We all know Slater's gonna replace Barrett and win the whole thing
I believe in such miracles.
We all know Slater's gonna replace Barrett and win the whole thing
Better video of Bubba powerbombing Dixie through a table http://youtu.be/WxtkHuys5hs
Their animated shows are really good, it sad that there live action stuff sucks.Gravity Falls is on Disney, too. Sometimes they get it right.
Greatest moment in TNA history?
Are there any others?
Greatest moment in TNA history?
Are there any others?
Thank you, friend.
Maybe the rest of WrassleGAF will finally like me if I start using the same insider terms they use (e.g: "Buried)", and when I discuss all the inside scoopz they have access too.
Greatest moment in TNA history?
Are there any others?
I still wonder if Spike will air Dixie going through the table. On one hand, they don't like showing men-on-women violence. On the other, TV tapings are proceeding with that being her last thing for a while, so it'd be odd for her to be there one week and gone for a while after. Either way, I don't think Spike was in favor of that.
That's uncomfortable. Not only because the fans are super into it and the Dudleys are super into it, but what appears to be the entire roster (faces, heels, and people who have been released multiple times) were cheering it on and then celebrating more than the crowd for a 49 year old woman to get physically injured. Seems like we've moved on from that.
I'm pretty sure Spike execs were at the tapings.
And then they shot an angle where, while trying to impress Spike TV executives with hot NY tapings, they went against Spike TV policy when (SPOILER ALERT NOT THAT YOU CARE) Bully Ray (a man) powerbombed Dixie Carter (a woman) through a table. I suppose it's possible this isn't airing, but after being built up for weeks, that would be bizarre unless they wanted to give the crowd the live moment, and someone like ODB will end up putting Dixie through a table on TV. Or they'll milk it for months so Bully Ray can do it at Bound for Glory. Still, on the surface, that doesn't seem wise.
Dolph is gonna win the briefcase, and attempt to cash in at the end of the PPV on whoever is champ and then end up getting squashed
Don't be a pussy. Violence against women is a wrestling tradition, going back to the origins of the sport.
I've happened upon Girl Meets World and I'm already annoyed with the laugh track. It's as if this show isn't made for me.
I love how TNA just had to one up WWE.
"Oh shit Steph got thrown in poo on RAW how the hell are we going to top that?"
"Let's put Dixie through a table!"
"Surely that will gain us legitimacy amongst wrestling fans right?"
Reading tna's blunders so far reminds me of the article I read about wcw's blunders during 2000. So far it's to the tee with the exception of giving away free bikes to fill the seats.
To be fair, they've been building that spot up for months
Originally, I was reserved and thought Yujiro had limits. That I'd love him to be world champion, but they would know better than that. Now that AJ Styles of all people can get the title, I think Yujiro should be world champion. And Karl. And Goto. And basically everyone but AJ, The Bucks, and the generic hosses they run around with.
At least 2000 WCW had crazy Hogan screaming KIDMAN!
One of the more embarrassing things about wrestling
What's wrong with AJ? I think he's been decent in his role, and his matches with Okada were great.
For one, there's a reason Karl talks instead of him. Which says to me, that again, Karl is the one really getting shafted. The other is that I don't think he's shown any improvement anywhere since his TNA days. Daniels got better at cutting promos. Joe doesn't care. AJ just wears a brooding haircut now and still looks and wrestles the exact same.
Dat Stroud effectOne of the more embarrassing things about wrestling
Thanks. I'll ramble on even if no one is listening. That show deserved to have its praises sang.
Joe needs to go back to ROH to wash the TNA stink off and then WWE might hire him. He would be in WWE right now if he never went to TNA.
Here's a gif I made for you all of Brian Cage doing a 619 because why not.
One of the more embarrassing things about wrestling
Oh please, get out of here with that bullshit. Pretty much any drama on tv has violence against women. GUESS WHAT, ITS NOT REAL. It's a storyline. I guess there should be no violence against women in any form of media right?
Man on woman violence is the problem
was waiting for this one
Happens in every other form of scripted entertainment for storyline purposes. Do you have a problem with women hitting men too or is that ok?