Watching Mixed Martial Archie vs Davey Richards. Lol, Mixed Martial Archie's official record - training out of Tank Abbott's Overcompensation Station in Nevada, with 0 wins, 2 losses and 16 draws.
The fans are chanting to Davey "Archie's gonna kill you". Davey goes to shake Archie's hand, but he slaps it away and Davey looks pissed until Archie says "HEY! In MMA, we pound fists!", lol. Archie seems to think he gets a point for every kick he scores on Davey and confirms the kicks landed with the judges at ringside, who look very confused as Davey applies a wrist lock and starts chain wrestling, which they don't seem to know how to score. Davey scores with some chops and goes for a kick, but Archie ducks and declares the end of the first round before retreating to his corner.
And people say Davey Richards can't sell;
Davey is less knocked out that Archie realises and he goes to work with some stiff kicks, before charging Archie in the corner and eating a knee to the face as he shoots for the leg, just like Nakamura vs Sakuraba! Archie heads up top, as so many MMA fighters do, and hits a devastating aerial manoeuvre;
Somehow, Richards manages to escape the guillotine and hits a series of Kawada kicks! Archie is out, but as Richards stands over him Archie grabs a leg lock and hooks Richard's heel! Richards desperately scrambles for the ropes, but Mixed Martial Archie does not recognise rope breaks! The ref tries to pry him off, but Archie thinks he's won and begins a victory lap, only to eat a punt to the face from Richards! Davey goes for the kill, but Archie assumes Crane Style!! Unfortunately, it has little effect;
So much fun. O'Reilly runs out afterwards and attacks Archie, but Elgin & ACH run out to make the save and set up O'Reilly & Davey vs Elgin & ACH. Earlier in the show Zero Gravity wrestled Lyndon & Fontaine, which was a pretty fun opener. Zero Gravity don't stand out much as flippy do's individually, but they have some nice flippy do double teams. Also, Heidi Lovelace from OVW took on the veteran Miss Natural (who is Ken Patera's daughter and totally wrestles like it), which I really enjoyed. Natural controlled the majority of the match and, outside of some of Lovelace's offence, it wouldn't have felt out of place on an 80's wrestling TV show.