Lightning Count
the worst mario is better than the best sonic
That's wrong and you know it. Also let's not get into fanboy bullshit, I like both Sonic and Mario.
the worst mario is better than the best sonic
Sonic is better than FF4, FF6, and the entirety of the Robocop franchise.
And that's a shoot.
Oh look, someone who doesn't know what they're talking about by saying Sonic 2 is about speed.
Mario 3 > Mario WorldWelcome to the light, my friend!
(what did we agree on?)
Why did Sami hate that guy
Robotron 2084 is the greatest video game of all time
Close to halfway through now. We're really enjoying it. I can't wait for your scathing review come tomorrow.Nope. Xbox One TONIGHT, daddeh. Cant wait no mo'
That being said, DmC looks better than nerds on gaming side make it out to be and I just watch someone stream Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and it looks pretty neat.
I can't help but laugh that they're calling their upcoming game "Hellblade" though. Like wow somebody at that company is a Reaper main.
Is this the face turn of the century?!![]()
the worst mario is better than the best sonic
What was the match that Sasha & Bayley had that was highly reviewed?
What was the match that Sasha & Bayley had that was highly reviewed?
TakeOver: Brooklyn.What was the match that Sasha & Bayley had that was highly reviewed?
What was the match that Sasha & Bayley had that was highly reviewed?
Enslaved has a good story? Ripping off Journey to the West with your character helping out the woman who forced you into slavery AFTER leaving you to die on a crashing ship then putting a collar on you that would kill you instantly if you didn't help her get home? Then to have her be 'sad' and suddenly your character feels bad for her because her people died after she just put your life in danger multiple times for no reason other than her own selfish gains?
fuck spoilers for such a god awful game with the worst non-playable protagonist in video game history.
Trip is the god damn Stephanie McMahon of video games
Front row tickets for Vader Vs Ospreay sold out basically instantly, got second row tickets.
Mario All Stars was INCREDIBLE. What a game.
Too bad everything after Super NES has been a total train wreck. Jeff Jarret levels.
I hope this is true. And I hope he's not a Trump supporter. >___>Bobby Heenan MIGHT be on Twitter. @RealBobbyHeenan just showed up, but it isn't verified yet.
My takeaway from this is that Data West doesn't enjoy.
My takeaway from this is that Data West doesn't enjoy being beaten over the head with the least subtle Sun Wukong reference since Goku.
It's real, confirmed by Foley and Bobby's wife.I hope this is true. And I hope he's not a Trump supporter. >___>
Thank youTakeOver: Brooklyn.
Talk shit about Vader, he does know how to work people. Not bad.
Sonic 1 and 2 are good, the rest are middling to poor.
Super Mario 1/2/3/World/64/Sunshine are all great. (haven't played the wii ones so idk)
New Super Mario Bros was fun exactly once.
Super Mario Land 1 is the best portable Mario, and Mario Land 2 is a sluggish bore that you liked because you were four.
The best Final Fantasy is IX, and the worst is VIII.
No 3D Zelda is good.
The best game ever is Sid Meier's Pirates!, with the version on C64 being superior to all.
Now I must slumber, delivering these righteous truths unto you all has made me sleepy.
It's real, confirmed by Foley and Bobby's wife.
Thank you
Working is a two way street! Young Will was out there doing Vader Bombs, all 175lbs of him.
I can't get into One Piece Musou 3. I thought my love of Hyrule Warriors and my love of One Piece would carry me to the promised land but maybe I was expecting too much.
I'm curious about that One Piece fighting game, but I'm also skeptical because it's not made by CyberConnect2.
but whose side is he on?
Friends, what good kideo games still have to come out this year?
Friends, what good kideo games still have to come out this year?
Friends, what good kideo games still have to come out this year?
Friends, what good kideo games still have to come out this year?