Shane Douglas, Jarrett, and Hunter are all laughable champions. There's nothing you can say to get me to think otherwise.Jeff Jarrett being a World Champ is still fucking hilarious to me.
Shane Douglas, Jarrett, and Hunter are all laughable champions. There's nothing you can say to get me to think otherwise.Jeff Jarrett being a World Champ is still fucking hilarious to me.
Is that Gran Metalik?
Oh hi are you new to CMLL management?Then CMLL is literally throwing away free advertising
Shane Douglas, Jarrett, and Hunter are all laughable champions. There's nothing you can say to get me to think otherwise.
My hopes for J-Cup are, realistically, BUSHI wins it.
Pie in the sky, Kenou is NOAH's participant and KENOU wins it.
Pretty much guarantee Aoki is going to be AJPW's entrant. And if they do Aoki/Eita and Aoki/Kenou. Oh baby.
Kenou probably gets in because they wouldn't want to have Harada lose, which I'm fine with as I like Kenou a ton more anyways. Not a fan of Kotoge.
Who do you see CMLL sending? Dragon Lee would be my guess, but I heard he got injured?
Shane Douglas, Jarrett, and Hunter are all laughable champions. There's nothing you can say to get me to think otherwise.
I'm surprised Jinzo isnt in the CWC thing
Apparently that was the 'lesser known' lucha guy that WWE are after hardcore at the moment
Who will probably go? Some lower tier like Rey Cometa, Stuka or Valiente. Who i want to go? Tiger, Puma, Guerrero MayaWho do you see CMLL sending? Dragon Lee would be my guess, but I heard he got injured?
I'm surprised Jinzo isnt in the CWC thing
Apparently that was the 'lesser known' lucha guy that WWE are after hardcore at the moment
Who will probably go? Some lower tier like Rey Cometa, Stuka or Valiente. Who i want to go? Tiger, Puma, Guerrero Maya
I thought that was that Ultimo Ninja kid? He's the nephew of some famous lucha dude iirc and seems pretty good at the flippy-do's.
Guerrero Maya would be cool for sure.
Mephisto would make every match good by losingMephisto could be a Bullet Club representative
he is technically still a member
Rey Escorpion or Maximo would be amazing, but I don't see that happening
I keep thinking you guys are talking about this when you mention Jinzo:
There were rumors that they were after Hector Garza Jr who's been good for his experience. And Maya is indeed the coolest dude
Mephisto would make every match good by losing
And i imagine Escorpion and Maximo would be over the weight limit if this does have one
There's no way Ibushi weighs less than either of them
Gargano and Ciampa will probably face them in the semis, I guess.So it's kind of obvious that we're getting Ibushi vs ZSJR in the finals, right?
Gargano and Ciampa will probably face them in the semis, I guess.
Who didn't see this coming. Well, I know what the bathroom break match is.Charlotte and Dana vs Becky and Natalya at MITB
THE Brian Kendrick?
I think Aisha is shooting
Charlotte and Dana vs Becky and Natalya at MITB
God VInce can't wait to get that strap on Dana.
Charlotte and Dana vs Becky and Natalya at MITB
Hmmm, did you all know that Jason Sensation was ummmm violated in the business? I read this about a month or so ago and I've been meaning to share it with you all. It's really disgusting but sheds some light on the business, well we already knew lots of things before but no one deserves this type of punishment. Here you go,
I mean Vince apparently loves Dana and she got owned by Becky in their last match.The company is so incompetent that the only way they can keep a character from taking losses in matches with pre-determined outcomes is to keep the character off the TV programming.
in line to be the next dbry
They should just run 2 angles for the women instead of 1.Tonight better be a singles match with a promo maybe afterwards and not a segment for the women. Seems that the only matches with this feud tend to be on Smackdown.
is tonight the night?
is tonight the night?
THE Brian Kendrick?
Those pat Patterson stories are enough to make you hurl.Developmental was hell in WWF/WWE until very, very recently.
The night Lebron is sent home, yes. The night ratings fall, tonight the night?
is tonight the night?