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June Wrasslin' |OT| Layin' the law, once again, prepare for war. C! Z! W!


Yo, guys. Seriously. Go to TNA's site and vote to have the six-sided ring back. Let's get some variety in our pro wrestling, and let's have TNA get back to what made it stand out in the mid-2000s.


this poll is a work, they secretly announced last year that they were bringing back the six sides of shit this fall.

Borash has been hinting at it for a while. It's a way to get the New York crowd on their side. I think it just might work, especially with Muta scheduled to appear for the tapings as well.



Whats he going to warn him about? Is he there to to try to explain to Vince that vomit, poop and necrophilia jokes are not funny?

For real. It should be 2014 Kane wanting 1995 Issac Yankem to make sure to stay injured for all of 2002-2003. Maybe 2014 HHH could tell 1995 HHH to cut his hair earlier.


Bought a new bike instead of the new UFC game. Did I do wrong Lambda friend?

I don't think so. It looks terrible. Bike riding is much better for you. I've been riding a ton since the drinking stopped. Haven't really lost weight from it, but it is nice to get out and ride around and feel like you're doing something. Cardio is much improved. There is a large, steep hill that I have to go up just about every time I ride and I remember the first time going up, having to stop half way up, then stopping again about half a mile farther because I was still huffing and puffing and could taste blood in the back of my mouth. Then I could get all the way up and stop at the top to rest. Then I could get up to the top and keep going and catch my breath completely about 30 seconds later while still going. It's pretty dope.



I'm still reading this in pure disbelief. If I were to quote everything that I believe it is so over the top stupid that there is no way in hell someone would do that for real, I would just quote the entire page.

It's like, WWE stupidity are "only" bad decisions, like hiring supermodels instead of wrestlers or bad booking and stupid sense of humor. TNA stupidity on the other hand is a kind of human flaw, I can't even explain, it's not like those people don't understand wrestling or their own audience; it's a basic lack of common sense and simple logic. And I want to believe that there were good moments to contrast with the stuff on the page, but the stupid is so stupid; not only stupid in relation to what is a good wrestling show or what is good tv, just... dumb people doing dumb stuff.

Yeah...the stupidity of TNA is quite baffling to say the least.

A little bit more so when you try to think about how they've lasted so long.
(Protip: DON'T DO THIS.)

They do have flashes of brilliance here and then, but it's completely overshadowed by boneheaded booking, mistakes, and often a total lack of logic. (Calling them mistakes is a bit generous, however.)
Sheamus, Roman Reigns and John Cena defeated Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio and Cesaro. The whole match was built around Reigns getting the hot tag. Reigns pinned Del Rio for the win.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
WWE 2k15 Roman Reigns is going to have infinite finisher mode permanently enabled.

Also, I'm no long interested in 2k15 because Stardust won't be in it.


Sheamus, Roman Reigns and John Cena defeated Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio and Cesaro. The whole match was built around Reigns getting the hot tag. Reigns pinned Del Rio for the win.


8. John Cena, Sheamus, and Roman Reigns defeated Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, Alberto Del Rio, and Cesaro (w/Paul Heyman) in a handicap match. There were MULTIPLE, LOUD "We Want Roman!" chants during the match. The crowd booed big-time when Sheamus made the hot tag to Cena instead. Hilarious.

Mid-match, there was a stare-down between the two teams on the floor closest to the hard camera and a brawl broke out along the barricades. The heel team then took their turn working over Cena for the majority of the match. The crowd erupted for this. Cena finally made a hot tag to Reigns, and the place erupted again. Reigns pinned Del Rio following a spear. A really fun main event match. The victorious team shook hands to close the show

I know everyone has paranoia about him but its working great right now. This push was not shoved down people throats but built for 18 months


Sheamus, Roman Reigns and John Cena defeated Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio and Cesaro. The whole match was built around Reigns getting the hot tag. Reigns pinned Del Rio for the win.

Fucking lol. I genuinely wanna see him win the belts, just to see the lengths they'll have to go to to cover up the fact their champ can't actually wrestle.


Things I like:

Bike riding. Kind of. I also kind of hate it at the same time.
Bob Backlund's helmet of hair in 1994 before he went for the buzz cut
The AC I put in today
90's NBA
PRIDE (but only in Japan, shit wasn't the same with the unified rules in the US)
Antonio Inoki's POWERFUL jaw line
The Swirl

Things I don't like:

Bean Breath
The Tatanka/Lex Luger angle
That it was 92 degrees at 82% humidity today and I was riding my bike in it today
That DBryne could be at the brink of his career ending
Michael Hayes
This botch
WWE 2k15 Roman Reigns is going to have infinite finisher mode permanently enabled.

Also, I'm no long interested in 2k15 because Stardust won't be in it.

I think it says something that he was going to be in a singles match until someone said "uhhh this can only go like 4 minutes if we do it"

I know everyone has paranoia about him but its working great right now. This push was not shoved down people throats but built for 18 months
If he wins the belt, consider it officially shoved down your throat. A champion needs to be able to work a match. Once he's exposed, forget it.
I don't think so. It looks terrible. Bike riding is much better for you. I've been riding a ton since the drinking stopped. Haven't really lost weight from it, but it is nice to get out and ride around and feel like you're doing something. Cardio is much improved. There is a large, steep hill that I have to go up just about every time I ride and I remember the first time going up, having to stop half way up, then stopping again about half a mile farther because I was still huffing and puffing and could taste blood in the back of my mouth. Then I could get all the way up and stop at the top to rest. Then I could get up to the top and keep going and catch my breath completely about 30 seconds later while still going. It's pretty dope.

I live like two blocks from Golden Gate Park and I go along JFK drive and it's basically road surrounded by grasslands and to be honest....shit can't get better than that. Takes away all the cynicism and neck injury angles of the world and all you can think about is just moving forward.

Cardio was the main reason I bought the bike also. Wanted Daniel Bryan levels of cardio rather than Blue lunged Dave Bluetista
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