Sid Vicious came to my work to talk to kids who are locked up in emotional disturbance facilities. He was really down to earth, and honest to a fault with the kids. I can not thank him enough for the way it made my students feel, or for how patient he was with our kids who have many different disabilities. He took over 100 photos and signed 500 pieces of scrap paper the kids could find, all with a smile on his face and begging the kids to stay in school and not try to do what he did, drop out and become a professional athlete. He talked for over two hours, for nothing more than some thanks from the staff, who were more excited than the kids haha. It was an awesome thing.
Memorable Quotes:
I swear to you if I could give it all up, every last bit, and actually learn how to read, I would do it.
You all aren't in this alone, I will do everything I can to help you all out here. How about I come back in 2 weeks and start a football camp to get you boys outside and working towards enjoying being a kid!
I was worse than all of you, no mother, no father, dropped out, locked up, 8 cousins in jail today, and I was able to come out of it. I may still have anger issues, and have to talk myself down, but if I can come back from that, you can come back from this.
I did dumb stuff. Hell I got 2 DUIs in one night! I mean, I thought it was funny as hell, but it shouldn't have been, but it was.
"Sycho" came from me stabbing a guy in the neck 38 times, google it if you don't believe me.
*** Edit *** I have gotten a lot of messages about people willing to donate time, energy and money to helping these kids too. The program I work for is Youth Villages, and our website is if you would like to get involved trying to help! I know this is a shameless plug that will make me get down-voted to 0, but if it helps one of my kids, totally worth it!