Ps4k anticipation was never centered around games that have yet to come, but around enhancing the games that are already out which is something I would like to see. I will be replaying many of the games in my library once this thing comes out. The whole "not enough games" yet that was issued came off as a red herring. I have zero doubt (and zero proof) that is Sony's knee jerk reaction to Xbox Scorpio.
Developers aren't happy though with either. Its not exactly something promising for them financially to develop "enhanced features" for the upgraded spec consoles because it literally means they have to split their teams developing and testing two different versions of a title increasing cost. It also means they divide their market because instead of having one version that plays on both consoles they have one that only plays on the enhanced 4.5 consoles thus relegating the vanilla PS4 owners to a mentality of not wanting to own an inferior version. This leads to lower at launch sales as inferior versions would be passed over till cheaper or till folks could afford the new consoles. Either way it hurts launch sales, increases dev costs and splits markets for a product at launch.
Many developers are stating that other than offering more stable framerates and load times they aren't really gonna do anything related towards making "enhanced ps4.5 or Scorpio" versions of games. Exclusive content is pretty much the same as making this a 3 year console gen and many developers are only just now finishing their first projects given the time involved in making next gen titles on these consoles. Not like we ever maxed out the vanilla consoles yet either so its not worth it to start all over developing with just the enhanced systems in mind for many developers.
I don't really see a lot being out for either enhance console in particular really. But hey more stable framerates is a plus. Just not an E3 dealbreaker. I'd go look and see what games are coming to play on whatever hardware is coming over worrying about enhanced console news.