How did they follow up with Seth last night? Did they follow up?
How did they follow up with Seth last night? Did they follow up?
Yeah, Roman and Seth had the worst segment of the past 10 years
How did they follow up with Seth last night? Did they follow up?
Your shitty, shitty thread has been visited by the spirit of UltraViolence. Sick bumps and flaming tables shall forever be yours, but only if you post "THANK YOU LORD ZANDIG" in this thread.
He doesn't hate me, just some of the wrestling I like! He does, however, hate stro.
Seth came out and teased a run in multiple times and then left
You can believe the following words are a gimmick or joke or whatever or not, it's up to you ultimately, but I timed the exact moment Seth came out and when he left:
Literally 5 minutes of him teasing run ins
Seth came out and teased a run in multiple times and then left
You can believe the following words are a gimmick or joke or whatever or not, it's up to you ultimately, but I timed the exact moment Seth came out and when he left:
Literally 5 minutes of him teasing run ins
Yeah, Roman and Seth had the worst segment of the past 10 years
Unfortunately, Jason's a terrible promo. I found Perseus to be a much more natural promo man.
I have it on good authority that Luke Gallows is a HUGE John Cena fan.It's cool that Karl Anderson and Gallows will get to work with Cena. Definitely a high spot in their careers. Can't really ask for more than that.
So what the ODDS that AJ & The Club go over Cena, clean in a feud, with no stupid GIVE ME MY REMATCH COWARD 3 month cycle where Cena gets all his wins back.
Errr... I mean... I suppose it could happen. I could win the lottery tomorrow, too.
I've asked this a few times but what's the story behind this gif? Was this guy okay?
I assume you'd know about it if he wasn't, though I'm just guessing.
That said, if this guy was fine:
he should be able to take it
I agree with you. Owens got one semi-clean win over Cena. Styles won't even get that.A.J. doesn't need the rub. Him and John are also the same age. Even if A.J. didn't arguably represent TNA... you'd have to imagine the guy at this stage of his career, with only a few months in the WWE wouldn't beat Cena.
It's not an investment in a future star who can carry the company after John has left.
I love AJ. I think he's the better wrestler, but he'll never be the star John is even if they have him go over John cleanly repeatedly. So why do it? What do you gain from it?
Beating Cena cleanly helped make Kevin Owens. He was absolutely elevated by that feud even though he then lost to Cena a whole bunch. It didn't matter. He made his mark. He showed that he was good enough where on 'any given day' he could beat someone like Cena.
A.J. doesn't need establishing.!
I assume you'd know about it if he wasn't, though I'm just guessing.
That said, if this guy was fine:
he should be able to take it
I've asked this a few times but what's the story behind this gif? Was this guy okay?
Cena is making them all look great. Working with Cena is a big step.Oh, TheBulletClub is feuding with Cena now? RIP AJ/Gallows/Anderson
Cena is making them all look great. Working with Cena is a big step.
Cena is making them all look great. Working with Cena is a big step.
That transition period after the Attitude era, 2001-2002 was there any phrase coined? Or was it just post AE, invasion? I don't remember them pushing the term "ruthless aggression" until maybe 2003.
That transition period after the Attitude era, 2001-2002 was there any phrase coined? Or was it just post AE, invasion? I don't remember them pushing the term "ruthless aggression" until maybe 2003.
Oh, TheBulletClub is feuding with Cena now? RIP AJ/Gallows/Anderson
Seph, you need to wtch the AJ/Cena segment. The crowd, the moment, the was electric. Not even being sarcastic. The last time I saw a crowd that loud was CM Punk / Cena mitb '11
No, wait. He's going to elevate them. Like Bray. Like Sandow. Like Ryback. Like Rusev. (debatable)
Definition of elevate said:raise or lift something up
Rusev becamse US champion in november, his promo last night was pretty much the same as the one he used to do back then
they are LITERALLY re-doing the same storyline they did 7 months ago, with the same guy involved
Nobody remembers what happened 7 months ago, so it doesn't really matter.
Hey guys, remember the montreal screwjob? Remember? Brett screwed Brett! Sharpshooter! Shawn Michaels! Ring the damn bell!
I don't know what to think of that RAW. On one hand it was pretty good, on the other it kind of sucked.
- I'm starting to enjoy Steph in her new role, though they're going to over do it soon with the back and forth
- Enzo & Cass are just boring me more and more each week. It might not help it's the Dudelyz, but I just fast forwarded through most of that match
- Anderson/Gallows + AJ kind of blew that load a little quick. I think they could have gone another week or two and culminate it for SummerSlam but whatever. I think AJ has a ton more swagger than either of them do.
- Can we please stop with the fucking six-man tags, holy shit
- Ziggler kicking Corbin was genuinely awesome
- The Seth/Roman thing may have been the worst promo ever
I bailed by this point, but based on wiki this was the Invasion period. Even during the Attitude Era you never heard Vince going "WERE INT HE ATTITUDE ERA" like they're doing now with New Era
Dope, I always considered that part of the Attitude era for the longest. I was looking on the network and it's cool how after 17 the AE label is gone. Then after 911,the Raw is War label has been deleted too. There needs to be a 8 hour podcast on what should've been done during the Invasion period to make it work properly.I think the Invasion Era is probably the best descriptor for that little period of time.
Good thing Survivor Series is in Canada this year so we can repeat the Screwjob twice in a year for once
i'm still wondering if I should go, and at the same time wondering if I should reconsider my life decisions in general