That is udderly embarrassing.
Considering they wrote an article about it on to begin an angle with Triple H, I think it's safe to say it was entirely a work. Thank God.
I was legit shook.
So what does everyone think is going to happen with this Ziggler-Del Rio double turn?
They are probably telling Ziggler that everything will be worth it when the feud is paid off and he beats Del Rio clean for the title at Summerslam or whatever. But in reality, they will change their mind, job the fuck out of him and Del Rio is just a new heel for Sheamus to take out.
So I heard Steph came and shit on all the divas yesterday?
what happened with Del Rio last night? His matches usually go for a good 15 minutes vs Ziggler, vs Big E, vs any other heel he has been facing for the past five months, but suddenly when vs a face Punk he cant go for even a whole 7 minutes.
So I heard Steph came and shit on all the divas yesterday?
So I heard Steph came and shit on all the divas yesterday?
Sunflower's weird. Nothing wrong with the combat in Last of Us. Particularly melee and burning baddies is the best.
Some people are overreacting to Steph turning heel and putting over AJ, while telling her off because of the McMahon power struggle storyline.
AJ called her Boss Lady and stuff, it was rather fun until they gave Kaitlyn the mic and it wasn't so good anymore. But then Kaitlyn's nipple peeked out and AJ did a great job of being angry while being carried to safety by Big E.
Making sure we get another AJ vs Kaitlyn PPV match, also the divas are actually getting promo time and storylines so it's all good.
Sunflower's weird. Nothing wrong with the combat in Last of Us. Particularly melee and burning baddies is the best.
Kaitlin sucks. all she ever does is the double leg takedown and the running hug. isnt she supposed to be wearing pasties anyway to prevent the slip?
It gets repetitive. I'm glad the stealth is there as an option. I'm playing the game as stealthy but falling back on combat when I fuck up or absolutely need it.
Kaitlin sucks. all she ever does is the double leg takedown and the running hug. isnt she supposed to be wearing pasties anyway to prevent the slip?
Running hug?[/IMG
well does she have any other moves at all? im not convinced.
Sounds like Metal Gear. I want to be all peace and love and next thing you know it's RPG time.
Oh..please keep spoilers to a minimum. I plan to play Last of Us finally this weekend!
Story can trump gameplay, but only if the story is really good and the gameplay isn't awful. They have to be pretty close to begin with. I don't think any story can make a shitty game tolerable, though.
I played Enter The Matrix, Path of Neo and that Lost video game. So yes, story > gameplay.
I played Enter The Matrix, Path of Neo and that Lost video game. So yes, story > gameplay.
I'm sure there's an exception to that, but I'm still trying to remember what game was forgiven due to its story. Maaaaybe Silent Hill: Shattered Memories but not...exactly.
Story can trump gameplay, but only if the story is really good and the gameplay isn't awful. They have to be pretty close to begin with. I don't think any story can make a shitty game tolerable, though.
AssCreedBro and beyond, at least in my case.
Wait people are saying The Last of Us looks bad? Game looks fine. I'm only 5 hours in and I haven't burned anyone yet. I have however shived some fools. If you haven't already, invest in a Pulse Elite Headset. Oh man this thing is amazing.
Wait people are saying The Last of Us looks bad? Game looks fine. I'm only 5 hours in and I haven't burned anyone yet. I have however shived some fools. If you haven't already, invest in a Pulse Elite Headset. Oh man this thing is amazing.
The running hug is what Bo Dallas and Edge do. Kaitlyn does the Roman Reigns/Goldberg spear.
I'm sure there's an exception to that, but I'm still trying to remember what game was forgiven due to its story. Maaaaybe Silent Hill: Shattered Memories but not...exactly.
The hyperbole is out of control and half the time the game looks like dogshit. There's serious issues with the game but people think story trumps gameplay, which is crazy.
Last of Us doesn't look bad. It is just when you come from PC gaming and all this talk about how beautiful the game is... my thoughts just end up being "meh, I've seen much better".
That being said, it is a fantastic game. Real fun. I believe (correct me if I am wrong) Sunny also said MGR isn't that great of a game.
I haven't played it, but wasn't Azura's Wrath just a QTE-fest with a story people ended up liking? That and Spec Ops seemed to get a lot of love late last year based solely upon their stories.
You are history's greatest monster![]()
First you destroy the privacy and aura of, now you're not a fan of The Last of Us?! HEATHENFuck Mountain
But I'll wait for the PC version of Revengeance to make an honest judgment.
Actually, I'd like to retract my statement since I loved AssCreed up until 3. The third game is where I would say I kept playing it because of the story. Needless to say, I was beyond disappointed with the ending.
Also Sunflower, you should ask Big Dave Batista for his opinion on TLoU.