Kiss the ring Jerome 😂Or whenever he would call Teddy "Thaddeus."
He should've asked if Jerome was in the house a few times.
Kiss the ring Jerome 😂Or whenever he would call Teddy "Thaddeus."
Not only was that an iconic segment but it was a SmackDown-original segment.One of my favourite Booker moments is the fight in the grocery shop with Austin.
Shibata has sort of become background character tier to me. and I don't think a Nagata feud is helping that any.
Well, he's obviously not a huge focus at the moment, but I'm loving the hell out of this feud - Nagata is fired up, looks the best he has in years, better than he did in the Shinsuke matches. Don't know what's not to love.
Triple H should have lost to Booker T at mania.
I know people enjoyed the team but I always wanted something better than Booker T and Goldust in a team.
Jesus Ospreay and Volador just did a Spanish Fly from the top rope where they both landed on their feet.
Actual BoSJ spoilers
we need a rematch of this. also, i miss these type of intros
I want to give you the 100% on that but I can't lol. Well Booker T had the Dave Chappelle moment about when keeping it real goes wrong.
He had hella heat though, I knew it wasn't real but he would find a way to get me sometimes but I'd laugh afterwards. WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOUST WITH KING BOOKER
Speaking of the Austin/Booker segment in the store, when was the last time they did something outside of an arena like that? Talking about in the last 6 years or so.
BOSJ spoilers
Ospreay has to take this, fuck Taguchi.
So how do the blocks work? From the looks of it there's 4 people drawn on 8 in block B, How do they put people into the finals? Also didn't they do semis?
In case of a draw, they go by who won the head-to-head matches, Ospreay beat Volador, Ricochet, and Fish, so he gets to move on.
Seriously though?!? Fucking TAGUCHI?!?!?
Sydal vs Ospreay would have been an obvious one given Sydal was at the top of the group, they've had a series of great matches previously
I was holding out hope for Ospreay vs. O'Reilly