Austin beating women and shit now? Send this man to jail, I've never seen such a disgusting act. Now accusing jr of flirting with his wife. Jr couldn't even flirt with an apple tree if he tried, just stop boss.
Lol raven being homeless.Fuck Raven, he needs to be censored. Drug dealing prick, I guess that's why he's homeless now.
If he's carrying a shopping cart, I'd almost suspect him to be a homeless man. I guess he didn't get paid much from Ted or he used it all on drugs to lace Kidman up.Lol raven being homeless.
To anyone who had no trouble doing this fuckong 4 way cage match on dor2, you're a beast.
When's the last time WWE had a world champion who was kept strong with at least limited chickenshit heel garbage but still entertaining in a "love to hate" sort of way? Not counting supposed faces who get booed or part timers.
RIP in peace bugle
why is there no podcastGAF
wait did someone get got.
or are you talking about some podcast I am not aware of. came in to work this morning and my mate told me that Cody's first match outside of WWE is against Angle. Is this true? If so this has me excited.
podcast, i don't think anyone else got got
Just imagine how over Rollins would have been had they aired excerpts from that doc for 4 weeks to build up Seth's return.
"Gimme a few months, the whole games gonna change man"
Instead we get 4 weeks of "this fucker is coming back to be the same boring fucker he always is", no build for Rollins' return and a staring contest between Seth and Roman that nobody gives a shit about.
I thought Vince was going to stop the rabid rattlesnake.
Isn't that a strap around his waist already? Perhaps my eyes are playing tricks on me in my old age but it sure appears to be a belt of some kind.God, Rusev is such a fucking beast. Get the strap on him ASAP
"Gimme a few months, the whole games gonna change man"
Well a few months after he got injured they got AJ Styles... and as soon as Rollins came back they announced the brand split 2.0 so I think a lot has changed?
Do you ever get numb to this stuff Bootaaay? Doing this thing again so close to the last time just. Like I don't care for these kinds of spots in the first place but seeing it a second time so close to the first and it was just like nothingness.
Nothing incorporating some more break dancing moves and spinaroonies won't cure.I love love love Will, but I HATE that spinny kick he got from Robbo. It never looks good ever.
Nothing incorporating some more break dancing moves and spinaroonies won't cure.
What this move needs to be ultra-effective is to have his opponent lift him up in the air and twirl him into the kick like a thrown triple axel that paired figure skaters incorporate into their routines. Except - unlike figure skating - the opponent will then place their body into the path of the kick because it's supposed to be a wrestling move and he can do a double flip backwards upon impact.
I love love love Will, but I HATE that spinny kick he got from Robbo. It never looks good ever.
I would love to see Rusev holding the belt but it would never happen, him as a monster heel champion would be epic.
Yeah, I'd much rather he just dropped it.Because actually hitting someone with it in any sort of convincing manner could very easily give them a concussion or break their neck if you are off by a few centimeters. He could probably dump that move from his repertoire alright.
Welp, Tanahashi's out of DOMINION. Looks like #BIGMIKE's replacing him in the ladder match. Tanahashi's arm is proper fucked, sounds like he's going to have to go for surgery and there's no timetable for when he'll return.
It's beautiful in its own way
I need more deathmatches with crazy lighttube structures. I saw one a couple years ago and loved it.
EDIT: Big Japan and DDT need to co promote a show so they can steal this deathmatch gimmick:
Oh Jaki...
Also there's a spot where Fujita russian leg sweeps Takeda onto the razor board cross and you can IMMEDIATELY see how much he regrets doing that. His back is cut the fuck up. It's nasty looking.
If you're insinuating Roman's strap is going on anyone else, you're deluded my friend. That's Roman's strap. Forever and always.