The first time he has a match on the main show, his opponent should do this.i love KO
Vince is working all of us. He wants us to either rejoice when he gets his year long ban bet or regret it tremendously if Punk loses.
I wonder how much of that hate is due to seeing a successful woman who refuses to be an object for everyone?
I wonder how much of that hate is due to seeing a successful woman who refuses to be an object for everyone?
Taste is bullshit and is a social construct
I'm wearing a wrestling t-shirt, jorts and flip flops into work tomorrow
I'm going to tell my boss taste is a social construct and basing a dress code off is nothing but tyranny.
There's perfectly reasonable scientific explanations to explain why women are more appealing to heterosexual men during the time they're more likely to produce healthy and strong offspring.
Not everything is social construct.
I find it interesting that Stephanie McMahon is hated so much now since she has actual power in the WWE. I wonder how much of that hate is due to seeing a successful woman who refuses to be an object for everyone?
They hate her for the same reasons they hate Vince and Triple H: Because she's a horrible boss more concerned with her own ego and pushing what she thinks is "best for business" over actually producing an entertaining product for the fans.
WTF is happening here
You all ever hear about that story with the chimp killing a woman's friend? Goddamn, I'm NEVER fucking with primates for the rest of my life. Stay gone, assholes. NO.
It's chilling. I listened to the 911 call. Primates are so fucked up. Their defensive reaction is to PEEL YOUR GENITALS OFF AND THEN TAKE YOUR EYES. And they have that primate strength.
God, what a terrible old story.
They hate her for the same reasons they hate Vince and Triple H: Because she's a horrible boss more concerned with her own ego and pushing what she thinks is "best for business" over actually producing an entertaining product for the fans.
I hate women, blacks, and gays because I like women my age. I think.
i love KO
So friends I've been spending a lot of time catching up on Game of Thrones because I was almost 4 seasons behind. I just finished season 4 yesterday and I'm worried, because season 4 ends on a surprisingly upbeat note by GoT standards
That's later in life that they are. 39 is absolutely VERY healthy and strong age.
Keep going
Its sucks that by the time you gain all the knowledge, your body starts falling apart.
Feeling better than 20? NOPE.
Far less of an idiot. Yeah. For the most part.
Biologically speaking that's just not true, under 35 is the number.
Evolution is a mystery, but not really.
Started season 5 last night too. This show is so goddamn good.
Btw, Red Wedding left me legit shook.
I was on the toilet, shitting my eyes out at 2am when I read that part. I almost put that shit down for good.
I love that George RR Martin gives absolutely no fucks about killing off important characters. Normally I hate the "kill a character to raise the steaks" trope in entertainment but Martin really makes it work, and I think it's aided by the fact that he tends to kill big characters in ways that feel completely out of nowhere. Or at surprising times during a season/book. Like. Shit like that keeps you really on edge and I love itNed Stark dying, he's the main character of season one and his death isn't even the goddamn season finale. Or Joffrey dying 2 episodes into season 4
I was writing a post about social constructs and I realized I was getting into an argument with the equivalent of the tea party, but on the left side
Sunny pls
Season 5 is rather shit, but luckily you can get through that quickly and move on to Season 6, which is superb.
Doesn't make what I'm saying wrong, pal.
i love KO
Season 5 made me stop watching and caring.
Season 5 is rather shit, but luckily you can get through that quickly and move on to Season 6, which is superb.
It was a super bummer. Shame!
But that Hardhome though.
Every other season rips your soul really(1,3,5). so 7 is gonna be some shit.
It was a super bummer. Shame!
But that Hardhome though.
Every other season rips your soul really(1,3,5). so 7 is gonna be some shit.
edit: never read the books. Didn't read LOTR. Didn't read Harry Potter. etc. Works for me. Less complaining.
Imagine if WWE had source material?
I don't like to do that "Read the books bro" thing, but uh, read the books, bro. I like the show but it can't even touch the level of depth and detail of the books.
Who are the biggest winners in film adaption?
Comic books fans?
Potter fans?
LOTR fans?
GOT fans?
Manga fans?
Really it's almost im[possible to fuck up manga translation but I am sure thsi still happens.
I'm pretty ok with just watching the shows.
Outside of comics I am usually pretty unaware of source material.
At the 2002 King of the Ring commentary is already mentioning RVD's "educated feet". We can blame JR for the beginning of this scourge.
Who are the biggest winners in film adaption?
Comic books fans?
Potter fans?
LOTR fans?
GOT fans?
Manga fans?
Really it's almost im[possible to fuck up manga/anime translation but I am sure this still happens.
I'm pretty ok with just watching the shows.
Outside of comics I am usually pretty unaware of source material.