According to Wikipedia that guy became
And also fake nwo sting
Not the same guy.According to Wikipedia that guy became
And also fake nwo sting
Different Jeff FarmerAccording to Wikipedia that guy became
And also fake nwo sting
Not as bad as Seth 'I have a framed picture of my tag team on the wall in my house' Rollins.
Took a while, but my account finally got approved. I am relatively new to being a wrestling fan. I have only been watching for about two years. These days I only watch Smackdown and some PPV's the rest i'll catch on YT or read up on here. And I guess now I can join you all in singing WWE's praises. Looking forward to it.
Also, I don't really do favorites lists so no fave five from me.
... the biggest Roman Reigns fanclub on the planet.
Welcome to thread.Took a while, but my account finally got approved. I am relatively new to being a wrestling fan. I have only been watching for about two years. These days I only watch Smackdown and some PPV's the rest i'll catch on YT or read up on here. And I guess now I can join you all in singing WWE's praises. Looking forward to it.
Also, I don't really do favorites lists so no fave five from me.
FilthWelcome! We are unofficially the biggest Roman Reigns fanclub on the planet. Cock it for the big dog!
Oh.Also, I don't really do favorites lists so no fave five from me.
Welcome! We are unofficially the biggest Roman Reigns fanclub on the planet. Cock it for the big dog!
Nice try, strobogo.I wonder if strobogo will have another sad 2 hour monologue in the twitch chat at GWF Fave 5
Took a while, but my account finally got approved. I am relatively new to being a wrestling fan. I have only been watching for about two years. These days I only watch Smackdown and some PPV's the rest i'll catch on YT or read up on here. And I guess now I can join you all in singing WWE's praises. Looking forward to it.
Also, I don't really do favorites lists so no fave five from me.
William Churchill, The Aerial Aristocrat. Wears a coat and tails to the ring. Insists on the national anthem being played. Drinks a celebratory cup of tea post-match.
I wonder if strobogo will have another sad 2 hour monologue in the twitch chat at GWF Fave 5
Does this mean what I think it means??If Bully 2 is real I'm turning babyface
Took a while, but my account finally got approved. I am relatively new to being a wrestling fan. I have only been watching for about two years. These days I only watch Smackdown and some PPV's the rest i'll catch on YT or read up on here. And I guess now I can join you all in singing WWE's praises. Looking forward to it.
Also, I don't really do favorites lists so no fave five from me.
Took a while, but my account finally got approved. I am relatively new to being a wrestling fan. I have only been watching for about two years. These days I only watch Smackdown and some PPV's the rest i'll catch on YT or read up on here. And I guess now I can join you all in singing WWE's praises. Looking forward to it.
Also, I don't really do favorites lists so no fave five from me.
Took a while, but my account finally got approved. I am relatively new to being a wrestling fan. I have only been watching for about two years. These days I only watch Smackdown and some PPV's the rest i'll catch on YT or read up on here. And I guess now I can join you all in singing WWE's praises. Looking forward to it.
Also, I don't really do favorites lists so no fave five from me.
Got worked by Nash for a minute with this tweet
Got worked by Nash for a minute with this tweet
Took a while, but my account finally got approved. I am relatively new to being a wrestling fan. I have only been watching for about two years. These days I only watch Smackdown and some PPV's the rest i'll catch on YT or read up on here. And I guess now I can join you all in singing WWE's praises. Looking forward to it.
Also, I don't really do favorites lists so no fave five from me.
Woah, I got worried there for a second.
I really wonder if Mark Haskins, Travis Banks and/or Mark Andrews stand a chance of coming stateside or to NJPW to further their careers. They seem like the tope 3 to move on from Progress next
Welcome to the thread
Crash Holly.i thought bob holly was dead
Holy fuck Matt Riddle vs Trent Severn finisher!
Welcome! We are unofficially the biggest Roman Reigns fanclub on the planet. Cock it for the big dog!
I need to go watch that promo again, love it
Trent: "Me and Brock Lesnar are colleagues, so we discussed this..."
Trent: "You laugh, but I'm fucking rich now"
Bye T.VGood, because if I made a list, the Big dog would be at the very top.
And thank you for the warm welcome everyone, I see it doesn't take much to work y'all.
Good, because if I made a list, the Big dog would be at the very top.
And thank you for the warm welcome everyone, I see it doesn't take much to work y'all.
Rocky and Creed produced some great entrance themes
Please forgive me my sins, I was just trying to fit in!Welcome T.V
Bye T.V
Nothing but praise for AJ, he is one of the highlights of the WWE at the moment.T.V what is your opinion on AJ Styles?
You know it's fake right??? HAHAHAHHA FUCKIN MARKWhy'd he have to lose to Dolph Zigler though...
Ricky Conlans' entrance in Creed was fiyah.