Is that what it is? I thought it was because hos moves look worse than Eva Marie's. Good to know.
He said nothing about that. I'm taking issue with the idea of "You shouldn't like this wrestler anymore because he was in a squash match".
Is that what it is? I thought it was because hos moves look worse than Eva Marie's. Good to know.
Authors of Pain have been better booked than the Club so far
oh you can already see the next ones illusion shattering
dont worry guys i fully expect my boy sombra to flop
I can't look at any community that thought Dean Ambrose was going to win the Royal Rumble favorably or "ahead of the curve" on anything, Cagey. I just can't.
THEN everyone (sorry, I know it's not "everyone", but it was enough to notice) thought he'd beat both Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar at Fastlane, making him the headliner for WrestleMania. It was simply bizarre.
He said nothing about that. I'm taking issue with the idea of "You shouldn't like this wrestler anymore because he was in a squash match".
People wondering why Ambrose's reaction has fallen off a cliff recently? It's because the reaction was a protest vote. Crowds weren't Pro-Ambrose, they were Anti-Reigns. Now that that angle is over, his reaction has gone back to the midcard level it was in the winter.
That being said, of course he's fixable. Think of every moron who said Styles was "buried" by Jericho, and he's in a molten-hot feud with the face of the company.
Wrasslegaf isn't ahead of the curve on anything
Except a select few #tastemakers in the thread
Ehh look at that Raw in Brooklyn in 2014 where he was really over.
They just turned Ambrose into "Roman's Pal" so they could hide Roman below the card til the end of the year.
Had Cena been healthy no fucking way does Roman main event Mania especially after Cena had his best year since 2004
Wrasslegaf isn't ahead of the curve on anything
Except a select few #tastemakers in the thread
Having to go back to 2014 doesn't help Ambrose's cause.
I agree that Cena/Taker would have main evented WM.
But they still sold 100K, so they made do attendance-wise. The branding of WM as The Big One has worked-now they just have to make the middle months not feel like filler.
Can we all just agree that EC3 is worlds better than Dean Ambrose?
Can we all just agree that EC3 is worlds better than Dean Ambrose?
I hope the idea ends up growing on them because they seem to have no other choiceBlake and Murphy hated having first names again so they're giving the team thing another run.
Can we all just agree that EC3 is worlds better than Dean Ambrose?
Also, can we just acknowledge that I was the first person in the world to actively point out how terrible the Full Sail fans are, and the iSEC hive mind shouted me down for "hating fun" and "being negative?"
Going back to when he wasn't booked to be a complete goof?
Also, can we just acknowledge that I was the first person in the world to actively point out how terrible the Full Sail fans are, and the iSEC hive mind shouted me down for "hating fun" and "being negative?"
It's going to be awesome when he gets the case and the title. The tears will taste grrrrrreat!Sometimes I wonder in what universe WrassleGAF lives
Ambrose was extremely over during the Rumble and during he fight against Trips at Roadblock
And (with AJ as heel) he still is the most over face of roster.
It will be great to see the reactions here if he gets the briefcase sunday
He was booked goofy going back to the Wyatt feud.
Doesn't excuse his in-ring going to complete shit.
Guys like Eddie Guerrero or Daniel Bryan didn't start wrestling like trash when their booking went froggy.
Ambrose winning the title now is the equivalent of Dicaprio winning the Oscar for the Revenant.
I miss Sblargh
I think thats with every wrestling fanbase over time.
Once a crowd gets smart to the fact that they can manipulate the show unless the booker knows how to deal with it (pre-recorded TV editing certain chants, kicking people out, change booking) you are gonna get a product that suffers.
That gets compounded by the fact that the same people show up the the building everynight.
You want fans to be engaged and know who everyone is but what you don't want is for them to be ironically begging for say Blake as Womens NXT champion or something like that.
Push the people that they love or if your guy that you want isn't doing great repackage him somehow. People couldn't stand Jason Jordan at the NXT San Jose show now he is the most over hot tag in wrestling.
Heel is back?
I sort of understand it though. As hard as it is to stand up, man up, and say, "I was wrong," it's even harder to say "you were right."I think the main hurdle, dream, is that many here will not admit that they're wrong.
We're all wrong sometimes, like that time I thought Bray Wyatt was going to do big thangs. We're also sometimes right, when I joined Chamber in early 2011 in saying that Tyler Black would be WWE World Heavyweight Titleman.
You can't just sit around, like, say, Ithil, proclaiming that Roman Reigns is a failure for two years running, and then some years later, proclaim that you were right all along. Sometimes you just have to "hold that L" so to speak.
So I think it's time for all of us to finally admit that the only proper thing to do at a wrestling show is to cheer, boo, and clap.
Thank you for your time.
A simple request, but people resist these things.I think the main hurdle, dream, is that many here will not admit that they're wrong.
We're all wrong sometimes, like that time I thought Bray Wyatt was going to do big thangs. We're also sometimes right, when I joined Chamber in early 2011 in saying that Tyler Black would be WWE World Heavyweight Titleman.
You can't just sit around, like, say, Ithil, proclaiming that Roman Reigns is a failure for two years running, and then some years later, proclaim that you were right all along. Sometimes you just have to "hold that L" so to speak.
So I think it's time for all of us to finally admit that the only proper thing to do at a wrestling show is to cheer, boo, and clap.
Thank you for your time.
I haven't been here long enough to know and understand what all of this is about, so excuse me if I'm missing something, but why is dream so desperate for recognition?
Scoop #11: Whoever wins the match will own the Hardy name and brand, the loser cannot use Hardy anymore, Jeff agrees with a Yes chant
Some posters here have long ago decided they enjoyed wallowing in their self-perceived superiority over other fans to an absurd degree. Basically the same dudes I remember sitting around in the IRC channel with who would spend every damn day just nonstop shitting on people here and thinking up new and more inane ways to troll them. I'm sure that's still a thing on Slack or whatever, what with the random interjections of banned member strobogo's opinions in the thread all the time.
Some posters here have long ago decided they enjoyed wallowing in their self-perceived superiority over other fans to an absurd degree. Basically the same dudes I remember sitting around in the IRC channel with who would spend every damn day just nonstop shitting on people here and thinking up new and more inane ways to troll them. I'm sure that's still a thing on Slack or whatever, what with the random interjections of banned member strobogo's opinions in the thread all the time.
people in here still bringing up Strobogo and jumping at shadows. smh.
people in here still bringing up Strobogo and jumping at shadows. smh.
Some posters here have long ago decided they enjoyed wallowing in their self-perceived superiority over other fans to an absurd degree. Basically the same dudes I remember sitting around in the IRC channel with who would spend every damn day just nonstop shitting on people here and thinking up new and more inane ways to troll them. I'm sure that's still a thing on Slack or whatever, what with the random interjections of banned member strobogo's opinions in the thread all the time.