Lambda Pie
reminding fellow wrassle gaffers:
there's a good 90% chance Lashley gonna win.

there's a good 90% chance Lashley gonna win.
Has Lashley ever had a fight against someone who wasn't a can?
So who here is getting a Xbox One?
So who here is getting a Xbox One?
I'd be more inclined to buy a PS4 because my PS3 is my default media box. It's where I watch most of my Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Instant Video at.
Another thing, paying for online. Have Microsoft confirmed whether or not that particular nugget of bullshit will be returning?
I'm never far from a tablet or computer screen and they're so much quicker, but everyone has what they're comfortable with and usually use. I'm glad all systems let you do this shit, but it's not a requirement.
It ain't goin away, but party chat is worth it to me. Depends on what makes it worth it for you. Seeing feedback received and knowing shitbags I encounter online are being dealt with directly due to your feedback is a pretty awesome thing.
That actually worked?
I got bad feedback whenever I beat someone on computer games. I remember giving one guy bad feedback, and his 'stars' went from 2 to 5!
Man I feel almost obliged to get games of Thrones now, but it's like 50 bucks a pop
I just feel like I'm the only dude not watching.
At least I'm caught up with Breaking Bad. That was one heck of a marathon.
Man I feel almost obliged to get games of Thrones now, but it's like 50 bucks a pop
I just feel like I'm the only dude not watching.
At least I'm caught up with Breaking Bad. That was one heck of a marathon.
MS doesn't have enough money to pay me to get an Xbone.
I'm all for digital remasters, but some films just suit the natural film grain. It's why modern horrors are so dull and 'safe', they simply look too clean visually.
Also, I'm looking forward to playing Yakuza 3, 4 & Dead Souls soon.
All quality, IF YOU LIKE SHENMUE. If you don't like Shenmue, don't touch the precious. Yakuza seriously is the natural evolution of what Shenmue is, to me. So good. And of course For Faith from Y4 is just <3
It ain't goin away, but party chat is worth it to me. Depends on what makes it worth it for you. Seeing feedback received and knowing shitbags I encounter online are being dealt with directly due to your feedback is a pretty awesome thing.
All quality, IF YOU LIKE SHENMUE. If you don't like Shenmue, don't touch the precious. Yakuza seriously is the natural evolution of what Shenmue is, to me. So good. And of course For Faith from Y4 is just <3
Read the books damnit.
As far as Arnold movies go, I don't even think Predator is over the top. You go 5-6 years in either direction and it is probably the most grounded and realistic Arnold movie during that time period. Even with a giant alien with a vagina face and green blood.
I just don't understand why they can't make online gaming free and separate from their Gold service. The idea of paying to play any game online that isn't subscription based is obnoxious to me. The fact that you can purchase a brand new, full retail price game and be completely unable to access the multiplayer portion without first giving money to a 3rd party is just wrong.
I wasn't going to get a Wii U but I gotta get Bayonetta 2 and Sonic Lost World actually looks awesome.
Also Stallone > Arnold BUT I love both a lot.
Both >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Rock.
I've been playing the Yakuza series since the first one. I remember renting it at Hollywood Video, it was like one of those 'eh I'll check this out. I like GTA' moments. over 200 hours of playtime with the whole series later...
I really enjoyed Shenmue, so I'm looking forward to these.
Fuck, I'll never finish them.
Hayter sucks ass as an actor, but ultimately, all the Hollywood acting in the world isn't going to make any of Kojima's wacky-ass writing make any damn sense, friends.
Because people will pay for it, I'm part of the problem!
So who here is getting a Xbox One?
Yeah, and now we're stuck with it. Great.
Here's hoping Sony continue to see sense, they've already proved people will be willing to subscribe to a premium service without having multiplayer locked away behind a pay-wall.
It's funny, with the OXBox I was so hoping Microsoft could fill the void left by SEGA leaving the console market, but everything they've done since the 360 onwards has left me disappointed in that regards.
I miss the Dreamcast![]()
I prefer to own my stuff for many reasons.
I still LAN SOCOM 2 with friends from time to time. With X1, every game is going to be unplayable when X2 launches. If I want to, I can go play PS1 games right now.
Plus Microsoft can say they have 15 exclusives and half of them are first party, but 360 was the same. A bunch of exclusives the first 2 years, and then GearsHaloFableForza for the next 5. In the 12 years Microsoft has been in the console business, they have yet to prove they're consoles are worth owning. Party chat isn't worth $60 a year for. There's Skype/Mumble and all this other stuff for free
Theres only one right answerNow is the perfect time to grab hold of titles you missed out on this gen. For both consoles. Or even PC.
(so scared of being an advocate for ANYTHING now)
Iono, kojima has already said that using keifer has allowed him to shorten kaz are you ok? to just Kaz?Hayter sucks ass as an actor, but ultimately, all the Hollywood acting in the world isn't going to make any of Kojima's wacky-ass writing make any damn sense, friends.
The only thing that helps Kojima's writing is for the gamer to load up on a couple grams of psilocybin mushrooms before playing.
Sunny, i demand a trios match!lol teammask embarassing
Microsoft is kind of acting like they don't realize who early adopters are. I'll probably end up getting a XBOne at some point down the line, but I think the first couple of years of the console are going see some policy shifts.
Sega's been doing their part with HD ports, even a lot of Saturn work. I haven't been disappointed and Sega is actually doing really well from a fan perspective in giving us what we want. But, yknow...Shenmue 3 is but a dream...
It's just not the same since they closed/merged the traditional SEGA studios. Yeah, we got VF, SEGA purchased Total War and Yazuka's been pretty great (even if they didn't translate Kenzan, assholes!), but nothing they've done this gen has matched their output last gen, imo - Smilebit in partciular fucking KILLED it on the OXBox with Panzer Dragoon Orta & Jet Set.
Sunflower said:I miss Orta so much.
And which jobbers are in those cliche action film titles?