Surely you can see the difference in value to the company of Kofi compared to Riley?
In four years John Cena will be 40.
in a little over 4 so will I :'(
Surely you can see the difference in value to the company of Kofi compared to Riley?
Oh my god, just read what the japanese press has called Titan's awesome handspring backflip headscissors cradle: Titanics
Best name ever
I'm watching Green Lantern for some reason and Ryan Reynolds is Fandangoing
I've been reading Green Lantern (and some other lantern ish too, I like Red) and it never fails, I prefer space/cosmic stories far beyond anything earth-based by any publisher.
but I also really loved Animal Man and Swamp Thing.
Kofi is a midcarder amongst midcarders
I wonder if Omega would go back to WWE now that it's not a 'WWE wrestler factory' developmental.
Oh no. David Hayter had been replaced by a good actor. How terrible.
Aiii said:Kojima is the worst.
I wonder if Omega would go back to WWE now that it's not a 'WWE wrestler factory' developmental.
BAKAYARO! You take that back!
This is all I have to say about the subject. Put fanboyism aside and look at the facts. Voice acting in games has only gotten better since 1998. It's not a stretch to say that Hayter wasn't cutting it anymore. Also, BB was already recast in MGS4. People sound different as they get older. On top of that, it makes no sense that Big Boss and Snake sound EXACTLY the same, especially considering Liquid and Solidus sound completely different.Kiefer is overrated, but that is beside the point. You don't recast a role after 15 years of the same guy doing it. It's like if Lucas replaced James Earl Jones between Empire and Jedi, you can't do this.
Hmm, Ring of Honor are running ROH vs SCUM in a Steel Cage Warfare match...the day after the Best in the World iPPV at the TV taping :|
That would've been a good attraction for a weak-looking iPPV.
I don't know if it will do anything for their tv honestly.
I'll tune in to watch that episode, like I did for the Ishimori vs Strong match, but the trouble is I won't keep watching beyond that - there's just something off about the TV shows presentation, I find it hard to care.
How far the Konami conference has fallen.
This is all I have to say about the subject. Put fanboyism aside and look at the facts. Voice acting in games has only gotten better since 1998. It's not a stretch to say that Hayter wasn't cutting it anymore. Also, BB was already recast in MGS4. People sound different as they get older. On top of that, it makes no sense that Big Boss and Snake sound EXACTLY the same, especially considering Liquid and Solidus sound completely different.
It's 2013. People in charge of casting decided it was time for a change. Give it a shot before acting like it's some horrible travesty. Sutherland might actually bring some new life to the character if you give it a god damned chance.
Now I'm requesting a gif of the two wrestlers chest slapping each other during the conference.
Good god what a trainwreck that entire thing was.
It's the roster for me. They just don't have the star quality that ROH used to have. Of course, ROH kind of lost their hold on having the best in the indies and being where people want to go a while ago.
WWE officials are planning for Daniel Bryan to challenge John Cena for the WWE Championship in the main event of this year's Money in the Bank pay-per-view. The match will be a babyface vs. babyface match. Current plans call for it to be a babyface vs. babyface match.
WWE Money in the Bank 2013 takes place on July 14th from Philadelphia, PA.
Well it was fun while it lasted you guys......
I mean if Bryan is winning at MiTB (Huge if), we might as well see July as the smark PPV month with Ziggler and Punk winning those times. Still think it's a bad idea though.
That's too bad. D. Bry and Shield do good work.