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June Wrasslin' |OT| Welcome to the Family, Disregard my Brother


Bummed the Chikara show is tomorrow and not tonight. Working every Sunday sucks.

How long 'til SmartMark usually has their events up to buy?
DustinC said:
Bummed the Chikara show is tomorrow and not tonight. Working every Sunday sucks.

How long 'til SmartMark usually has their events up to buy?

It should be up to watch on demand the next day via www.smvod.com and then shortly after it'll be available as a downloadable MP4 on www.smartmarkvideo.com, but they may hold off on the MP4 release until whenever the DVDs are ready for sale, which will probably be a week or two after the show (unless SMV pull off one of their rare/miraculous 24hr DVD turnarounds).

Next you're gonna tell me that Bootaaay and ***_****** aren't Texans.

Boy, do I sound like I'm from Texas? *spits tobaccy*
Omega & Ricochet are such a perfect pairing. Really wish they could team regularly.


Also, I love the Croyt's Wrath;

No bs tonight's Evolve show and Thirsday nights are two of the best they've done. Fun crowd tonight, only down match was vandal vs dorado because vandal got hurt early. Highly recommend both.
I forgot to take a picture but I saw a Sin Cara figure and he is already wearing a sling.

They had Ryback in a two pack with Jinder Mahal. For some reason I found that hilarious.

also in a rumbler two pack was the Rock and.....Mr. H's. Even in a toy line HHH leeches of the rock to try and get more over.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Tumblr is for middle schoolers, I'd stay away


No One Remembers
I'd be inclined to agree with that assessment. However, I am super fortunate that I met a really awesome woman off Tumblr who I'm very into. So it has it's perks occasionally. But yo, those poems!

How the heck do you meet a girl off Tumblr?!

(Are you talking about SailorSwayze!? SHE'S MINE!)


I'd be inclined to agree with that assessment. However, I am super fortunate that I met a really awesome woman off Tumblr who I'm very into. So it has it's perks occasionally. But yo, those poems!

Shes gonna dump you for that one guy in One Direction. No not him, the other one. Yeah, that guy right there.

I'm just kidding go make beautiful mermaids.


How the heck do you meet a girl off Tumblr?!

(Are you talking about SailorSwayze!? SHE'S MINE!)

I started talking to her a little more than a month ago. She's talking about something on her tumblr, I sent her an anonymous message about it. There was a back-and-forth and she was like "hey, stop being anonymous." So I did and we talked for a bit. I thought it went pretty abysmally because I'm a fuckin' lame. But she gave me her number out of the blue, and now we talk super regularly. I can't say for certain that she's as interested in me as I am in her, but she's a really wonderful person and we're friends at least, which is okay with me.

It isn't Swayze. She's cool though but a wrestlin' friend type of cool.

Shes gonna dump you for that one guy in One Direction. No not him, the other one. Yeah, that guy right there.

I'm just kidding go make beautiful mermaids.

That's shockingly accurate.

I wouldn't say all that but thank you? I enjoy talking to her and she enjoys talking with me so we'll see, I guess!


Tumblr is the first thing thats made me really feel old and bad at the internet. I can't tell what the fucks going on and what bands kids now are listening too.

Its all downhill from here isn't it?


lmao I would not even care in the least I don't even know why you thought it was memorable enough to post here in the first place.

I made the image for myself and posted it here just because with the added URL.

See, I plan to get the girl I like into wrestling because I'm going to be a wrestler, and I'll use those to woo her. You might be thinking, "but Brian Shark, those are TERRIBLE and only endearing if you're big into wrestling!" And you're absolutely right. But I have it on good authority that cheesy humor is something she's okay with and kinda likes. I just need her to understand the context first.


Neo Member
Tumblr is the first thing thats made me really feel old and bad at the internet. I can't tell what the fucks going on and what bands kids now are listening too.

Its all downhill from here isn't it?

Tumblr is the absolute worst

but I've made so many ties in the past 4 years or so on it I can't just leave.
NXT is simply the best wrestling product out there right now. It has the best indie talent, the best production quality, the best commentary amd the best people backstage.

And it is only getting better in the coming months as WWE is about to employ pretty much every promising young talent in the world as they expand their developmental.

What kind of horrendous world do you live in? One where WWE is the only promotion on the planet? NXT is a decent show but come on.

Anyway, I just caught up and holy shit at the


What kind of horrendous world do you live in? One where WWE is the only promotion on the planet? NXT is a decent show but come on.

That's the world I live and NXT is the best!




What does that image mean?


Neo Member
the SHIP gif was like them saying that they 'shipped' barrett and sandow like RELATIONSHIP-i really don't want to explain shipping please lord.


You can get better shows elsewhere, yes.....but WWE has the stars, brand name and production values to compete with.

The current NXT brand represents the best of those three attributes to an indie wrestling fan.


I wanted to contribute this Smackdown from 1999. I don't know if its been posted yet. But this show was insane.


This is damned entertaining. Running rambling commentary on it:

Opening music and the old HHH theme (and him coming down to the ring with Chyna) got me right in the nostalgia. Felt like I was in junior high again.

Triple H has a lot in common with modern day Cena when it comes to promos--takes about 20 minutes off the front of the show saying next to nothing and he tries to trade up on his opponents' popularity (nabbing Rock's 'jabronis' and making fun of his catch phrases) but at least H has the decency to take a beating at the end of it. Cena has more charisma, but less to say.

Of course, all of this is immensely buoyed up by having Rock and Mankind out there. Even just parroting the same phrases over and over again, it's more entertaining than what we have today. Also a good example of why HHH was never on the level he thought he was--he's getting outclassed by three people doing nothing but paraphrasing the Rock. "Mankind is going to walk down the People's aisle...while his dozens (pause) and dozens of fans chant Mankind's name."

I forgot Big Show and Undertaker were tag champs. Jesus, that tag division. So many former world title holders.

Does every one of Kane's tag team partners have the "I'm not the weak link!" breakdown at the end of their run?

Big Boss Man is an intense asshole on the mic. And it is glorious. He made me care about a hardcore title match based around a dog. And the match is against Al Snow.

I couldn't figure out why the Road Dogg/Jericho match felt so familiar until I remembered WWE '13--this was the FUCKING DIFFICULT chapter 6 match. Whoever decided WWE '13 can handle having 'powerbomb through a table' as an acceptable win condition should be fired.

Fun match aside from resurrecting gaming nightmares. The wrestling was sloppy, but fast. Wrestlers today feel so slow by comparison. They were hitting even the big moves like suplexes just 1-2-3. And it worked.

Jericho had a busy night. Losing to Road Dogg by DQ and then immediately afterward, convincing Howard Finkel to act like an idiot so Jericho can chairshot Shamrock then ham it up like a Saturday morning cartoon villain on the escape. I half expected a whoop-whoop-whoop sound effect when he started running.

Steph looks so young. She's got a very naive, childlike quality about her. Engagement be damned, I'm kind of creeped out watching Test kiss her in the ring.

Oh God, chairshots to the head. I'd forgotten this was something so common they used them on Smackdown.

"Mr. Sucko" Did Shane-o Mac ever have a t-shirt that didn't suck?

So, what was the deal with Test at this time? He was engaged to Steph until the weird non-consensual HHH wedding and then his time in the spotlight hit a brick wall. It doesn't feel like it was supposed to go that way. Was it an aborted push or what?

The Rock's block against suplexes is about as poor as his sharpshooter. He just raises his knee about three inches. How hard is it to hook your leg around your opponent's, Rock?

Crowd was on fire for everything. Signs everywhere. Every chant was loud. It feels right.

Can't downplay the importance of JR and King. Best commentary pairing in wrestling history. They strike the right mix of excitement, glee (JR's reaction to having a title match on Smackdown is an excited "All right!") and down to earth play-by-play.

What also feels right? Cussing. Opening promo had several curse words, one of which was bleeped and the crowd let out a few Asshole! chants. It's great. Wrestling needs it. You can't sell lowbrow anger for PG. It doesn't work.

Damn Chyna was hot. Yeah, I said it.
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