Ric Flair said in an interview that he'd love to be paired up with Ziggler and act as his manager.
Fighting games suck. and 1 sucks. and 3 sucks.
Daniel Bryan was given the ball. Then, he went on honeymoon with the ball, gave bad promos with the ball, and injured himself tripping over the ball. So, the ball was taken away from him.
Joke post aside, I always did think it was a bad move on his part to have his honeymoon right after Mania. I mean, he's not doing anything right now...
Joke post aside, I always did think it was a bad move on his part to have his honeymoon right after Mania. I mean, he's not doing anything right now...
But they put Zeb Colter and Paul Heyman with guys like Curtis Axel and Jack Swagger.Yeah, I've heard that too. And then I heard that they don't want to put him with Ziggler because they don't see anything in him.
Sort of, but once HBK left, the only ideal guys Austin could feud with is Kane and/or Taker. Foley was a face and Rock didn't get his eventual push until that Fall.Oh, and post-WM feud with Kane is just part of the hazing process as a new champ. Even Austin had to go through it.
Joke post aside, I always did think it was a bad move on his part to have his honeymoon right after Mania. I mean, he's not doing anything right now...
Dolph has kinda had all of that though. I think they've really tried to make Dolph work, but he's always just meh.
Yeah, I've heard that too. And then I heard that they don't want to put him with Ziggler because they don't see anything in him.
I enjoyed his work with AJ and Big E. That was largely them hanging out backstage doing character interactions/nothing important until (competitor or feud) intruded. Small things, but they helped the show.
My sources (lolitsGAF) say it's because hey don't want two loose cannons together, especially when one is Flair. And I refuse to believe anyone sees anything in the Miz other than an E-tier actor and a B-tier PR mouthpiece.
How is Ziggler whiny? Most of what I've seen is just poking fun at himself and the whole situation. It's all pretty innocuous compared to the stuff Punk did that gets hailed as "great".
How is Ziggler whiny? Most of what I've seen is just poking fun at himself and the whole situation. It's all pretty innocuous compared to the stuff Punk did that gets hailed as "great".
lolWWE said:Amy Zidian's tenure with the company deserves its own entry. After she was called up to Smackdown to serve as Jimmy Wang Yang's valet, she proceeded to immediately endear herself to the rest of the Divas by mockingly asking Layla if she was upset that Zidian, who'd finished in eighth place in the same Diva Search that Layla had won, was getting a push while she was "collecting dust", then upset Kristal by making fun of her hair extensions.
As if that wasn't bad enough, Zidian's next move was to ask Vickie Guerrero how, based on her looks, she was able to get a job as a Diva. Guerrero responded that since she was "not pretty enough", she should leave "your (Zidian's) locker room". Zidian genuinely didn't know who Vickie was or why she was an on-screen talent, something that five minutes of research would've cleared up for her. Her ignorance was not appreciated by others. There was a push to fire her based on it, but John Laurinaitis (yes, him again, he always shows up in these situations) persuaded everyone to give her another chance.
This second chance went even worse than the first one did. Stephanie McMahon spoke to Zidian, attempting to give her some advice on proper backstage behavior. In front of a crowd and with attitude in her voice, Zidian asked Stephanie who she was to be giving out advice. Yes, you read that right. She didn't know who one of her bosses was! Zidian's reaction to learning Stephanie's identity was not apologetic, and her fate was sealed. She lasted barely a month. Laurinaitis, who was responsible for all this by calling her up in the first place, unsurprisingly kept his job.
TNA is hosting a poll to see if folks want them to continue with 4-sided ring or bring back the 6-sided ring
That's probably the only Ziggler criticism that I don't completely understand. If anything, I think he thinks he's funnier and cooler than he actually is.How is Ziggler whiny? Most of what I've seen is just poking fun at himself and the whole situation. It's all pretty innocuous compared to the stuff Punk did that gets hailed as "great".
The stuff that Punk did on screen as part of a storyline? Do people really think the pipe bomb was a for real legit shook legit shoot?
Yeesh... Kane's current mask is so much better.How far we've come
Hey, I'm not even saying Ziggler is whiny or that this is the reason why he doesn't get more opportunities, but when dirt sheetz reports stuff like that, a lot of people go "yeah, it makes sense".
All I'm saying is, if it is true, then it is shitty.
If only that were all of it.
I don't even understand the argument. People have been saying Punk acts like an asshole for over a decade now. Everything he's said that's made him "great" were things on screen, as part of a storyline. Not bitching about jobbing on Twitter. I can't believe how easily Punk worked smarks into thinking he was saying whatever he wanted and wasn't part of the storyline, with ideas given to him by writers.
It would be really great if Reigns acted like he gave a shit about what was happening instead of doing his insufferable "too cool for school" routine.
Scumbag.Stardust Shining bright like a diamond
It would be really great if Reigns acted like he gave a shit about what was happening instead of doing his insufferable "too cool for school" routine.
That Kevin Nash method.It would be really great if Reigns acted like he gave a shit about what was happening instead of doing his insufferable "too cool for school" routine.
Stro, you should review those old WWF episodes of "Fear Factor."
What's the distinction between Ziggler making a throwaway joke on twitter and Punk seriously thinking that him vs Cena should main event over Cena/Rock? One draws the ire of "smarks" the other is lubricant for them.
Because Ziggler makes jokes about how he jobs all the time, takes shots at his coworkers, and generally acts like a passive-aggressive cry baby on Twitter all day. Punk went to Vince personally with his issues and they made it into an on screen angle where Punk was (allegedly) the top guy from then on. You really don't see a difference in how they handled their problems?
I'm not talking about how they're handling their problems because I don't assume to know exactly how they do that. I'm talking about the response between how one man makes dumb jokes that are construed as whining and the other makes dumb comments that are taken as gospel by some.
Dear Stro,
Please if you get the chance, would you be kind enough to review the TV pilot Tagteam starring Jesse Ventura and Roddy Piper. It is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1Gf3gXvZ-k