And if youre one of those fans who doesnt care about what goes on
backstage, or which wrestler is putting his health in danger to keep a top
spot, or what the latest flip is that the little guys are doing, you might as
well prepare yourself for the fact that the level of excitement we saw on TV a
few years ago wont be approached again for a long time, if ever.
The wrestling boom which began in late 1995 was the result of an incredibly fun
head-to-head Monday night battle between Raw and Nitro. The competition
made for a better wrestling product, and the WWF, in hindsight, would almost
certainly never have gotten as big as it is today without that war. An
unopposed WWF product without any form of true competition will inevitably
become stale. Changes will certainly be made once ratings drop to a
certain level, and guys will be phased in and out, but probably without the
corresponding level of excitement that these moves had just a few short years