Spider from Mars
tap that thorax
Bryan is just taking time off to finish shooting the last Hobbit film

Man, it's starting to sink in my interest in WWE was directly linked to my interest in Daniel Bryan. I'll still watch it and stuff, but like, last night I barely watched it, I don't really feel watching Main Event today, tho I will at some point when I have a free hour to do nothing and/or people hype about it. It's like that point on comic fandom where you stop following characters or companies and start following creators, you know? You don't care so much for Batman, but you really want to see any superhero when done by Grant Morrisson.
I'll catch up on old D-Bry's stuff; on matches with him on it on the network, stuff like that. And then I guess I'll start checking out now and then if someone I like is doing something interesting. But it feels less and less like it is worth it to sit through a three hour show and then two hour shows and then a two hour show that are endless cycles of recapping, people I don't care about and misusing the people I do care about until I stop caring anymore. It's just too much for too little.
I think I'll actually start skipping RAW and watching Superstars / Main Event more because they'll just recap the good stuff anyway. I wish a bunch of indies would band together to form their own network with a monthly subscription so I don't have to be limited to one iPPV a month. Even when I dislike WWE, 10 dollars for everything they offer still is incredible value.
Man they're really running the Shockmaster into the ground
Is this HBK/Cena match any good? As great as HBK is this pairing doesn't interest me. Same goes for the HHH match. How was that?
Well that was confusing. I apparently did these out of order. Clash XIX was apparently taped before Beach Blast and aired afterward. During Beach Blast they kept talking about the NWA tag tournament starting up "on Tuesday night" or some such nonsense and I was all like "uhh... I just saw that... right?" So after using THE INTERNET, I figured out that the chronological reddit list I've been using is a bit wonky. So I've gone ahead and put these in aired date order, because that's how wrasslin' works, am I right?
Anyway, Beach Blast '92 was a lot of fun. I could say a lot about it, but I'm not gonna. Mostly because I'm disappointed that stro didn't warn me about this whole taping date/airing date fiasco.
Is this HBK/Cena match any good? As great as HBK is this pairing doesn't interest me. Same goes for the HHH match. How was that?
Man... Dolph is a bad promo. And Rollins was yelled at with 'Boring!' chants from the crowd I believe. Shieeeet.
Friend, are you saying people here like ti beat a dead Horse? #AllRedEverything MAGGLEWe all should learn a thing or two about running things into the ground.
Geoff Keighley is like Vince going to Memphis whenever he does anything with Nintendo. Ultimate heel mode.
Thanks to @puro_yottsume on twitter he's been shipping official shirts for guys at a reasonable price (about $55) check him out
People actually like him? He's terrible.
That Type-0 thread is thread of the year
People actually like him? He's terrible.
IF BB92 didn't get at least an A-, I don't think anything will. At least not for a long, long time. I didn't know about the taping/airing date fiasco as I had plowed through up to 1993 before the Clashes were put up, so I watched all of them out of order until 1994.
It was on pace for an A. Somehow, an event with Greg Valentine vs. Marcus Bagwell was on pace for the first ever A (decent match, by the way). My issue comes with the two final matches. That's right, the Dangerous Alliance vs. Windham, Rhodes & Koloff and the Steiners vs. the Miracle Violence Connection kept it from being an A. The former seemed like a spin of the ol' wheels, ya know? The latter was a hair too long for my liking (I know, it had to be long because of the finish, but whatevs). I was just on this wrassle-high going into the last two matches and was thinking, "Man, these are going to be amazing matches! This event is gold, Jerry! Gold!"
So perhaps it's my fault for expecting two of the greatest matches ever there at the end. They were still really good. I guess I just expected a bit more.
Vita fans are the weirdest bunch.
Bad News Barrett comes out for the match. Barrett takes a Superman punch. 3MB comes out and jumps Reigns. He fights back and takes them all out.
Question for those watching the Cena-HBK WM Rewind, who are the people in the front row wearing the neon green and pink shirt? They used to be on a lot in the front row.
They can just use remote play. Only creeps use Vita in public. Play gameson your phone when in public, like an adultthrees
Bad News Barrett comes out for the match. Barrett takes a Superman punch. 3MB comes out and jumps Reigns. He fights back and takes them all out.
Only for six out of tens and below. 7's and up can play whatever the hell they want in public.
It's "damn it". Not dammit. Not damit. Not dammitt. Not damitt. Damn it. Two words.
So I can play whatever the hell I want in public? Phew
It's "damn it". Not dammit. Not damit. Not dammitt. Not damitt. Damn it. Two words.
Would you give Steamboat/Rude an A/5*?
Man, WCW is weird under Bill Watts. I mean, no padding outside is one thing (that Cactus/Sting match was BRUTAL to watch), and we've been living with the rule that you can't throw people over the top rope for awhile, but this new rule about not coming off the top rope: ridiculous! And the repeated clarification of the rule is funny.
JR: "Some sports writers don't agree with the rule, but they just don't understand..."
Watts: "It's like the American League and National League in baseball having different rules. The athletes can and will adapt."
I mean, how much backlash did they have to be getting to repeatedly address this. In 1992! Imagine the Twitter backlash if this was put in to place today in WWE...
It's "damn it". Not dammit. Not damit. Not dammitt. Not damitt. Damn it. Two words.
Someone 2K-ify this.
Took a while but...
Thank you 2K for having somewhat of a complete template.
Took a while but...
Thank you 2K for having somewhat of a complete template.
Man, WCW is weird under Bill Watts. I mean, no padding outside is one thing (that Cactus/Sting match was BRUTAL to watch), and we've been living with the rule that you can't throw people over the top rope for awhile, but this new rule about not coming off the top rope: ridiculous! And the repeated clarification of the rule is funny.
JR: "Some sports writers don't agree with the rule, but they just don't understand..."
Watts: "It's like the American League and National League in baseball having different rules. The athletes can and will adapt."
I mean, how much backlash did they have to be getting to repeatedly address this. In 1992! Imagine the Twitter backlash if this was put in to place today in WWE...
Took a while but...
Thank you 2K for having somewhat of a complete template.
Took a while but...
Thank you 2K for having somewhat of a complete template.
holy fuck that's hideous
Dat new avi smell, Thanks Cray Jay!