Gee thanks, stereotypes are cool.You didn't, but you're the type to do so. I also don't know names of anyone outside of WrassleGAF besides the Paramore weirdo.
Gee thanks, stereotypes are cool.You didn't, but you're the type to do so. I also don't know names of anyone outside of WrassleGAF besides the Paramore weirdo.
Adam Rose being off Raw this week is an indication already that they are cooling off on the character. Vince McMahon, who makes all the key choices, isnt the easiest one to get to accept new people as main players. Hes said not to be completely sold on any of the recent characters. Bo Dallas push is still continuing on almost every show. Kevin Dunn apparently buried Rose and Vince isnt sold on him either. Thats why Paige has the title but little character developmental has been done her. Dunn right now is a huge proponent of Fox, so her gimmick will continue to be featured.
Dunn riding the Bo and Fox Trains? Boxcar?
Good man.
Sorry Adam Rose. From this week's Observer:
Hopefully Fox isn't riding the Dunn train.
I always think of Kevin Dunn the actor when I hear that name.
B-b-but Vince...! He is a not a Main Player, he is a fun midcarder, just like Bo. And Paige was completely defanged. Goddamn it.
"So, we took good characters and made they suck, now they suck, so we'll get this crazy Alicia Fox gimmick that could work in small doses and let her do it 5 times a week until it sucks too. And then John Cena, because nothing works like John Cena! *10.000 people chanting 'John Cena sucks'*. Ah, yes, good old reliable John Cena."
Jesus fuck. Assholes.
Stopppppp ruining Elgin further
I was thinking about how Alicia Fox could tone it down a bit to make that a stable and enduring character, you know? We already know what she is capable of, we know she can snap, her maneirisms in the ring are great, she is doing well, but man, they're really burning her out. You can't shove the same joke down people's throats 2 or 3 times a week.
Make her almost snap, make people worried that she will snap, let her stay on the edge for some time and when people are feeling comfortable, then have her go crazy and stir shit up. Rinse, repeat. Not even sitcoms based on insane characters like It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia hit the crazy button every show.
All this focus on having TV Writers and a TV Producer and they can't grasp the basics of a weekly, much less a bi-weekly, TV show.
According to Alvarez Brock has 24 dates starting from WrestleMania going to the next one. So right now he has 22 dates remaining so I doubt he is going to show up to win the title. They can probably get more but in turn brock gets a lot more money. Expect him after battleground in July.
Also, can't wait till Dunn is gone from the show.
I was thinking about how Alicia Fox could tone it down a bit to make that a stable and enduring character, you know? We already know what she is capable of, we know she can snap, her maneirisms in the ring are great, she is doing well, but man, they're really burning her out. You can't shove the same joke down people's throats 2 or 3 times a week.
Make her almost snap, make people worried that she will snap, let her stay on the edge for some time and when people are feeling comfortable, then have her go crazy and stir shit up. Rinse, repeat. Not even sitcoms based on insane characters like It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia hit the crazy button every show.
All this focus on having TV Writers and a TV Producer and they can't grasp the basics of a weekly, much less a bi-weekly, TV show.
I always found AJ rather insufferable during her crazy gimmick, took up way too much focus
Why? Outside of that Reigns botch, Dunn is honestly too good for WWE.
Its great he has at least one fan when everyone else hates his guts. The man was behind the whole king sheamus crap as well.
I'm going to use my years of watching professional wrestling experience here and critique something that I just seriously thought about on Raw.
Ok, so the whole angle is that The Shield were a cohesive unit, and they were one of the two most powerful stables in current WWE. Them and Wyatts. Ok, I got it. Then Rollins betrayed them. Ok, I got it. So, the main event is The Shield and John Cena vs The Wyatt family. The Shield lost one of thier members. They lost a major pipe that makes up their wrestling machine. Ok? Ok. Michael Cole talks about how Cena isn't there to help the shield. He's there because he hates Bray. Fine, whatever. They have been wrestling with the same three guys for 2 years, and now they're missing one. They are taking on another three guys who are basically the willing devotees of Bray's. They are as cohesive of a unit as you can get.
Why the fuck did The Shield and Cena win? How does this further your Rollins feud? Rollins calls himself the architect for whatever reason. The theory is that he builds the plans, he comes up with the strategies, whatever. So without Rollins, why weren't they running around like a chicken with their head cut off? If not that, shouldn't they have had moments where they expected a Rollins to do a dive and he didn't because he wasn't there? Why did Ambrose know to do them? Why didn't Cena try to fight the Wyatt family by himself? Why wasn't there turmoil?
In what world should the Wyatts have lost? ESPECIALLY when you're bringing Bray back already, and let's be honest, he is currently your only real, active heel. Orton's a joke, Triple H is part-time and probably taking a break to let Rollins do his work, ADR is a complete joke, etc etc.
And Vince was behind signing and giving Khali the title. What's your point?
I was left wondering the same thing. The Shield is supposed to be 3 very specific guys, if you remove one, they're not the same. Reigns, Ambrose and Cena winning is, like most things in WWE, just bad storytelling. It would have been great babyface booking to give Ambrose and especially Reigns doubt as to whether they'll ever be as good without Rollins and show them struggle until they can pull it together and win the feud down the line.
The problem is Vince and Dunn right now with stuff like giving Khali the title, the start and stop pushes. Them calling Cesaro boring and all those rewrites.
If Angle debuted now compared to 1999 he wouldn't have made it.
The talk this week was of fast tracking Kalisto to the main roster by the end of the year. The company feels the need to have a Latino babyface star and theyve clearly given up on Sin Cara and Los Matadores as anything more than prelim level
They teamed with Cena though who is playing the Hogan Card against The Wyatt Family now. That basically says any random team of babyfaces wins vs The Wyatt Family as long as Cena is on the team. Any animosity or issues the other team members have at the time is secondary to this effect.
Except for when he, Sheamus, and Big E lost to the Wyatts the night after WrestleMania.
Some interesting news:
This doofus
The Hogan Card wasn't activated then. It took the last man standing victory that ended the feud to activate, any challenge that includes Cena vs The Wyatt Family will succeed.
From the Observer;
"New Japan is looking to bring in Ricochet as a regular in the role as a babyface top foreign junior heavyweight that Devitt had for many years."
Great news for Ricochet and the New Japan Jr's division.