Are you gonna rock with me?Break the walls down?
Are you gonna rock with me?Break the walls down?
Wait is this live on the Network?
You're ready until you get to 2000.1997 - I'm ready for Mr. McMahon to become a character. He's not bad as an announcer, but he's cramping the goat pairing of JR and The King.
You should change it to the Wendy's ladies.I can't wait to change my avatar once I get home from work. Fuck you, Berlyn. Fuck you, Alex Wright. Fuck that shitty dance.
And if you wanna be down withBad BoyRobocop, fuck you too!
I'd tell you why but cry Babies gonna cry.Maybe one day I will understand this desperate consternation over a message board avatar, but right now, ignorance is bliss.
You should change it to the Wendy's ladies.
Where's the beef
First matchup:Gran Metalik vs. Alejandro Saez
Also there are 20 min time limits.
So are they going to do the whole first round this taping?
I'm not shocked that a man trapped in the past would use a dated reference like this.
You look worse than ever, ShadowSwordmaster. No one even knows who that wiener is.
Is the tournament a shoot or a work? Like will they actually be fighting forreal or is it already determined who will win? If it's a shoot, I like Taijiri because that mist can blind you and he could kill you with his kicks.
I wasn't very impressed either.Winner was, but I was very unimpressed by him.Ho Ho Lun
Third match:Clement Petiot vs. Cedric Alexander
Who's the new guy, ShadowSwordmaster?? What are you doing to me??
It makes me laugh how deadly seriously they're treating the Cruiserweight Classic.
It makes me laugh how deadly seriously they're treating the Cruiserweight Classic.
We're not friends any more, ShadowSwordmaster.