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June Wrasslin' |OT| Powered by Bluekaveli

Data West

coaches in the WNBA


Wow, that's new.



"- Why is VGN ending?
The simple answer is that Challenge TV decided not to renew the show in order to focus exclusively on gameshow content. Contrary to what some have speculated, it was nothing to do with ratings, which remained consistently high for the channel and timeslot."

Challenge shows TNA in the UK, which is the reason they do so well in the UK market.

TNA is not a gameshow.


They probably forgot they show TNA or something.

Me too, thought he'd be getting a push in this tournament, as it was he was eliminated about 3 shows ago. Seems to be continuing to feud with KUSHIDA though, be interesting to see how he does in the Super-J.

I like BUSHI's angle of just hating KUSHIDA and being jealous of him for all his success - it's like a alternate version of Okada/Naito. Still I had BUSHI as my 1 or 2 to win BoSJ, so I wonder what they will do with him afterwards.
Fish has never looked like a Jr. to me, if Kyle can bulk up I see no reason he can't wrestle at heavyweight and it would be good to shed one of the Jr. gaijin teams. They need another native team, BUSHI's been asking for another Jr. in Los Ingobernables, so hopefully they can find someone fitting...Kenou & BUSHI, sounds good to me.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Makes sense. KOR has to be sick of treading water in the cruiserweight division and his style would be a great fit for the heavyweights.

His style of fake kicking and fake submissions? They already have a Heavyweight doing that named Shibata. And frankly, O'reailly isn't good enough for NJPW's heavyweight division

Shit like that always comes off as disrespectful to me. Like they treat the junior heavyweight division as some sort of stepping stone for them. And they ain't good enough for NJPW's main heavyweight division.


His style of fake kicking and fake submissions? They already have a Heavyweight doing that named Shibata. And frankly, O'reailly isn't good enough for NJPW's heavyweight division

Shit like that always comes off as disrespectful to me. Like they treat the junior heavyweight division as some sort of stepping stone for them. And they ain't good enough for NJPW's main heavyweight division.

we know its fake and I'll take more people kicking the piss out of each other any day.

but jumping to the Heavyweights after beating the Jr. champion, presumably setting up a title match is pretty weird alright. I wonder if that bit of news is actually true.
Jr /Heavyweight split seems so out dated today. Should just replace the belt with the Never title.Seems like there is a ceiling outside of the 4 weeks of BOSJ

Seems crazy to have a guy like ricochet stuck in endless 3 way tags. Imagine riccochet vs Tana/Okada/Naito


Party Pooper
Brock set to fight "The Super Samoan"


I can already picture Vince writing the SummerSlam promos where Brock will fight The REAL Super Samoan...

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Just be transparent about it, NJPW

whoever wins BOSJ can be rewarded by going to the other division because apparently no one wants to rebuild the junior division. Could you imagine if Koji Kanemoto was like, 'nah fuck this, i'm going heavyweight. thanks for the push as one of the faces of junior heavyweight wrestling, but i'm going heavyweight'
Jr division is treated as a B division, I can't blame guys for getting frustrated with that.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy then because how can the Junior Division be taken seriously when everyone tries to get out as soon as they start getting over?
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy then because how can the Junior Division be taken seriously when everyone tries to get out as soon as they start getting over?
Absolutely true. But at the same time, someone like Kyle who's been going round the 4 team tags for 3 years, he's done the time. And NJ has to really get behind the Jr division as equal.
Absolutely true. But at the same time, someone like Kyle who's been going round the 4 team tags for 3 years, he's done the time. And NJ has to really get behind the Jr division as equal.

Yep should replace Jr division with the Never title or bring back the U-30 title. Finley and white need a bigger platform.


Bret Hart is an old fart trying to be relevant, who's still salty about Goldberg, shut the fuck up Bret

and i'm Canadian

I wouldn't say he's "calling out" Bret at all. Rollins expressed his disappointment as professionally as he possibly could.

Bret is a bitter old man.

Bret isn't wrong tho (as he isn't many times over) but the comments do not help. Seth probably had to deal with a lot of pressure from "the boys" after all these instances, particularly after breaking someone's nose and ending someone's career. Moments like that will always manifest doubt in other peoples' minds , right or wrong.

He did not end Sting's career.


Bret isn't wrong tho (as he isn't many times over) but the comments do not help. Seth probably had to deal with a lot of pressure from "the boys" after all these instances, particularly after breaking someone's nose and ending someone's career. Moments like that will always manifest doubt in other peoples' minds , right or wrong.

Everything happens fast and the knee to the nose was an accident... those are bound to happen in a "sport" like wrestling, I don't think it has anything to do with Rollins being unprofessional

Ryback injuring everyone repeatedly, now that's something else

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Everything happens fast and the knee to the nose was an accident... those are bound to happen in a "sport" like wrestling, I don't think it has anything to do with Rollins being unprofessional

Ryback injuring everyone repeatedly, now that's something else

'I don't like him so that's different'


'I don't like him so that's different'

Ryback is a bad wrestler, he's dumb as fuck and clearly doesn't understand the concept of protecting people, or his vision is blurred by all the steroids

Rollins did hurt Stang in a weird spot, that's arguable. But the nose thing? cmon. That happened really fast and was an inch too far, it happens

or another example : The Miz refusing to catch people is way more dangerous than Rollins


Brock is like SF 1 Sagat, two moves and opponent is done. So even hurt One suplex, F5 then pin

I know nothing about this Mark Hunt dude but everyone says that he is a wicked striker who was a boxer or kickboxer or something. So one good shot to the head could equal a bad concussion.

I'd love to see WWE spin letting a concussed Brock work SummerSlam, even if it is a month afterwards.
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