Thinking back on yesterday, I almost bought a replica NXT belt, no joke I was at the merchandise stand and I asked if they had any left, the lady told me yes they had two, she handed it to me. I unzipped the cover and took it out, I set it down on the table and grabbed my wallet, after about a minute of deliberation I handed it back and said someone else can have it. I bought some armbands and a program.
Walking back to my seat, I still wonder if I should have bought it or not, but the main thing that made say no was the price - £350.
On a slightly funnier note this just had me in tears laughing. "I want to eat warm Nutella brownies off the ass of a muscly man whilst watching the football and lounging around in my underwear" that was from twitter, I'm redacting the user in question (it wasn't me) for privacy sake.