20 WWE PPVS a year plus 5-6 (if the rumors of a 3 hour smackdown are true) every year.
There is simply no way to get somebody new into wrestling. Too much time commitment and frankly the presentation style of the WWE is stale and out of date when compared to other sports.
You should want people craving your content. I always wonder if part of the reason the UFC works is that it is practically impossible to have a guy fight every month thus they are forced to build programs around multiple people and not over expose one person.
Instead what they should be doing is what they do with Brock. Have him work a few matches a year.
TV is where there money is and their goal to still have a circus travel to house shows every year gets more guys injured and over exposes the product.
Everything about the way the product is run is thinking about short term profit as opposed to long term growth.
Some of those PPVs will be Smackdown brand, and some will be Raw brand and then the big ones will have both