bean breath
I miss when the least I could get out of a raw was Kaitlyn in a short skirt. At least I'd have that.
I am also tapping. Wait up, Plywood.
Cena segment over? I'm done. See ya
oh come on, man!
I miss when the least I could get out of a raw was Kaitlyn in a short skirt. At least I'd have that.
I am also tapping. Wait up, Plywood.
Cena segment over? I'm done. See ya
I'm not subscribed to the network.Aw come on, Plywood. Think of your Network subscription, you need to watch all 3 hours of Raw to get the maximum value for your $60.
@WWERomanReigns said:Trust is completely dead to me.
Luke Harper will be the next Taker/Kane.
That is, if the WWE doesn't screw him up.
Which means, he has no chance.
Pacers colors Usos? I hate you now.
I can actually see Bray come back like mankind
There's still an hour of show left to go. This is a really boring Raw.
I figured out my problem with the Usos other than the whatever gimmick.
They wrestle like their relatives. Like Umaga, like Rikishi, like Yoko, but they're not big so it's not impressive when they do the moves they do. They just look like moves anyone that size could easily do.
Terrible crowd for Raw.
Rollins is going to get jobbed out hard to Roman in the short term but long term his eventual face turn could be an epic moment and rocket him into permanent main event status. I'm going to be optimistic and say this is the beginning of Seth's run to the WWE Championship! Friend Heel, join me on the bandwagon.
Why is USA adding a new medical show? I feel like they have like 2 already
Apparently I missed a dilly of a pickle when I went out. Honestly like someone said earlier, having Rollins be the one to turn was the best decision for everyone. He would've been lost in the shuffle post Shield and to have his name be the straw that broke the camel's back and to remembered for that, might do wonders for him.
Or he might end up being the next Pete Gas.
Glad Goldust got his music back. Sin Cara? Really?
lol seriously
Sin Jobber? Really?
Cody must be a fucking moron.
Is Sin Cara the biggest bust in WWE history?
He hired Jim Cornette.meanwhile they're ripping off Family Guy jokes on the app
did Vince just start watching that show?
Did you see what the crowd was given?
Bateaster doing a pageant wave that was replayed 8 times. Sandow as Lance Stephenson playing basketball in the ring and then Big Show getting involved. Bo vs Kofi. RVD. ADR vs Ziggler squash. Rusev medal ceremony. One of the bigger wtfcena moments in quite a while where he completely randomly gets inserted into Bryan's angle, then doesn't sell at all and beats up the guy heading into a title match, all for no reason and while completely not selling the super brutal match from the night before. More Torito/Hornswoggle stuff. Main event being an angle.
WWE Network.
Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tried to warn you, Heel. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I.
Ok level with me here, what's not to like about the Network other than you can't have lunch anymore due to it's price?
If they were in Japan, everyone would be standing up in respect.
Personally, I like Alex Rusev a lot. Great gimmick, even better theme and entrance.
This kind of thing justifies me hating on Cena, right? Sometimes I wonder if I am not only going with peer pressure, but this is someone at the top making everything worse because of some insane necessity to be overprotected, right?
Never change, Shield.
bean breath learn to edit and multi-quote or it's back to development with you.
I think he's talking more about the fact the cash flow hasn't started yet for WWE stock. Not the customer value part.
Symbol of Excellence did nothing for you?
He's live tweeting.
I'm always open to negotiations, friend. How do you feel about Daniel Bryan, and nitpicking everything about his existence until he's no longer champion?
Reigns' career progression is goin' cold and oh, so slow.
I can't believe no one said, "This is stupid and we're not doing this". Not Cena, not Kane, not HHH, not Stephanie, not even Vince himself. It's Bryan's angle and has absolutely nothing to do with Cena. But Cena comes out just to say, "You can't strip him of the titles because I had to give the title up when I was injured, and if he doesn't want to do that, that's okay". His punishment for getting snippy with Stephanie is a match with Kane, who will be facing Bryan at MITB in a stretcher match for the title.
It ends in about 2-3 minutes after Kane is disqualified for punching in the corner too much. Cena then easily fights Kane off, knocks the shit out of him, and casually leaves. The whole time not at all selling what the announcers are trying to portray as one of the most brutal matches in years.
Not only should Cena have not been involved in Bryan's angle, but he shouldn't have had a match with anyone. He could take one show off to sell the match from the night before. Instead, he's inserted into Bryan's angle and makes Bryan's number one contender opponent look like a joke for no reason. That's some Hogan shit if I've ever seen it. It doesn't even help Cena (who just won the blow off match of a 4 month angle the night before), but it does hurt Kane and Bryan. It makes Kane look like a putz and it makes Bryan look even worse because he spent the previous month running away from and getting beaten up by Kane, but Cena bows up to him and leaves him laying in one try.
I can't believe Vince was okay with that.
Well that was a swerve...and now im sad because the best faction is gone![]()
I can't believe no one said, "This is stupid and we're not doing this". Not Cena, not Kane, not HHH, not Stephanie, not even Vince himself. It's Bryan's angle and has absolutely nothing to do with Cena. But Cena comes out just to say, "You can't strip him of the titles because I had to give the title up when I was injured, and if he doesn't want to do that, that's okay". His punishment for getting snippy with Stephanie is a match with Kane, who will be facing Bryan at MITB in a stretcher match for the title.
It ends in about 2-3 minutes after Kane is disqualified for punching in the corner too much. Cena then easily fights Kane off, knocks the shit out of him, and casually leaves. The whole time not at all selling what the announcers are trying to portray as one of the most brutal matches in years.
Not only should Cena have not been involved in Bryan's angle, but he shouldn't have had a match with anyone. He could take one show off to sell the match from the night before. Instead, he's inserted into Bryan's angle and makes Bryan's number one contender opponent look like a joke for no reason. That's some Hogan shit if I've ever seen it. It doesn't even help Cena (who just won the blow off match of a 4 month angle the night before), but it does hurt Kane and Bryan. It makes Kane look like a putz and it makes Bryan look even worse because he spent the previous month running away from and getting beaten up by Kane, but Cena bows up to him and leaves him laying in one try.
I can't believe Vince was okay with that.
Fuck you, you piece of shit, friend. If you can't do that, you're legitimately unfit. There was a study about it. Rusev doing that isn't impressive. It wasn't impressive when Larry Zbyszko did it, either. I can do it without issue after a year of binge drinking and a couple of bike rides.
Bean Breath, would you take me under your wing and teach me to be funny like yourself?