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June Wrasslin' |OT| Powered by Bluekaveli

Speaking of the women's division hope they use Nikki Storm right she's a great worker. But Vince will just see a short person and book her badly.

Also knowing how he gave Galloway shit for his accent I really hope he doesn't try to make her adopt an American sounding voice.


So not worth it
NXT allows people to create their own gimmick along with the trainers. Why do you all assume that gimmick as forced on Becky?
most events live and die off of the top of the card, but I won't disagree that everything on the card felt like filler that was on the card for no reason. I like the idea that you can overrun by any amount of time to make it less obvious that a swerve or cash-in is coming, but there was no reason whatsoever for that to run 20 minutes over. Just cut Corbin and Ziggler from the card.

If anything should have been cut, it'd be Sheamus and Crews. That was just pointless. Corbin and Ziggler have had a decent series of matches and I thought they'd earned a spot on the card proper. They put on a decent match, and I love how Corbin works the crowd these days, so I've come to appreciate him quite a bit. He's always in tune with what the crowd are doing and it really clicks for me for whatever reason.

NXT allows people to create their own gimmick along with the trainers. Why do you all assume that gimmick as forced on Becky?

I don't think it was forced on her, but I think she's shown herself to be the kind of person who'll say yes to anything no matter how clearly idiotic it is. Some great workers fall into this trap and don't protect themselves at all from bad booking ideas.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Speaker of the women's division hope they use Nikki Storm right she's a great worker. But Vince will just see a short person and book her badly.

I don't think it matters nearly as much for the women. Women's division pushes unfortunately seem to revolve around looks or being related to someone.
I just finished up WWE Briefcase Brawl, that was okay but something bugs me.

And that my friends is the ladder match itself, see for the first time since like 2010* I felt like I was watching a MitB match that was a bit more structured and well flowing, spotty at points sure but not overly messy with contrived setups. Then about 5 minutes towards the end they realised they'd been having far too normal and good of a match so they started that ladder scaffold mess where initially Del Rio couldn't get the thing into position and it just led to all 6 men awkwardly standing around lightly tapping each other for a few minutes to zero spot based payoff.
I think back to that original MitB match and the only truly gimmicky spot there was the slanted ladder run from Shelton and that was set up in a pretty organic looking way, it still remains the best one because it was a focused 6 man brawl that kept moving and told individual stories within (Benoit is getting wrecked but fighting on like a valiant hero, Kane is Kane doing monster stuff, shelton is underdog spot monkey, Edge is a sneaky git, Christian brings backup, Jericho....well he's the glue I guess).
This match was on the right track (i'm convinced the smaller 6 man setup helps) and even had a section of Del Rio domination that was pretty fun and didn't involve finisher spam like most MitB matches where one dude starts taking everyone down, but yeah that scaffold structure just grinded things to a halt, shame!

*obviously referring to the chronicles of Big Show's giant ladder and Kane systematically eliminating his foes while going through his Taker hit list

Other thoughts
- Cena/Styles was aright, liked Cena getting styled on in early going so to speak, finish was ehhhh but expected, gives reason for a rematch and hey maybe AJ will win that clean, there's a twist! (except I actually want Cena to win on the whole because WWE have conditioned me this way)

- Rollins/Reigns was running at half speed, probably should've given Rollins some Raw matches to work off ring rust but instead we needed the lacklustre build made from video packages apparently. Reigns needs to stop doing that barricade spear spot, holy heck is it overused.
Swerve of the night isn't Ambrose cashing in but Rollins beating Reigns clean, legit shook at that.
In any case I'm on board for the long awaited shield triple threat.

The question is when Bayley turns on Becky and joins Sting who she then turns on to help Flair, how will it benefit KANE's 15 year plan to destroy the Undertaker
It shows that anyone can embrace the hate, even good as gold Bayley thus fuelling Kane's power to finally eviscerate the undertaker, literally as Cole would say.

Dana Brooke is the most wrong they have ever been on a main roster call up. I'm even including Baron Corbin in that.
I want to say Apollo Crews because he is floundering right now, heck I thought he still needed work back on NXT.


Look, even if you hate Becky now, compared to what they tried giving her in the first place she should be the top of all your lists just for the mercy of the transformation.


Her attire here looks pretty nice. Think I like the gimmick as well, lol.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I was expecting a package piledriver through the ladders, but obviously that wouldn't have happened.

Rollins/Reigns was a fine match, it just was told in a very weird way (Reigns being a dick, Rollins not even vaguely cheating) and the first 2/3 of it were not particularly good. I liked Reigns using the Niagara Driver as a power move.


Dana Brooke is the most wrong they have ever been on a main roster call up. I'm even including Baron Corbin in that.

I still say Apollo Crews was called up way too soon. I really like the guy but he still needed a bit of work even in NXT. Corbin was more than ready for the call up. Dana Brooke I think was ready enough too.
well of course when they use her wrong

Heel Bayley is best Bayley

Would make for an awesome heat drawing move if it was done right. Maybe a series of matches against an opponent where she gradually becomes frustrated and just flips her shit and brutalises her opponent and becomes a ruthless win at all costs heel.


ultimate warrior is trending worldwide

because lebron is walking around in a warrior shirt while celebrating his championship win

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Crews didn't need a "bit of work" in NXT, he needed to grow an entire personality. "Smiling Guy" isn't a personality. Well, at least not an interesting one.


I can't be the only one on GAF who loves Breezango.




It's the most brilliant thing the WWE has done since forever. Tyler was always entertaining, but now Fandango actually has a character besides a guy who dances.
Would make for an awesome heat drawing move if it was done right. Maybe a series of matches against an opponent where she gradually becomes frustrated and just flips her shit and brutalises her opponent and becomes a ruthless win at all costs heel.

I'm all in on this. Charlotte is an awful heel. Nattie made a better heel swerve last night


Apollo Crews has like the hypest theme on the planet, and then his uncharismatic green ass comes out so you're like "Oh."

I noticed that too. That dude just has a mean look followed by a smile. That's it. I'm always waiting for his charisma and it never happens.
Apollo has the look, the in ring chops just not the charisma. Maybe he should do some tag team stuff for a while to build some momentum and develop his gimmick at the same time.
Twitter finally got back to me - basically they don't give a fuck about someone ripping off my tweets/photo.

Disappointed but not that surprised. Just going to forget the whole thing.


I can't be the only one on GAF who loves Breezango.

It's the most brilliant thing the WWE has done since forever. Tyler was always entertaining, but now Fandango actually has a character besides a guy who dances.

They're great together. Happy Fandango has circled back around to weird NXT Johnny Curtis.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Tried playing the Witcher 3 dlc and I'm reminded how on and off I was with this game when it came out. Controls are so, so bad. Even with the new feature where they go from feeling too slow to way too jerky and jittery.


I made what I think is a pretty good Okada edit for No Mercy. With some imaginative colour schemes it's as close as I can get to the Rainmaker himself playing the game on original hardware.
I do like the team of Breezango. With the Social Outcasts gone, I rather see Breezango take their place.

I agree that Apollo needed some more time in NXT. Hopefully all his grinning will cause him to snap and become something like a Mark Henry during his Hall of Pain phase.

MITB PPV gets a C grade from me. Only the 3 top billed matches were worth watching. AJ and Cena match had great psychology, the MITB ladder match was very entertaining even if Ambrose did win it, and I actually enjoyed the Seth/Roman match. Roman was being way more heelish than usual since winning the belt and man, the guy makes a cool "I don't give a fuck" heel. Don't care about Ambrose winning but I guess it extends the rivalry between the former Shield buddies.


Old Member
Tried playing the Witcher 3 dlc and I'm reminded how on and off I was with this game when it came out. Controls are so, so bad. Even with the new feature where they go from feeling too slow to way too jerky and jittery.

I put about 8 hours into it before it lost me. Just couldn't come to grips with the controls pre and post-patch. I'd just played Bloodborne, though, so anything besides that was a let down. I'm also getting old, so the sheer amount of shit to do on the map overwhelmed me.

Re: Bayley. They need to turn her heel and have her put Izzy through a table to do it.


Maybe I'm jaded and a terrible human but I thought the MITB ladder match was one of the weaker MITB ladder matches when compared to all the others.

Not for who won but just based on the drama it attempted to create and eye popping moments. There wasn't much of either. I thought Owens and Del Rio worked the hardest.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I put about 8 hours into it before it lost me. Just couldn't come to grips with the controls pre and post-patch. I'd just played Bloodborne, though, so anything besides that was a let down. I'm also getting old, so the sheer amount of shit to do on the map overwhelmed me.

Re: Bayley. They need to turn her heel and have her put Izzy through a table to do it.

Open world games are my favorite games. And I did enjoy Witcher 2 quite a bit, but the main story involving the poorly written Mary Sue Ciri really put me off the main game and the side quests were well done, but everything inbetween really sucked. I'm not sure why it was less of a problem in 2, maybe because the world wasn't so massive so there wasn't these huge, long slogs from town to town. And it just felt like mechanics on top of mechanics that didn't feel natural in an 'action rpg' type game like that.

I'm generally very picky about high fantasy settings in general though as I typically find them very boring.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Maybe I'm jaded and a terrible human but I thought the MITB ladder match was one of the weaker MITB ladder matches when compared to all the others.

Not for who won but just based on the drama it attempted to create and eye popping moments. There wasn't much of either. I thought Owens and Del Rio worked the hardest.

Ambrose didn't do anything the entire match but win and despite everyone's love for Cesaro, I felt like he just did a bunch of signature spots in the same way he always does them, which I hate.


Welp, if anyone was ever going to bring Cody over...


I mean I like Bubblegum's heel shtick but he's the definition of an opener, not someone you put a showcase match on with a debuting star in an entire territory.

Ambrose didn't do anything the entire match but win and despite everyone's love for Cesaro, I felt like he just did a bunch of signature spots in the same way he always does them, which I hate.

Cesaro hasn't had a match since the Cena Open Challenges where he's had a chance to do anything else t b h
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