Madden would be better if there was a competing studio who also made an competent NFL game. Though I haven't played a Madden in a while, it only makes sense that their game has slacked since there's no competition. Same goes for WWE, really.
WCCW documentary on the network tomorrow.
It's pretty good. Will set a good groundwork for watching the WCCW episodes they do have up.
WCCW documentary on the network tomorrow.
I enjoyed that documentary despite the fact it was depressing. The Von Erichs and all of that.
I've only played 2K14 PC version but isn't The Association Mode free from all of that? I thought it was My Player that had some sort of F2P model.
Next-gen 2K14 has done away with Association in place of MyGM, whereby you take over of a franchise as the general manager, and must make all the key decisions as you would in previous entries of the series, but can also adjust budgets around the stadium, like the prices of tickets and jerseys. In order to become a better GM, you must spend VC to level up your skills, like the ability to negotiate contracts or persuade a free agent to join your team. You’re only able to manipulate certain prices once you’re GM is at a certain level.
Earned VC can be spent in any mode on next-gen NBA 2K14, meaning I must choose where to apply my funds, and naturally, where I will commit most of my time and effort. The problem with this is that I can’t build sufficient cash to support playing both modes concurrently.
To highlight my point: I completed a match as the Knicks in MyGM, earning 150 VC for the win, but it costs over 1000 to level-up my career player’s three-point stat by one point. Because both MyGM and MyPLAYER require funds to improve, I played both could only spend in one. This meant that my abilities as a GM were hampered. I couldn’t adjust ticket prices as soon as I should have, and didn’t level up quickly enough to do the things I wanted, and I refuse to spend more money to acquire additional VC.
They stopped updating WCCW for some reason .
Am I the only that thinks some of Capcom's non-japanese output was great?
They also stopped updating ECW. I hope they update it along with raw 1995 since Monday Night Wars is on the way.
I'm starting to feel some type of way about the network. It feels more geared towards wwe saying "Hey remember when we were awesome and you have to like our brand guise" I bought the network for other wrestling promotions from the past and maybe a wwe ppv or two.
They do a better job of explaining the problems with next-gen 2K
And this shit will be coming to WWE2K at some point, either this year or the next.
It's a sad goddamn tale. But those fucking hot.
Bionic Commando games: All fantastic.
Dead Rising 2 : OTR: Pretty good.
Dark Void: Demo sucked. Never tried full game.
RE: ORC: Very promising ideas and concepts. Failed on every level when it comes to execution.
DmC: Demo sucked ass. Seen enough on YT / read impressions to know that it's fucking terrible.
Variety is the spice of life. Can't wait for the old territory stuff to show up.
Yes WWE has shit Communication with the network. Tell me why content has dried up or taking so slow. No incentive to resin scribe if I can just wait for content to appear .
That's what I'm talking about - if they aren't going to upload this stuff in 'season' chunks, or any sort of order for that matter, then at least dip into that huge-ass library of content and chuck up one or two vintage TV episodes from random territories each week.
Perhaps they're prioritising based on what people are watching though, wouldn't surprise me to find out that the majority have been ignoring the old-school stuff. Or at least, the non-WWE old-school stuff.
Is there any chance the Steiners get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, or would they want to avoid the inevitable Scott Steiner promo (which would actually be the highlight and the reason you'd induct the Steiners into the Hall of Fame)?
Is there any chance the Steiners get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, or would they want to avoid the inevitable Scott Steiner promo (which would actually be the highlight and the reason you'd induct the Steiners into the Hall of Fame)?
¡HarlequinPanic!;117431792 said:Ayo, chicos. Dead Rising 3 and DmC are TIGHT.
I am certain they will be inducted at some point or another.
Bionic Commando Rearmed 1 and 2 were neat. Dark Void was pretty dope, but destined to be b-tier. RE:ORC was disgustingly bad in a lot of ways. DmC is fucking great.
I think in some roundtable they said the Von Erich patriarch had a nazi gimmick in the 50s? If so, amazing that he could have his sons wrestle with the same name and be the babyface american boys they were.
The "Am I the only one that..." threads are the fucking worst.
I need to make a "Am I the only one that hates the "Am I the only one that..." threads?" thread.
When it comes to Dark Void:
The jet pack flying was exhilarating. I really liked it. However, the shooting had absolutely no impact. The story looked pretty terrible; the "native people" you deal with were offensively bad. And it had Nolan North as the protagonist doing his Nathan Drake voice. Fuck that.
Would you say the demo was unrepresentative?
I think in some roundtable they said the Von Erich patriarch had a nazi gimmick in the 50s? If so, amazing that he could have his sons wrestle with the same name and be the babyface american boys they were.
Am I the only one who always noticed how Earl Hebner would always SCREAM at Liz and tell her to shut up when she was trying to turn his attention to the heels cheating?
There really has been a huge influx of fucking gimmick posters around here lately.
Help us, friend Heel.
don't worry, breh, when the old timey gimmick debuts on RAW and the silence is such you can hear a fair lady fart these playboys will switch to something else.
Since you guys were talking about games again, I thought I might mention I am giving some Steam and a few Desura titles away.
Nothing wrestling related, though I guess you could create a wrestler in Scribblenauts or listen to some JR Commentary as you play SEGA Bass Fishing.
The Spartacus boardgame is the shit, love me some backstabbing politics.
"Am I the only one underwhelmed by the games media's 'strong female characters'?"
The "insider" guy on Reddit is claiming that AJ is pregnant. Not sure how legit it is, but it's being presented as such.