Oh God
Oh God, what did Capcom do to Chun Li?
I had to do a double take when I saw her in the trailer.
I didn't want to think it was that bad, but it was.
Oh God
Oh God, what did Capcom do to Chun Li?
Don't know if I missed it with E3 madness but did Meltzer give Omega/Okada 7 stars?
BlessLegend of the 7 Stars, friend.
Oh God
Oh God, what did Capcom do to Chun Li?
just read the news about bray and jojo
Don't know if I missed it with E3 madness but did Meltzer give Omega/Okada 7 stars?
I mean, I don't condone cheating but, how did Husky do it?
I mean, I don't condone cheating but, how did Husky do it?
Samoa Joe actually looked pretty good last night huh?
I'm not expecting him to win against Lesnar, but if they manage to make him look strong I'll be pleasantly surprised.
You'd think no one could be surprised about stuff like this anymore after Xavier and Mad Brad.just read the news about bray and jojo
Woke up to whiz. I can't stop thinking about Malus' theme. Kideo games peaked 12 years ago.Still shook about SOTC
Im not sure this "if Cody wins he doesnt deserve it and will get nuclear heat" thing will work out that well.
"I wish this cunt would get the fuck off my TV" heat doesnt lend itself to higher buys/subs.
Maybe the Japanese audience are marks like that?
I mean, I'm sure there's a ton of really weird shit behind the scenes, not just playing video games all day like UUDD would have you believe. It's a bunch of attractive, in-shape people hanging around a large number of attractive, in shape people of the opposite sex.
Rick Rude stayed loyal, clearly people need to be sent to Jesus Camp and learn to never take the Lord's name in vain like that redneck Austin.
Did the creative team of RAW watched Omega/Okada match and decided to copy the end of that match with the Hardys and Sheamus/Cesaro?
Also, her actual boyfriend is Vader's son.
Gross, is this was Viscera was talking about?
That hug Bayley offered at the end of that interview was the cringiest shit.
He doesn't have to win, just don't make it a squash and he'll come out fine.He's going to lose a squash. There's only one Samoan Joe that can beat Lesnar.
He doesn't have to win, just don't make it a squash and he'll come out fine.
I was secretly hoping Graves would've immediately said "no" when she asked.At that point you have to take control of your character enough to turn something like that down.
That's because all of the good wrestlers are on the other showI haven't watched anything in months but I saw Lesnar was back so I thought I'd skim through the opening segment and yeah it was pretty fucking lame. Within about 2 seconds of them touching each other they send out security. It was kind cool when they did this with the Undertaker a few years ago, but then they had an actual bloodfeud going on and the brawl lasted a long time. This was just a few punchs n hugs and it was over.
...They've got no new ideas at all, do they? Like none. No new ideas, and not an attention grabbing promo in the entire roster. I can see why people obsess over backstage/real life antics. That's the real show.
I'm pretty glad to be as out of it as I am, it had become a dirty addiction of mine for a couple of years (2014-start of this year). I am aware there is a risk I will be dragged back in if I keep 'checking in' like this every couple of months, but honestly, I see absolutely nothing of even vague interest except Lesnar and even then, I think I've seen all he's got to show by now.
Really seems like WWE is in the absolute pits!
That makes no sense, so you are probably right.Then Brock wont look as strong for Strowman which in turn makes him less trong for Roman at Mania. By the way WWE tends to think, anyway.
What?Been catching up on NJPW and War Machine are easily the worst part of everything I've watched. How are these fatties the tag champs?
I think I need to get a Switch for this Mario XCOM game.