I'm a B on that curve. Yeah!
I'm a B on that curve. Yeah!
wish I could see TNA tonight. always enjoyed their PPVs even if I couldnt ever watch impact
You could pay the 50 USD to watch on PPV!
Friends, I know we use the "legit shook" thing alot here and usually jokingly. But I'm legit shook today over the Orlando shit. That's straight up heartbreaking. And on top of that, some of the opiniona I'm seeing tossed around as a result of it. Jesus Christ, what is wrong with some people.
So they're still Zero?PWInsider says the new TNA minority owner is Billy Corgan
They're having a full metal alchemist match, that's so sick.Tonight's the night! BROTHER NERO !
They're having a full metal alchemist match, that's so sick.
Yeah, TNA is for a little more discerning taste, you're right.$40 for TNA
in 2016
Anyone know where I can get a Cena or Reigns tshirt for cheap?
Anyone know where I can get a Cena or Reigns tshirt for cheap?
Matt and MVP did something similar already. You can't even top those Smackdowns.Matt and Jeff should have a seven levels of hate matches
Your response made me lolGoodwill
E: You may find some Lebron stuff there too
Man if you allI don't wanna pay $40 for one match though
I'm betting if I spent $40 on this TNA PPV I'd feel less ripped off at the end of it than the last $35 ROH PPV. The NJPW guys wrestle like its a house show and Delirious has lost the plot in terms of booking, which fits his character at least.
Angle vs Sabre was a lot of fun. Great atmosphere, a really condensed match though as Kurt's knee is fucked. Ospreay vs Speedball was nuts. Fun show all round, give it a watch when it's on demand in a day or two.
Damn. I like that suplex into an Americana, see that's the kind of shit WWE needs to adapt -- using shoot holds in a way that looks both realistic and entertaining.Big Wiggle nothing
Hmmmm nope. Why, because it was two big names, two good fighters, and before the league became pussified with all of the pussy rules.Is there a better pure UFC fight than Shamrock/Severn II?
TIL Black Magic was Norman Smiley
Big Wiggle nothing
Who told Mike Bennett that it would be a good idea to emulate Sheamus' hairstyle?
What a silly look.
Anyone know where I can get a Cena or Reigns tshirt for cheap?