Man, it's starting to sink in my interest in WWE was directly linked to my interest in Daniel Bryan. I'll still watch it and stuff, but like, last night I barely watched it, I don't really feel watching Main Event today, tho I will at some point when I have a free hour to do nothing and/or people hype about it. It's like that point on comic fandom where you stop following characters or companies and start following creators, you know? You don't care so much for Batman, but you really want to see any superhero when done by Grant Morrisson.
I'll catch up on old D-Bry's stuff; on matches with him on it on the network, stuff like that. And then I guess I'll start checking out now and then if someone I like is doing something interesting. But it feels less and less like it is worth it to sit through a three hour show and then two hour shows and then a two hour show that are endless cycles of recapping, people I don't care about and misusing the people I do care about until I stop caring anymore. It's just too much for too little.
I think I'll actually start skipping RAW and watching Superstars / Main Event more because they'll just recap the good stuff anyway. I wish a bunch of indies would band together to form their own network with a monthly subscription so I don't have to be limited to one iPPV a month. Even when I dislike WWE, 10 dollars for everything they offer still is incredible value.
Yeah, outside of the Shield stuff and the opening promo, I barely gave a fuck last night. :-/
Sorry, bros, but I think it's time to take a break from the WWE and TNA...gonna catch up on ROH, Dragon Gate, and PWG DVDs that have been sitting on my shelf for a while.
New page.