he goes into angry Cena mode and starts hitting dudes with steel steps while doing his sinister shaking thing, are the steps his signature weapon?
Going back to that first ladder match, I think big men are an integral part of the multi man ladder match formula yet it seems there's always a fair bit of groaning when one makes the cut over another potential spot monkey candidate. You've got to have that one guy who's sheer arrival on the scene causes everyone to join forces temporarily and then the moments where the big man returns and just starts cleaning the ring. Be it Show, Kane, Henry or someone else I appreciate the role they play in these matches while also adding breathing room between the more typical ladder match spots that they wont be part of, well unless it's the everyone jumps into the wrestler pile spot of course.
It's kind of a shame that this year Swagger is the closest the contract ladder match will get to a big guy (I wonder how Rusev would fit into such a match) and the title match has a now unconvincing Kane still holding that position, then again Reigns, Wyatt and to a degree Cesaro can walk that line I guess...okay so Wyatt's a different kind of bigger guy, I wonder what he'll add to the match, could be interesting.