The best ever, in fact.Finished The Wire.
That was some good fucking television.
People talking about raw ratings when last nights raw was one of the worst in recent memory. Had nothing to do with Deanetty being champion.
I'm hoping the brand split re-energizes both sets of writers to come out with some compelling content, because ad - promo - ad - jobber entrance - ad - rest hold - ad - finish needs some work
Eli Drake is so much better than Mike Bennett.
I have no idea, other than Maria's ass, that you would feature Bennett in any kind of main event form.
Bootaaay, have you ever had the pleasure of a DTU show?
I highly recommend it. DTU, where BJW and CZW look like professional stunt men coordinated it. DTU, 'Fake light tubes and weakened glass? We don't have the budget for that! Just use the real shit!'
I kid you not, after the pin attempt on this, Aeroboy sits up and just starts screaming bloody murder. They had Ciclope and Violent Jack on a FREEDOMS show and Jun Kasai looked sane by comparison.
This shit right here was my biggest fear... Being in the ring, doing moves, taking bumps, hell volunteering for crazy shit never bothered me. The idea of some slop ass rushing a spot or doing something they thought was cool that they weren't skilled enough to do that would cripple me...that shit is the stuff you'd wake up at night about. You could always tell when someone was rushing or wasn't gonna protect you properly about mid move too. Thats a horrible moment knowing theres about to be a botch, some pain, no clue of if it'd be permanent, and that it was your partners fucking fault.
Matt Hardy is cutting a promo in a wheelchair around the ring with Reby pushing him around
Batista was livid WWE had Bryan no sell the beating he got at WM. Said it buried the whole business and made him & Orton look bad.
Batista says he didn't want to work with Bryan the PPV after WM because he badly wanted to reunite Evolution/work Shield.
Batista was mad they split up Shield right after they put em over like a million bucks & that fans walked away out of it saying he wore blue
MLW did an interview with Dave Batista. Here is some quotes:
On the Wrestlemania match:
As for the Wrestlemania quote I doubt after the match anyone in the crowd had that thought.
Batista, the man who lost a Last Man Standing match via duct tape, is complaining about Bryan burying the business?
How many "Brother Neros" would you rate it?
MLW did an interview with Dave Batista. Here is some quotes:
On the Wrestlemania match:
On not having a match with Bryan:
On the Shield matches:
He also wanted to come back as a heel but Vince thought the fans would welcome him back so he came back as a face.
As for the Wrestlemania quote I doubt after the match anyone in the crowd had that thought.
That giant swing, tho;
That 1985 jackhammer, tho. Suck it, Goldberg;
Also, head drops;
Gross, haha. I saw some of Flamita's stuff in DTU and have seen a good few brutal gifs. There's another lucha deatmatch promotion I can't recall the name, but I saw the show wher they booked Necro Butcher, which was suitably crazy.
Gotta push the boundaries, or you're just #safe
Trish has some nerve making fun of Molly because she has a nice big booty. Maybe if Trish weren't a teenager, she'd know the feel.
He also wanted to come back as a heel but Vince thought the fans would welcome him back so he came back as a face.
9/10. Maybe his best work yet. Matt Hardy and Eli Drake put Impact over Raw this week for me. Legit laughed out loud several times during both segments which is pretty rare for me. The rest wasn't interesting but both those segments were fantastic.
She's my baby!Molly was/still attractive looking
Remember the HBK threads? That was the true Attitude Era of Wrassle-GAF. Most of this new generation couldn't hang.
We were basically late 96-late 97 WWF
GAF wasn't ready for us interview with MLW radio:
- He feels that his return wasn't good from the very beginning. They wanted him to come back as a babyface where he wanted to return as a heel.
- Wishes he could've been in better shape for wrestling. He had an achilles tendon injury. He also stayed away from weights and vigorous workouts because he was trying to conform to being an actor so he was trying to get away from that muscle-bound look.
- He argued with Vince and creative every day he was there.
- He felt super unsatisfied with his return. Says it broke his heart because he had been thinking about his return for years. When he left, he wanted to come back and do SummerSlam, around the time Guardians was coming out. He talked to Steph and Hunter about doing SummerSlam because Guardians would be the #1 film at the box office. They kinda had a snickered and went "Yea, we don't even know if the movie is gonna be any good."
- He says they told Daniel Bryan not to sell all of his injuries at Mania and kinda buried the shit out of them. Pissed him off and hated that Shield split up literally the night after making them look like a million dollars. Says that they should've had Shield continue their run with The Wyatts until everyone was sick of seeing them.
- It also pissed him off that after trying to make SHIELD look like a million bucks, the only thing everyone was saying was "Batista wore blue, whatta asshole."
- Says he and Dolph had kick ass matches that the fans missed out on because they were too busy chanting "CM PUNK! BLUETISTA! BOOTISTA!" Says it really hurt his feelings.
- Says it was trendy booing him. Felt like a personal attack. He didn't ask for a lot of money and never said he won't do house shows and not put people over. He was really confused by how the crowd was acting.
- He says he struggled early in his career so hard with promos because people wrote stuff for him instead of bullet points. He was always a shy person and public speaking was terrifying to him. He would go up to Vince or Hayes and asked what point they wanted to get across and then winged it and thats when he got good.
He really is the best success story to come out of wrestling in years.
😢He was too good for this WorldHe felt super unsatisfied with his return. Says it broke his heart because he had been thinking about his return for years . When he left, he wanted to come back and do SummerSlam, around the time Guardians was coming out. He talked to Steph and Hunter about doing SummerSlam because Guardians would be the #1 film at the box office. They kinda had a snickered and went "Yea, we don't even know if the movie is gonna be any good."