Come on now. There's a qualitative difference between a character playing their character to get a reaction from the crowd and a character breaking character to awkwardly tell an audience "Hey, cheer me!" If there wasn't, we'd have no need for writers as everyone could just go out and say "I'm the good/bad guy, cheer/boo me!"
The qualitative difference is that both Stone Cold and The Rock were gods on the mic. I don't think Bryan broke character when he started pandering; the whole angle just worked (and up to WM it did work) because there was a legit belief that the crowd hijacking shows made him champion. He actually did become the people's champion in a very real way.
I remember Kevin Von Erich on the documentary about WCCW saying "I would rather die than let you people down". You don't get any more pandering than that. I don't think it is about the content of the promos; but rather a mix of mic skills and how much the audience believe you are being honest. If someone you like say "I am doing this for you"; you'll be happy. There's no reason not to.