Man of Steel was his favorite movie and he always enjoyed reminding people how he cries every time he watches it. Wasn't even being sarcastic.
Man of Steel was his favorite movie and he always enjoyed reminding people how he cries every time he watches it. Wasn't even being sarcastic.
What?!Man of Steel was his favorite movie and he always enjoyed reminding people how he cries every time he watches it. Wasn't even being sarcastic.
He was a strange cat. An avid Eva Marie fan too.
I fucking can't rn
new God of War looks more Legacy of Kain and less DMC
which is why it looks good
Man Of Steel is dull and boring garbage for the first half
But as soon as the aliens land and it becomes a DBZ movie it's pretty awesome
I'd buy a Blu Ray of the second half with credits
Sure seem to know a lot about LiquidSnake, LiquidSnake.I FOUND HIS ALT!
You're not fooling anyone, OwensIsNow
Sure seem to know a lot about LiquidSnake, LiquidSnake.
I actually prefer the idea of Retro not working on Prime, they hit a wall with Prime 3, most of the dudes behind it left afterwards, they shouldn't become the default Metroid devs just because Other M put the fear into fans hearts of anyone else tackling the series.Retro confirmed not working on Prime 4. I eat crow and am shook
it is weird they aren't ready to show what Retro has been working on for 3 years but are quick to show what this new dev havent even started on. Makes no sense.
Like how Metroid is dead right?lol Retro is dead. we'll find out sometime that they disbanded and/or left to work someplace else
Man of Steel was his favorite movie and he always enjoyed reminding people how he cries every time he watches it. Wasn't even being sarcastic.
He was a strange cat. An avid Eva Marie fan too.
It's a bunch of mopey nonsensei checked out as soon as that idiot suggested a bus full of children should have drowned.
The New Colossus
Wolfenstein: The New Colossus
A Way Out
Jesus I forgot they showed Ruiner (or anything else) in that Devolver thing
LmaoWhen you read about some of the behind the scenes stuff of Man of Steel you get a real understanding of why Zack Snyder has absolutely zero understanding of the character.Apparently Snyder really wanted to have Superman kill Zod at the end of the movie. Both WB and Chris Nolan himself told Snyder not to do it because it would be out of character for Superman to do something like that. Snyder retorted with "well what if Superman was in ____ situation" and basically kept on the fly redoing the final moments of the Zod/Superman fight until he was in a situation were Superman would finally have to kill someone. So basically he desperately wanted Superman to do something out of character for the sake of having Superman murder someone.
jmdajr, think you'll be going to Survivor Series in Houston this year?
When you read about some of the behind the scenes stuff of Man of Steel you get a real understanding of why Zack Snyder has absolutely zero understanding of the character.Apparently Snyder really wanted to have Superman kill Zod at the end of the movie. Both WB and Chris Nolan himself told Snyder not to do it because it would be out of character for Superman to do something like that. Snyder retorted with "well what if Superman was in ____ situation" and basically kept on the fly redoing the final moments of the Zod/Superman fight until he was in a situation were Superman would finally have to kill someone. So basically he desperately wanted Superman to do something out of character for the sake of having Superman murder someone.
During the rounds of BvS he also saidSooooooo yea..that Batman being prison raped could have been part of his origin.
I know am late, but Cena a free agent and can appear on both shows? 😂
When you read about some of the behind the scenes stuff of Man of Steel you get a real understanding of why Zack Snyder has absolutely zero understanding of the character.Apparently Snyder really wanted to have Superman kill Zod at the end of the movie. Both WB and Chris Nolan himself told Snyder not to do it because it would be out of character for Superman to do something like that. Snyder retorted with "well what if Superman was in ____ situation" and basically kept on the fly redoing the final moments of the Zod/Superman fight until he was in a situation were Superman would finally have to kill someone. So basically he desperately wanted Superman to do something out of character for the sake of having Superman murder someone.
I really can't blame Snyder for altering the source characters since they are mostly garbage anyway. But then again, it all depends on who you make the movie for.
Superheroes refusing to kill people has always been antiquated and juvenile.
If people want superheroes to not kill bad guys then the moral question never should have been brought up to begin with.
Liquid is good people. At least he was to me.
Fiery Tana is the best Tana. Dude could be an amazing heel if he wasn't so damn beautiful.
Cena is the best thing that happened to WWE publicity wise.
I'm generally cool with superheroes killing each other but in the specific cases of Batman and Superman, it makes sense for them to refuse killing. For Batman, because murder is a huge part of his origin and for Superman because he's powerful enough that he shouldn't need to kill people. Killing is honestly really contradictory to Superman's character.
Watch his stuff in DDT, where he is the invading heel.
Cena is the best thing that happened to WWE publicity wise.
The absolute refusal to kill is just dreadfully boring in the same vein that absolute devotion to killing is boring as well. The margins and the reasons for doing one or the other is what makes good stories, particularly for longform storytelling. There's just only so much you can do with "bend but don't break" morality.
And honestly I don't care about something being contradictory to a character as long as the character is well-defined and interesting. For whatever reason comic book fans have gotten REALLY hung up on these movies needing to be representative of a general idea of what these characters are. At the end of the day I want movies to just be good, not live up to some nebulous expectation of what an 8 decades old character should be.
I'm generally cool with superheroes killing but in the specific cases of Batman and Superman, it makes sense for them to refuse killing. For Batman, because murder is a huge part of his origin and for Superman because he's powerful enough that he shouldn't need to kill people. Killing is honestly really contradictory to Superman's character.