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June Wrasslin' |OT| Powered by Bluekaveli

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Maybe there isn't much crossover between NJPW fans and the WWE fans who complain about Roman being made to look strong?

Maybe you're the NJPW version of those WWE fans? :p

Rebuttal; I would bet you fun bucks that the people who complain about Roman looking strong probably own Bullet Club shirts
Do you mean at Roadblock before Wrestlemania this year?

Nar it was against Seth Rollins when he had like all the stupid Authority/Kane/J&J interference story.

Ambrose won but it was another ref that made the pinfall, the the other ref woke up and disqualified someone or something so the title didn't change hand. It was stupid, so pretty much your average WWE event.


Man, that tag match got quite botch-y toward the end. There were quite a few especially dangerous moments, too. Risky biz.

Anyway, it was still an alright time.

Pretty entertaining little chat backstage with Owens, Jericho, and Del Rio. Del Rio looks like a million bucks, especially next to Jericho and Owens.

And I forgot to tell you guys: I always see you dudes talking about Jericho calling everyone a "stupid idiot." Well on the Nitro I was watching the other day, Sid called someone a "stupid idiot". #trailblazer


On episode 86 of Sam Roberts' Wrestling Podcast, actor and former WWE writer Freddie Prinze, Jr. talked about his time working alongside WWE's Chairman, Vince McMahon. Prinze suggested that McMahon knows very little about popular culture and entertainment beyond his own professional wrestling empire. In Prinze's view, McMahon knows what is best for the company and that includes not wanting to put the world title on smaller performers. Prinze divulged that one of the perks of working close to McMahon was being able to cook in the kitchens of the hotels they would occupy while on the road.

According to Prinze, the man behind the villainous Mr. McMahon character on WWE programming has little exposure to the world of entertainment outside of his own corner of it. Apparently, McMahon even questioned why Prinze would chose to watch anything other than WWE programming in his downtime.

"I used to call him Robo-Vince and he goes, 'what does that mean?' because he [has] never seen anything but wrestling. I'm like, 'you've never seen RoboCop? Of course not! You didn't see Scarface or you would have known Razor Ramon is plagiarism!'" Prinze recalled, "I was watching a Richard Pryor set on the sweet WWE jet one time just to kind of unwind and relax. And we're flying back to White Plains [New York] and he literally is like, 'why don't you have on WrestleMania?' I'm like, 'Vince, I just want to laugh' [and McMahon replied] 'well, we have Santino'. I'm like, 'great, I love Santino [but] that's not Richard Pryor!'"
The end of the tag match was an atrocious botch, looked like 'Big Cass' was late to his spot?

So instead Big E and Gallows had to stupidly just stand there looking at each other for what felt like an age lololol. Why wouldn't Gallows help his tag partner down? Hahaha, really awkward.


Here's how I fully expect Raw to go tonight, because WWE likes to ruin everything.

-Dean opens the show and cuts a promo about being happy to be the craziest world champ since Mick Foley

-Seth interrupts and says Dean had no right cashing in on him.

-Steph interrupts both of them and comes put with the ringside doctor who was checking on Roman after the spear/barrier spot. The doctor will say that Roman was never cleared to resume the match and the match shouldn't have continued. Therefore Roman is still the World Champ, voiding out Seth's win and Dean's cash in. Roman then stays on concussion protocol until Summerslam

Cross posting from the MITB thread
Rebuttal; I would bet you fun bucks that the people who complain about Roman looking strong probably own Bullet Club shirts

And they're probably complaining about Okada too haha. General consensus is that Naito should have held the belt longer, even in my own predictions and as an admitted Okada mark I said Okada would win but that I wanted Naito to stay as champion until Wrestle Kingdom. The difference here's between a heavy serving of pessimism and those of us who don't think the sky is falling and all is doomed just because Naito's first reign was cut shorter than most of us would've liked.

I mean, if you go by the same person that said that, Roman has too.

Still yet to break that five snowflake barrier though, whereas Okada's got 3. Also, four snowflakes or more;

Roman: 20
Okada: 57

5 years ago today


And they're probably complaining about Okada too haha. General consensus is that Naito should have held the belt longer, even in my own predictions and as an admitted Okada mark I said Okada would win but that I wanted Naito to stay as champion until Wrestle Kingdom. The difference here's between a heavy serving of pessimism and those of us who don't think the sky is falling and all is doomed just because Naito's first reign was cut shorter than most of us would've liked.

Still yet to break that five snowflake barrier though, whereas Okada's got 3. Also, four snowflakes or more;

Roman: 20
Okada: 57

Tanahashi has had 6 fivers in the past 4 years? Goddammit...


An underrated neat moment was Becky and Natalya doing the Hart Attack together.

I think they even actual mentioned Jim once on commentary instead of continuous Bret hammering.

Natalya was clear to turn heel the moment she said Shawn Michaels was an inspiration to her during the pre-show.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
MITB was thrilling at the end. Whole place was going nuts. Love it. Ambrose as champion is great. I just love it. Crowd was all smiles.


So can we officially declare that ratings still matter to Vince? Ratings are fucking tanking and suddenly his pet project who isn't over loses pretty cleanly to a more-over Seth Rollins, who immediately hot-shots the belt over to the most over guy at the top of the card. I fully expect WWE to screw it up or do something to revert back to Roman, but this is totally a ratings spike manuever.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So can we officially declare that ratings still matter to Vince? Ratings are fucking tanking and suddenly his pet project who isn't over loses pretty cleanly to a more-over Seth Rollins, who immediately hot-shots the belt over to the most over guy at the top of the card. I fully expect WWE to screw it up or do something to revert back to Roman, but this is totally a ratings spike manuever.

Of course they still matter

but this tells a real story, this isn't a kneejerk reaction


Of course they still matter

but this tells a real story, this isn't a kneejerk reaction

I honestly think it's both. They're setting up what likely will be the final chapter in the "destruction of the Shield" storyline, but it still feels like a really kneejerk reaction thing to me. The entire buildup to the MITB ladder match seemed to be building to KO winning it, and then suddenly on go-home week Ambrose is talking about winning it and cashing it in right away. But whatever, it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that i'm way more interested in the world title picture right now.
I honestly think it's both. They're setting up what likely will be the final chapter in the "destruction of the Shield" storyline, but it still feels like a really kneejerk reaction thing to me. The entire buildup to the MITB ladder match seemed to be building to KO winning it, and then suddenly on go-home week Ambrose is talking about winning it and cashing it in right away. But whatever, it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that i'm way more interested in the world title picture right now.
Plans change.


So Reigns completes his heel turn soon right? Watching Reigns during the match last night, this is not a good guy (or bad guy but the guy). That motherfucker was mean in that match. I just don't see how his current wrestling style is in sync with being a babyface. I see now more than ever, that Reigns is destined to be a monster heel.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So Reigns completes his heel turn soon right? Watching Reigns during the match last night, this is not a good guy (or bad guy but the guy). That motherfucker was mean in that match. I just don't see how his current wrestling style is in sync with being a babyface. I see now more than ever, that Reigns is destined to be a monster heel.

Reigns isn't turning heel


So Reigns completes his heel turn soon right? Watching Reigns during the match last night, this is not a good guy (or bad guy but the guy). That motherfucker was mean in that match. I just don't see how his current wrestling style is in sync with being a babyface. I see now more than ever, that Reigns is destined to be a monster heel.

don't you feel bad that he went for a MONSTER spear and unfortunately crashed through the barricade? :(

also, he won the match! but the stupid ref was knocked out :(

seth didn't deserve the pin, and ambrose doesn't deserve the belt. roman is still the real champion and you all know it!
So Reigns completes his heel turn soon right? Watching Reigns during the match last night, this is not a good guy (or bad guy but the guy). That motherfucker was mean in that match. I just don't see how his current wrestling style is in sync with being a babyface. I see now more than ever, that Reigns is destined to be a monster heel.

The way he acted during that match has nothing to do with him turning heel and more with WWE trying to discover some way for the fans to cheer him.

WWE Creative said:
Fans like Brock, right? Maybe if Roman starts acting like Brock, they'll like Roman...
You'd think if you were versing a guy just back from a devastating knee injury that put him on the shelf for months and cost him his title, you'd just be kicking him there constantly to see if it actually was fully better.

Also it pissed me off that spear to pedigree counter wasn't the final pinfall, was actually a really cool thing, why do they ruin things like that?

Then he just actually gets the pinfall a second later after a regular one. >_> If you require 2 of them to 'keep Reigns strong' then do it the other way round idiots!

Imagine Orton hits the rko curbstomp counter but then Rollins just kicks out anyway. >_>


Draft is happening on the first live Smackdown


Pop that rating.
This is the smart thing to do.

That ending last night. Rollins pins Roman clean. Ambrose with the instant cash in. Vince is weird. He'll either with hold gratification from fans indefinitely, or blow his entire load in a single night. No inbetweens.

They sure as fuck better take advantage of the story opportunities on RAW, but I have a feeling it might be awful because any storyline with Dean tends to feel like receiving a lobotomy.

Also my boy Rusev is on fire again, he was fucking awesome last night.
This is the smart thing to do.

That ending last night. Rollins pins Roman clean. Ambrose with the instant cash in. Vince is weird. He'll either with hold gratification from fans indefinitely, or blow his entire load in a single night. No inbetweens.

They sure as fuck better take advantage of the story opportunities on RAW, but I have a feeling it might be awful because any storyline with Dean tends to feel like receiving a lobotomy.

Also my boy Rusev is on fire again, he was fucking awesome last night.

Russo swerve time, the night of the draft Ambrose will get speared by a man in disguise everybody thinks it's Roman. Then after a beat down he removes the disguise and it's Goldberg.
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