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June Wrasslin' |OT| Layin' the law, once again, prepare for war. C! Z! W!

PInk Tape

I wasn't expecting Bryan to win but that was OK because a) Bray needed it and b) I fully expected him to win the Rumble. Everyone was cheering for Bryan like mad but when he lost there weren't really any boos, just an ovation because it was so damn good. Bray looked so legit after that. It's actually pretty impressive he's still as over as he is after this Cena feud.

Found this pic of the flyer

I guess he won't be making that show after all.


You, me, and most people were expecting he'd show up as a surprise entrant because he's pretty over and would be willing to work twice; it made sense at the time.

I thought the flyer was going to be several other superstars and Bryan. Jeez, that's some serious trolling right there.


What's the name of Romero's finisher? The something something driver? :) I'm just guessing.

That was quick and painless. 2.5/5. Over too quickly. Must be trying to save time for the bigger matches. Ibushi is always impressive.
He calls it the Darkness Piledriver.

Also, unless there's a title defence on the undercard, most of the undercard matches will be short and largely inconsequential.


That was fun and occasionally brutal. An interesting match with a mix of comedy and stiff strikes, but it was all entertaining. 3.25/5

What's the name of Goto's finisher? The suplex into DDT variation thing?
I thought Captain did real well in that match, loved him grabbing Shibata in a deadlift German and he actually hit his splash off the top rope! Shibata vs Nagata should be a great feud.

Alucard said:
What's the name of Goto's finisher? The suplex into DDT variation thing?

That's Shoten (vertical suplex dropped into a side slam) - he also has a sit-out variation called Shoten Kai.


I really like his comedic edge. He just makes you want to cheer him.

I wasn't sold on him until the end of the match, but then he showed some legit fighting spirit there. I really thought he could win.

And now I'm understanding nothing.

Yo, ref., lay down the law goddammit.


That was an entertaining clustermuck. KUSHIDA is clearly being saved for the final, as he didn't have to do a lot in this contest. There were more run-ins and ref distractions than in a TNA match there, but it was entertaining enough. A shame it wasn't really a fair match, though, as I would have liked to see more of a fair fight between Taichi and KUSHIDA. N/A

What's Kushida's arm submission finisher called??
I don't think I've ever seen Taichi have a fair fight, all he's got is his cheating (although he has turned it up x10 in recent weeks).

Alucard said:
What's Kushida's arm submission finisher called??

The Hoverboard Lock (to fit the whole Back to the Future theme of Time Splitters).


Fuck. I missed the finish there. What move did Ricochet do for the victory?



Man, dude is charismatic, can sell, looks great, has "fan favorite" written all over him and, to top that, can do crazy flippy stuff without sacrificing psychology.

WWE messed up big time letting this one go. But then again, maybe he already is where is best for him.
Fuck. I missed the finish there. What move did Ricochet do for the victory?


He hit a superman punch, then followed up with the Benadryller (fireman's carry into a kick to the head);



An hour and 20 minutes into the show and we've only got four matches left. Woo. I'm good with this.

Nothing really stood out in those first five matches as being "must watch," but it was all pretty harmless and entertaining.

And Ricochet is awesome.


Bootaaay, thanks for all the knowledge. It's really helping me with my results and review report of the show.

I'll link it here once the show is over.


Also, I don't want to get too hyped, but I'm gonna say that on paper, KUSHIDA vs. Ricochet has match of the year potential. MAKE IT HAPPEN. I spent 25 bucks on this. I want to see something special, dammit.


Dude deserves them WWE dollars, but part of me is happy he is getting a paycheck and being famous and respected without having to deal with the McMahon circus of backstage drama.
Dude deserves them WWE dollars, but part of me is happy he is getting a paycheck and being famous and respected without having to deal with the McMahon circus of backstage drama.
He really doesn't care about that. He's got a kid in the states. He's enjoying what he's doing but he's ready to be around more. Selfishly I enjoy him being on shows I can go to and bs with him but I really want to see him get the call.


As a relatively new viewer of NJPW, the complete lack of ref intervention in this match felt strange. Otherwise, it provided some decent action and entertaining chaos. Yano was a real trooper and came off looking really sympathetic after the beating he took here. 2.75/5


What's the name of that finisher that Anderson and Gallows use?

And who's this "Fuck you, Bullet Club!" dude who came in to save the day?
Anderson & Gallows' finisher is called the Magic Killer and the dude who ran down was Togi Makabe, he's currently Tanahashi's tag partner and they're the no.1 contender's for Doc & Karl's tag titles.

I enjoyed that match a lot, crowd was ridiculously behind Honma. He's so great at generating sympathy as the face in peril.


Goddamn, great match. Once you get used to these clusterfucks, you can see there's actually a logic and story being told in the chaos.
Such an amazingly planned match.
Yeah, the last half of that match was just great, really loved the section with YOSHI-HASHI trying to stand up to Fale, then managing to get a near-fall after hitting his left-armed lariatoo and swanton bomb. Fale's finisher is awesome, looks proper devastating.


you deserve it cclap clap clapclapclap
You deserve it clap clap clapclapclap

Junior stuff never mix with the other stuff?
That match kicked all kinds of ass. Fantastic work by both guys and what a goddamn finishing stretch!! Amazing.

Sblargh said:
Junior stuff never mix with the other stuff?

For the most part, other than Ishii's NEVER title which is classed as 'openweight' and anyone can compete for. Also, if they ever do jr's vs heavyweight matches there's very little chance of the jr winning.


What a fantastic match! These two men worked to their strengths and brought the house down with a truly spectacular performance. The ending sequence was crazy. I thought for sure that Ricochet would tap after all of the arm work from KUSHIDA, but he showed true fighting spirit by still powering through everything and coming out on top. Wow! This is easily a match of the year contender and another great bout to add to the litany of great bouts that New Japan has had this year. 4.5/5


Congratulations, Ricochet!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Good to see Ricochet get his. He's one of the few flippy guys who I think really gets it. Kinda surprising he won though considering just a few weeks ago he was doing a WWE tryout.

Don't know how I feel about NJPW and their gaijin rubs lately though/
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