Difference between Bryan getting a push and say, Sheamus or Del Rio or whoever, is he's over NOW, imagine how over he'd be with a singles push. Sheamus wasn't over before his megapush, he's mildly over after it.
Sheamus is at an awkward position of upper mid card, where he's too high to have feuds for mid card titles, but not high enough or focused enough to look at the World titles. It's their own fault, but that's where he's stuck for the forseeable future. They gave him their standard dull megapush and the crowd didn't take to him like they wanted (because it's a standard dull push). They wanted him as the number two guy, he's no where near that.
Bryan on the other hand would do gangbusters with a push, justifying a further push that would eventually lead to him being second in the company after Cena. If they ran with him.