Sasha should go back to brown hair. I'm sick of the women's defining characteristic on the main roster being their hair color.
Sasha should go back to brown hair. I'm sick of the women's defining characteristic on the main roster being their hair color.
But this way it's like one of my Japanese animes!
im pretty sure she has had work done but ¯\_(ツ_/¯
i feel hideously creepy even talking about so I will stop now
Sasha should go back to brown hair. I'm sick of the women's defining characteristic on the main roster being their hair color.
Yeah it's like they want to colour catalog all the women at this point.
She admits it was a process to get the change approved and management was very against her changing her hair color due to the recognizability of the two-toned style. She says before becoming Divas Champion and having her feud with AJ Lee, she needed that recognizable hair color. Now that shes made a name for herself, she doesnt.
They actually do this, you know.
As an example, Kaitlyn:
They actually do this, you know.
As an example, Kaitlyn:
I have some bad news
MLW did an interview with Dave Batista. Here is some quotes:
On the Wrestlemania match:
On not having a match with Bryan:
On the Shield matches:
He also wanted to come back as a heel but Vince thought the fans would welcome him back so he came back as a face.
As for the Wrestlemania quote I doubt after the match anyone in the crowd had that thought.
I'm usually with Big Dave but he just sounds like a big baby
Mixed feelings about that interview.
Feel bad for some stuff but he also comes across as a big baby.
motherfucking flammable stealing my spots
Sounds like he had a pretty shit time on his comeback and wanted to vent!
Nah, the timing of the breakup was still really bad. Seth should have turned during the match against Evolution - not after already beating them.
<3motherfucking flammable stealing my spots
I felt like they could have The Shield go on a couple more months, but the break up angle was well done and the timing of it was part of the shock factor. Big Dave is missing the big picture though. They didn't make The Shield team look like a million bucks, they made Seth Rollins look like a million bucks and set him up as a top guy for the next year or so.
Roman and Dean are different took them some time to look like a million bucks. Hell, Roman is still a few thousand short.
That's WWE's fault for trying to bury the Bryan hype and thinking people would welcome Batista over him. He's basically blaming Bryan for no selling, but none of that would've happened if they didn't shove Batista down our throat
also he's the idiot who chose to wear a bright blue speedo for the first time ever, don't blame the fans
It's amazing how much of a difference a brazier can make
Nah, if they were putting over any of the 3 Shield members in the Evolution feud, it was Reigns. Hell, they had Triple H basically spend an entire promo fellating him while barely mentioning Seth or Dean. How they broke up afterwords is also pretty telling since Seth and Dean feuded in the midcard while Reigns was injected straight into the WWE Title, followed by a feud with The Authority's centerpiece Randy Orton.
Did you not read the bit where he say "they" told Bryan not to sell the injuries? He wasn't going after Bryan at all, he was going after the company for enforcing terrible psychology that hurts their performers and the performances. I don't think he was particularly railing against the fans either - in other interviews he's said "I'd boo me!". It's all about how horrible the handling of his return was behind the scenes, not the fans hijacking the show.
As for Bluetista, well the New Day wear purple/pink and have light up dilods on thier heads but because the people love them its no problem. If they had been wearing that from the get go, ie a terribly judged introduction that would never get over with the crowd, just like Batista, they would have gotten the same stick Batista would have gotten.
I'm not seeing the whining, just a statement of what happened and how he felt about it.
Replaying Resident Evil 5 on the PS4, such a damn good game.
That Steph/Hunter quote about not thinking Guardians would do any good is fucking ridiculous in hindsight. In context it makes a little sense since NOBODY knew Guardians was going to do as well as it did, but even then their response was harsh.
Nah. Everyone expected Guardians to be a hard sell because it wasn't dealing with the heroes most people know. It was a nice surprise, honestly.
The whole podcast was great, though. Dave's too good for wrasslin' fans and it shows. We never deserved him.
Him regretting not being in ring shape for his return was a sad moment. And he was right, just as he was getting some momentum and getting back to how he needed to be, he had to leave. I miss him.
Sasha strapped a portable heater that consists of a pan that holds hot coals to her chest because it's the only way she has heat during her long absence?
The other issue is nobody gave a shit about Evolution when they came back.
Jesus, what the fuck IS this? The commentary sounds like they are on valium ("...oh no..." "one of the greatest teams of all time..."). The crowd doesn't give the slightest of shits, even the Evolution guys themselves decided to go with the most low energy, plodding, uninspiring entrance. Orton is on total autopilot (but look at those calf muscles!), Haitch is living out one of his power fantasies again, telling the geeks to get out of the ring and Batista is there.
Bryan was a miracle worker to salvage anything good from this.
Well he's not wrong, breaking up The Shield just after Evolution put them over was dumb.
I don't think they had much of an option at that point because they didn't have any main event level stars after CM Punk, Batista and Bryan all left the company within a 6 month or so span.
If I recall correctly, the main event scene at that point was basically just Cena, Orton and Lesnar, who was a part timer. Once the Shield broke up, practically every single main event since then has been someone in the Shield, frequently all three of them.
What absence are you referring to?
And Batista, you heartless piece of asshole!
The other issue is nobody gave a shit about Evolution when they came back.
Jesus, what the fuck IS this? The commentary sounds like they are on valium ("...oh no..." "one of the greatest teams of all time..."). The crowd doesn't give the slightest of shits, even the Evolution guys themselves decided to go with the most low energy, plodding, uninspiring entrance. Orton is on total autopilot (but look at those calf muscles!), Haitch is living out one of his power fantasies again, telling the geeks to get out of the ring and Batista is there.
Bryan was a miracle worker to salvage anything good from this.
Sorry, I have no context for Big DaveHe seems like a super cool dude and I probably would have liked him a lot. His heel stuff seems incredible.
Fuck Wrestling, it's nothing but trash.What! You missed all the joy?!
Oh my GOODNESS, friend. I'm sure there's some illegal wrasslin torrent place out there that'll have a "Dave Batista's final run" from 2010, ending at Over the Limit and his retirement on the Raw after. My god. Top tier Batista.
Here, enjoy one of his promos. I promise its worth the time. Natural heel.
They wanted Reigns to be over, but he wasn't. It did however work for Seth who feuded with Dean and eventually replaced Orton as The Authority's champ.
The Shield was set up to make all three guys as top tier talent. The only one the Evolution angle and break up worked immediately for was Seth. Dean and Roman took more time and several other angles before anything really clicked with them at the top level.
Fuck Wrestling, it's nothing but trash.