Tom Nook
The power of the undertaker....
To be fair, they did receive some backlash for not having Sasha and the others in 2k16. Those four should have been in the last game, given they were on the NXT/main roster longer than some other characters who made it into the game like Joe who was DLC. For some reason, WWE apparently wanted to save the four women until the next game.I like how Yukes has to "confirm" people that are on the active roster are in the game.
Like it's some kind of gift.
Woah! Chris Warren died.
It's weird how Goldberg is such a big deal in the marketing for 2k17 when he was in 2k14 with next to no fanfare.
Sasha Banks confirmed for 2k17. Definitely means Becky, Bayley and Charlotte to soon follow.
Considering how the Renee model looked last year, though...
Career Mode was the worst with the interviews. Having to deal with her features that make me think they didn't even bother scanning her, the same redundant questions over and over. My CAW's bland as fuck voice, with four options to choose, always the same either a face 'I respect my opponent but I will beat him' to a heel 'he's worthless and I'm gonna make him eat the dirt'.
Then ending with "back to you, guys" or "back to you, Cole".
That privileged life. I'd prefer Otunga on Raw & SD already he's interesting.Byron Saxton is amazing in that he isn't good at anything.
He has nothing positive or anything going for him yet he gets to call wrestlemania.
Byron Saxton is amazing in that he isn't good at anything.
He has nothing positive or anything going for him yet he gets to call wrestlemania.
He's new to announcing. Give him some time.
I think he's got a fine voice and delivery. It would probably be better for him if he wasn't on an announce team with two other guys, both of whom are either openly hostile to his presence or are being told to use him as a punching bag.
JBL: Bryon, if you were on life support I'd pull the plug and charge my iPhone.One of these days he's gonna blow up either shoot or work.
Remember when they had a segment where Saxton is like "I need to get one of those Cesaro Section signs!" and Cole just says straight faced: "Nobody likes you Byron."
Dublin booed No Way Jose. Fuck this city.
BWAHHHHHHAAAAAHAHA! It's crazy that Cole is dishing out the same stuff they gave to him. He's a good sport.One of these days he's gonna blow up either shoot or work.
Remember when they had a segment where Saxton is like "I need to get one of those Cesaro Section signs!" and Cole just says straight faced: "Nobody likes you Byron."
He's new to announcing. Give him some time.
I think he's got a fine voice and delivery. It would probably be better for him if he wasn't on an announce team with two other guys, both of whom are either openly hostile to his presence or are being told to use him as a punching bag.
Aries was stupidly over for some reasonWhat the hell, he was super over in Belfast. =/
Aries was stupidly over for some reason
Dublin booed No Way Jose. Fuck this city.
I have to admit, though, while looking through #NXTDublin for why such a thing would happen, the "Knifey Spoony" chants for Peyton Royce was quite creative. I didn't even know she was Australian, and I think I've heard her speak.
He gets shit here for having a pissy attitude. Idgaf, he's good at his job.Because he is a great wrestler.
He was created entirely so Wario would have a doubles partner in Mario Tennis. He's never appeared in a mainline Mario title. FLUDD is a better and more relevant Mario character than Waluigi.
I'm really hoping Corey Graves gets a call up. I really enjoy how well he puts everyone over while still having some kind of personality.
So what if he's good? Why boo No Way Jose? Are you going to boo Bayley for beating Alexa Bliss? Are you going to boo Sami for beating KO? Sure he's not as "good" as Aries. This is not a Cena or a Reigns situation though, he has personality and is a legit babyface, not some overpushed douchebag who responds to critics in and out of kayfabe via homophobic insults.He gets shit here for having a pissy attitude. Idgaf, he's good at his job.
Heat for Balor/Joe was in fucking sane. Non stop noise, Joe absolutely hated Finn was god Gigantic reaction for the missed Coup de Grace. The fact the title had changed on a house show had everyone thinking maybe, just maybe they'd do it for Finns home crowd.
Someone on twitter is plagiarising my tweets about NXT last night right down to the exact wording. They even claimed my fucking photo as their own.
Not happy about this.
"It finally happened. Thanks, in part, to going head-to-head with Game 5 of the NBA Finals, the June 13th edition of WWE Raw fell below the 3 million viewer mark for the first time outside of football season.
The show did 2.96 million viewers -- the second lowest for a non-holiday episode of the show since 1997, as there was a show in November that did 2.95 million viewers. The prior seasonal record low was 3.12 million viewers, and while the rating isn't out as of this writing, it should equate to a 2.1 or 2.2 rating. "
Say what you want, I will always cherish the memories of Enzo vs. Xavier, Dean vs. Seth's Face, and Kofi vs. His Own Taste In Shoes.The show did itself no favors last night. It was good but missable.
The twiiter plagiarist has blocked me after I sent them a message about my displeasure with their activity and requested them to stop.
Ask for his address and I'll beat his pussy ass for you and any other motherfucker here that wants it.The twiiter plagiarist has blocked me after I sent them a message about my displeasure with their activity and requested them to stop.
Sorry if this takes over my posting for a while, but I have an axe to grind, I'm on a fucking mission here to end this right now.
That motherfucker went into business for himself
Time to shoot on him
I'll go get the fist tape.
LOL, it's a woman, or a man pretending to be a woman (happens a lot).
How do I report her now that I can't view their tweets anymore?